Saturday, January 31, 2009
Prayers For...
The subject is sensitive for many...especially here on this site.
With this subject...the conflict in The Holy Land between The Children of Abraham...well, it brings much emotion and heart to the surface of Our Humanity...of which I am one who puts alot of fervor and vinager into it.
I guess I should pray more...as much as I write thoughts concerning the Peoples of The Holy Land and the tragedy of the useless war that just took place in Gaza.
I should pray for peace, justice and healing in Gaza and The West Bank for the Palestinian Peoples.
I should pray for peace, justice and healing within the borders of the political state of Israel for the various Jewish Peoples, the Palestinian Peoples and the foreign nationals who live there.
I should pray for the healing of all those wounded in war in The Holy Land.
I should pray for all those killed in war in The Holy Land.
I should pray for the little ones forever hurt, wounded and injured in The Holy Land.
I should pray for families and individuals in The Holy Land.
I should pray for religious leaders within The Holy Land...be they Christian, Jewish and Muslim.
I should pray for the various political leaders within The Holy Land.
I should pray for the political leaders outside The Holy Land whose actions affect those that live there.
I should pray for the reconstruction, rebuilding and revitalization of Gaza after this terrible and senseless war.
I should pray for the Peace of The Holy Land.
I should ask for the prayers of the Faithful that I can approach this tragedy with a peaceful and loving heart towards all The Peoples of The Holy Land...and in this express the truth...the need for justice...the need for understanding...the need for knowledge...the need for healing...and the need for a real, true and realistic peace.
Pray for Christians, Muslims and Jews of The Holy Land.
Pray for The Children of Abraham...Hebrews and Arabs...that they who live on each side of Abrahams Tent...will come inside for the cup of peace.
And I an unworthy sinner ask for your prayers.
posted by Gary 1:47 AM
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An Apology
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
In the previous postings I have expressed my sincere frustration, hurt, sadness, dismay, and outright anger towards the carnage, death and destruction that has been unleashed time and again against the Palestinian Peoples of Gaza and The West Bank and the Peoples of Lebanon by the government and miltiary forces of the political state of Israel.
While there is much feeling in emotion and words...they do not...I must say...reflect any hatred towards the Jewish Peoples...my words are not Anti-Semite...they are Anti-Israeli Policy and Action...they are against oppression and injustice that is the result of such.
I am aware that in both the Palestinian and Israeli Communities, there are those whose ideals are as extremely deadly, and are equal in a hate filled hate. Certian elements in both groups are guilty of death and destruction and have upon their hands...the Blood of Innocents.
I hope oneday that the moderates on both sides of Abraham's Tent will find a realistic and workable peace to where Arabs and Jews can live together as Cousins should. There are the "War Lords" on both sides and abroad who wish to keep this conflict perpetual.
posted by Gary 1:46 AM
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Innocents Suffer In Gaza
The political state of Israel is killing civilians in Gaza, a land sealed into a prison with fences, razor wire, camera points...a land sealed off by land, air and sea...an Open Air Concentration Camp...
...the Israeli's are conducting military operations that are killing innocent civilians...and the World...and UNFORTUNATELY...my own country sits by and does nothing to halt Israel's mass murder against the Palestinians of Gaza...
...the human toll is that of an out right massacre of civilians...
...let one Israeli child die...and one Israeli adult die...and one IDF soldier die...
...and it's called a "The Holocaust All Over Again"!
...let over 300 Palestinian children die...let 400 Palestinian adults die...let 200 Palestinian militant fighters die...
...and it's called "Collateral Damage"...
...and it's called "Israel"s Survival"...
...and it's called part of "The War on Terror"...
...and it's called "Acceptable"...
...when an Arab child dies...
...when a Jewish child dies...
...when an innocent civilain dies...
...and when a warrior dies...
...the death of a human being is a tragedy and loss for all of us...
...but when a People are targeted for Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide...
...when a People are placed literally into an Open Air Concentration Camp...
...when a People are victim to Mass Murder...
...then it is Humanity that suffers Holocaust...
...it is Humanity that loses Civilization...
...it is Civilization that loses Humanity...
...and it is a Holocaust of Humanity and Civilization...
...then let those who support this, take their Jewish and Christian Scriptures and lay them on the Funeral Fire of This Holocaust...
...for their support, blindness, deafness and silence is the flame that burns Their Scriptures and Their Humanity...
...for they did not protect the Innocents Sacrificed to The Golden Calf of Zionism...
...for they did not see the slaughter, hear the cries nor cry aloud against this flame of hateful death...
...and they are left...looking into the Eyes of The Innocent Dead that lay amongst the ashes of This Holocaust of Palestinians...
...God Have Mercy Upon Us All!
posted by Gary 1:46 AM
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Gaza...Turn The Page
A New Page For The Israelis...
...and it is entitled...
...Policies and Actions Diabolical!...
...a page that tells of death and destruction...
...of an never ending humanitarian crisis of epic scale...
...a story that cries aloud with the funerals and lamentations of innocents lossed and their loved ones...
...a tale of a land held captive...a land held hostage...
...and now...
...of land invaded...
...Gaza and its People...
...the sufferers and victims...
...victims of
...the policies of the Political State of Israel has been for some time to lock down the Gaza Strip and block land, air and sea access. Limiting with great descrimination as to what supplies and relief aid enters. Israel has created a literal Open Air Concentration Camp that greatly out mimics the Ghettos created by the diabolical Nazi's during World War II. This has created an unimaginable humanitarian crisis that defies Civilization...
...and now...action...military action upon a civilian community...a Blitzkrieg Invasion of Gaza...first air assaults...and now the land assault with continued air strikes...with both tactics resulting in a nauseating civilian casuality count...and compare the ratio between casualities between each community...
...look at the Innocents!...see the civilians!...
...look into their eyes and know!...but yet...not know!...
...a disease of collective blindness on part of supporters of the Policies and Actions of Israel's...be it within the Government of The Political State of Israel...and the Zionist Movement within other Lands...especially here in America...a Land vowed to the Equality of All Peoples...but with this Movement, be they Jewish or Evangelical Christian or the secular Political Apparatus...their eyes are scaled over with a Hateful Hate towards Palestinians, Lebanese and all Arab Clans...you know!...Children of Abraham...descendents of Ishmael, you know, the guy loved by God...the kinfolk to Jethro and descendents of Zipporah, wife of Moses...YES!...these Arabs are NOTHING in the Diabolical Senses of Zionism...and thus...they are Subhumans, Collateral Damage, Not Worth a Tear...the Diabolical Nazi's proclaimed the same towards the Jewish Peoples of Europe!...and yet...and now...elements within Israel's Government and Society and their Zionist Nurse Maids are exercising the same Brainwashing in some parts of the world's media...just as Joseph Gobbels proclaimed through his propaganda machine...
...and what is MOST disgusting...the SILENCE in The West, especially America, towards the Innocent Palestinians killed and maimed...BUT!...let one Israeli civilian be injured or killed!?...and The West and America cries "Holocaust" and "Genocide"!...
...ANY Innocent killed, be they Arab or Israeli is an evil as the blackest of black...a Holocaust and Genocide in each person killed...
...the Ethnic Cleansing and The Confiscating and Stealing of Deeded Land is Israeli Policy...
...an Ethnic Cleansing within an Open Air Concentration Camp is called Gaza!...
...but the so called Free Media and Press must bow down to the Sacred Cow of Zionism and not upset the Diabolical Beast that dictates as to what is reported...especially here in the U.S.!...shame be upon this fact! This Golden Calf will meet the same fate as the one at the foot of Mount Sinai!...and as it stands in arrogance and the foulness of its breath stinches the air we all breathe...
...The Zionist Policies and Actions of the Political State of Israel towards the Palestinian Peoples is what it is...
...Lord God of Heaven and Earth, Have Mercy Upon Us All...
posted by Gary 1:45 AM
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A Holy Land
Please Everyone...
...Please pray for the various and diverse Peoples of Georgia and Russia.
Please pray God's Peace to fall as a gentle summer rain upon this land.
Please pray for Holy Church in both Georgia and Russia. For the Patriarchs, bishops, priest and monastics. For the protection of all churches and monastaries and the sanctuary that these holy buildings provide for all peoples during this conflict. Please pray that the courageous leadership of both Patriarchs will bring about a peace seen in the eyes of the world as truly The Hand of God at work...thus giving hope in this old world.
Please pray for all the civilians. For those killed. For those wounded both physically, spiritually and psychologically. For those left homeless and those who fled the fighting, on both sides.
Please pray for the military and militia personnel. That they may exercise mercy and target only military objectives. That they will exercise their skills for survival. For the wounded soldiers. For those killed in action. For the military leadership on both sides.
Please pray for political leadership of both nations. For wisdom, understanding, mercy and the need to end this fighting and to recognize those influences, be they on the outside or within that breathe of perpetual war and the furthing dividing of the Orthodox World.
Please pray that those on the "outside" of this conflict...inparticular...The West will have a true and clear understanding of this region and it's peoples...and this will result in correct policies that will benifit ALL peoples of this...
...A Holy Land.
posted by Gary 1:45 AM
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America Has No Choice
Republican Rightwing Facsism...Democrat Leftwing Liberalism...
...neither of these parties and their agendas are for the American Republic...
...for the American Constitution...
...for the American People...
And there on stage are politicians...
...not statesmen or stateswomen...
...just mouthpieces and cheerleaders for party agendas and ideologies...
...claiming themselves and and their words for the American Citizenry...
...but the rhetoric is hollow and shallow...digested over and over...
...with only keeping their balance of power...that of their parties...
...in place...so as to maintain their Royalty...
...and not that of We The People...
So-called Republican Conservatives...so-called Democrat Liberals...
...are neither serving America nor Its People...
...but the Iceberg that will sink Our Ship...
...Our Nation is in danger of sinking...and these self-serving politicians...
...have their lifeboats...
...and their arrogance...
...and they will be afloat but for a while...
...but the Innocents sacrificed for their Power...
...will cry aloud...
...that will produce a storm that their bloated lifeboats will not withstand...
...and they too, will drown in the misery their power...
...as did The Republic and The Citizenry.
God Have Mercy Upon All Peoples and All Nations
posted by Gary 1:44 AM
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The Real Winner
The real winner in this election...
...whether the Democratic Left or Republican Right wins this warped excercise of Democracy...
...the one who will be crowned winner...
...will be...
...the Political State of Israel...
...the 51st State of The Union...
...the Jewish and Christian Zionist...
...Radical Zionism...
...at the expense of the American People...
...the American Republic...
...the American Constitution...
...and the ultimate victims...
...the Palestinian and Lebanese Peoples...
...Lord Have Mercy Upon Us All...
posted by Gary 1:44 AM
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A Fair Book
I just finished a book by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and it tells of the real situation on the ground in The Holy Land.
It is called, Palestine...Peace Not Apartheid.
Former President Carter presents the political, social and economic conditions of the Palestinian people. He writes of the current status of The Peace Process and its evolution and where it has stalled and where it could go. He speaks of the achievements of those on both sides who have strove to accomplish peace, and those who have been and are obstacles. Mr Carter also lays out a brief history of the current political, economic and military situation in this ancient land. In this book all the major players, both nations and individuals who have thus far affected the landscape. He tells the reader of his desire for peace in this land and of his work both as president and now as private citizen.
But it is very apparent that there are those in America and Israel that are afraid of a private citizen, and it reflects of their fear of the freedom of speech, which they claim to inspouse. He writes from the heart and without fear of the Extreme Right Wingers here in the America and Israel. Of course, the NeoCons have given him hell for writing this book and considers him blasphemous and treasonous against both God and Country...but I wonder which "country" they associate themselves with as "citizens"?...seems to me they are the ones with a question of loyalty...and as for the blasphemy...their making God in their own image is enough to amount to this accusation. Their attacks on Mr Carter and his book is not reflective of the freedoms they claim to defend. An oppostion to their sacred cow of zionism is apparently not included in our Bill of Rights and thus subject to a book burning. Former President Carters efforts to seek a true and realistic peace between The Children of Abraham echoes the words of Christ..."Blessed Are The Peace Makers"...and he humbly acknowledges all of those on both the Israeli and Palestinian sides who have worked for a foundation to peace. He does not boast in his writings. Mr Carter fondly tells of incounters with leaders and private citizens throughout his travels on the search for peace. He tells of his love for Holy Scriptures and his journey to learn of the Peoples of This Ancient and Holy Land.
Palestine...Peace Not Apartheid is a very educational read. Refreshing in the presentation of facts, figures, and personalities. And most importantly...
...of what is possible in The Holy Land.
posted by Gary 1:43 AM
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It Must End!
It Must End!!!
America's "blank check" and "blind" support for the political state of Israel!
Last night I ate at an Arab restaurant here in Knoxville, Tennessee that is ran by Palestinian Muslims. Their pleasent hospitality and warmth made me think of their beloved homeland. Here in Knoxville there is a substantial Palestinian Community, both Christian and Muslim. Many of the Chrisitans have been here since the early 20th Century...as in my hometown of Middlesborough in Southeastern Kentucky where four Lebanese families settled in the late 1890's and their descendents still live in the area today. And in these Southern Mountains the descendents of Abraham live...and yet are still very much part of their Ancient Land...and I saw this in the eyes of a young Palestinian-American...
...and I thought of The Holy Land...of The Palestinian Peoples...of their situation...and being here...I cannot truly imagine what their experience is...
...and the feelings that do occur are that of saddness for loss of life and homes...
...of a very frustrated anger...
...of helplessness on my part...
...of wanting justice and equality...
...of anger towards the Israelis who jusitify their diabolical policies and actions with a religious-ethno-centric policy that results in ethnic cleansing and a racist hateful mindset...
...of a bewilderment towards my own nations policies in regards to both the Palestinians and Jewish Israelis, the Descendents of Abraham, and just how wrongly imbalanced it is...
...of heated anger towards the Israelis when they disregard innocent Arab lives in their attacks and collective punishiment on both Palestinians and Lebanese...which results in mass casualities and deprivations...
...of a confused aggrevation towards the various resistance and militant Palestinian organizations in their attacks upon Israeli citizens that result in the deaths of innocents...
...and finally the sense of being overwhelmingly dismayed, disgusted and disheartend at the hardened hearts and ignorance of the Zionist, both Christian and Jewish here in America...with their pure, blinded, bigoted hate driven agenda that results in a destruction...and calling it peace.
I must realize that the Jewish Peoples have suffered...throughout history...and in the 20th Century at the hands of the devilish Nazi's, the Jews of Europe suffered horrendously...alongside many of their Gentile neighbors...who seem to be forgotten in the telling of the story about the Holocaust. And there have been numerous innocent Israeli Jews who have suffered and died since the establishment of the political state of Israel in 1948 in the various wars with their Arab neighbors...but to exact the sorts of policies that certain elements in the Israeli government does...is akin to that of the those that have perpertrated genocide against the Jews...and when the Christian and Jewish Zionist here in America give support to this...and influence our government's leaders to create "Blank Check" and "Zionism At All Cost" policies that give logistical, financial and immoral support to Radical Zionism...then the destruction and blood of innocent Palestinian will appear on our hands...
...we change our policies that will show a real balanced support to The Children of Abraham...
...to the Palestinian Arabs...both Christian and Muslims...
...and to the Israeli Jews and non-Israeli Jews...
...then a realistic peace is given root...
...and with a new approach by America...
...and exercising it...America will be able to nurture this realistic seed of peace.
posted by Gary 1:43 AM
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Christians in The Middle East
Brothers and Sisters in Christ...
The situation on the ground in The Holy Land and Lebanon for our Arab Brothers and Sisters in Christ is at a critical mass.
The continued policies of the political state of Israel and its zionist supporters, both Evangelical Christian and Jewish here in the U.S., is creating a much difficult enviroment for daily living, economics, connection of family ties, and most importantly worship and access to the Christian holy sites.
Then there is the increasing hardline stance of particular Islamic elements and organizations in the area towards the Native Christians be they Orthodox, Armenian, Coptic, Ethiopian, Roman Catholic or Protestant.
Then what one sees is the suffering humanity of the Arab Peoples. This, with the world watching, some helpless and some participating through one sided, single minded, overpowering policies that affords luxury of a strength induced security for newcomers at the expense of a people who have historically had a "lifetime" on this sacred ground.
The Native Peoples of this Land are a vibrant, strong, cultured, and educated people. With the new arrivals overlooking this and their long presence with blinded eyes of idealism fostered on racism and ethnocentrism...the Arab Peoples...be they Christian or Muslim are sacrificed on the stone of a 'hateful hate'*.
And it is not just the Christians of The Holy Land and Lebanon that suffer in this ancient region. Whether at the bloodied hands of Extreme Zionism or Extreme Islam, I read today on the BBC of the conditions of Christians throughout the Near East. This story broke down the demographics of Christianity in the area. Here is the link, and hope that all will find it interesting and informative. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4499668.stm
The above article speaks not just only of the difficulties of Christians around The Holy Land and the particulars of their complex situation, but addresses the bewildering facts that drive present lives and futures of the various Christian populations in Southwest Asia. It points out in particular the rise of radical elements of Islam in Arab and Iranian society and how this plays in the direction of these Christians.
ALL the Christians in the Middle East need our prayers. This is The Birthplace of Our Faith. The fullfillment of the promise of the coming of Messiah, Al-Masih, The Christ...Our Saviour...He walked upon This Land...Emmanual...God With Us...as He is here in our lives...so too, is He in the lives of Our Brothers and Sisters in The Ancient Land.
written by an unworthy and filthy as rags sinner
*This quote is the title of song written by Natilie Merchant and 10,000 Maniacs
posted by Gary 1:42 AM
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Kosovo and America's Position
My country has made me ashamed due to its official stance over the Kosovo Region of Serbia. Just as the Clinton Administration had no knowledge of The Balkans, nor does the Bush Administration. In its typical superpower mentality, America has abandoned priniciple for a gain to benifit its own selfish interest, and thus sacrificing a nation that helped our pilots and those of other allied nations during World War II and would have proven an ally in the event of a Soviet invasion of Western Europe...and worst of all in the sacrifice...that of a Christian Nation to appease the Wahabist of Saudi Arabia. America...Repent!
The current policies of the U.S. is a throw back to The Cold War, as there are very powerful individuals in Our Republic's Government who still view Russia and its traditional allies as this "Great Boogey Man of The North" that "threatens" the political state of Israel and Western Europe. These individuals hold such sway and are swayed by the Evangelical Christian Zionist and their Jewish Zionist partners that if given the freehand of chance...they would launch an open war against Russia and to be honest with you...all of Eastern Christendom...just because it doesen't agree with the Enlightend Masonic Humanist West...so instead...these "masters" wage a sublime war against Orthodox Russia and those of Orthodox Christendom that challenge The Wests' Encroachment upon these Orthodox Lands.
Some may say this is not the case, not all in The West are bad, but look at some of the Children of Western Thinking...Humanism...Masonry...Zionism...WASP Mythology and American-British-Israelism...and see their goals for what they are...AntiChrist and Its Reign...this when the water boils away and the truth be seen.
These...my words are not against my country...they are against the mindsets and the powers at be who wish to accompany The Enemy on this road to the gate that they think will grant them supremacy over the world...be they are failing to see The Truth...and The Outcome!
Lord Jesus Christ, Have Mercy Upon All Peoples And All Nations.
posted by Gary 1:42 AM
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Republic or Empire?
Is America turning into an Empire?
Is America abandoning The Republic?
Is America shredding The Constitution in a sublime and clandestine fashion?
Is America turning its back on True Freedom?
Is America doped up on The Opium of The People...self absorbing mindsets, sports, and entertainment?
Are The American People...We The People...willing to give up Freedoms for Security...a Security based on the Ideology of Liars?
Will The American People...E Pluribis Unum...Out of Many, One...willing to give Our Freedoms, Our Constitution, Our Government, Our Republic...
...over to Empire and The Diabolical Cohorts of Imperialism?
We The People Must Think!
We are a Republic...not an Empire!
The Essence of Our Republic is falling into the slumber a devilish lullaby sung by those who will destroy We The People.
And when We awaken...all that We are will have been stolen and destroyed.
And they will call it peace.
posted by Gary 1:41 AM
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The Views I Hold
On Views I Hold as a Free Citizen of The Republic
This is the stewy mix of views that make up my "politics" and how some have describe me.
An American
Pro Republic
Anti Empire
Anti NeoConservative
Anti Extremist Liberal
Pro First-Native American
A Granola Conservative
Pro Life
A Common Sensed Libertarian
A Believer in Civil Rights
A Realistic Enviromentalist
A Benevolant Capitalist
A Defender of Workers Rights
A Believer in a Strong and Practial Defense
Anti Zionist
Anti Jihadist Islam
Anti WASP Mythologist
A Semi-Isolationist
Anti Globalist
Anti Communist
Anti Facsist
Against Secret Societies
Anti Secular Humanism
Anti Unadulterated Greed of Corporations
These describe The Views I Hold
posted by Gary 1:40 AM
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Things Dangerous to the USA
Things Dangerous to the USA
Ignorance and lack of education of truths
Those who know not our history...good and bad...and acknowledges it not
Those who know not about The Nation and The American People
The lack of apology to the First Americans
Apathy of The People
The forgetting of The Constitution by We The People
Those who seek to dismantle The Constitution through fear and security
Those who seek to establish Empire...be it Right or Left
The cult of personality with politicians
The putting of party and agenda above the Nation
When Statesmen and Stateswomen act like politicians
Unadulterated Greed of Big Business
Those who disregard the workers and their basic rights
Those who lean toward Socialism and Communism
Those who lean toward Nationalism and Fascism
Those who lean with secret society
Political Correctness from both Left and Right
Racism and ethnocentrism
Secularism and Humanism running amuk
Those who forget to be stewards of Creation and are destroying it
Those who forget the hungry, poor, and widowed, both here and abroad
Politicians who forget their constituents and think of only the money and lobbies
Lobbies with too much access to Our Halls of Congress
The Executive Branch who thinks that they are above The Law of The Land and People
An enempt Legislative Branch weighted down with bueacracy and greed
A Judical branch that listens to party agenda's rather than The Law of The Land
A foreign policy that favors special interest and not that of The Nation like...
The 51st State of The Union...Israel
The 52nd State of The Union...Saudi Arabia
Zionism be it Jewish or Christian
Big Oil
The Military Industrial Congressional Complex
The various forms of The Christian Right
The various forms of the Extremist Anti God Left
Those who love war and not diplomacy
And those who divide Our Land with polarizing politics
Lord Have Mercy Upon Us And All Nations And Peoples
posted by Gary 1:39 AM
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The Real Choice
The Real Choice in all of our elections...
...We The People...
...not party or agenda...
...not Republican nor Democrat...
...not Socialist or Imperialist...
...not conservative nor liberal, or any of their extremist ends...
...the choice is Our Voice...
...it is the True American Ideology of who We are as a Nation...
...a Nation of E Pluribis Unum...
...Out of Many, One...
...The Voice of The American People...
...this is what makes us truly Free...
...Our Voice is The Essence...
...the true essence of Our Republic's government...
...the Founding Fathers established a Government for The People and by The People...
...a Constitutional Republic.,.
...a Representive Democracy...
...that of We The People...
...pray fellow Orthodox Christians for Our American Republic, for the American People...The American Experiment...The American Ideal...that a people out of many peoples can govern themselves...to guarantee Their Freedoms...
...and this is CERTAINLY not guaranteed by party or agenda...
...but by the active participation of the citizenry...
...through being informed, voting, gathering to address issues, keeping our representives at all levels on the straight and narrow, questioning, dissenting, and protesting peacefully...
...by this We are Free...
...to be knowledgable of Our Government...
...to be Citizens...
...The Nations lives and breathes...
...without it...
...The Republic dies...
...and we loose it all...
...and The Empire will step in and destroy We The People, The Constitution, and Our Freedom...
posted by Gary 1:38 AM
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Citizenship...Not Politics
As a Citizen of Our American Republic, and as an Orthodox Christian, I feel a citizen of any nation is called to Citizenship, not Politics. While this is a common and easy word to use...Citizenship, like being a Christian, is not.
We are called to think as Christians, about who we are, where we were, and where it is we are going in our journey. It is the same with Citizenship, we are called to think for ourselves and to exercise ourselves in being participants in our society, not always following a party or agenda. It is in this republic that there is a Constitution that has been established for those before us, those now, and those to come, to exercise being an American, through the Freedoms guaranteed by this most important document. This participation has many avenues, voting, serving, speaking freely...whether amongst a few or in gathering, keeping abreast to the process of government, protesting, questioning, party activity, contacting those who represent us in all levels of government...and sometime calling them on the rug of their activities, and most important of all...thinking for oneself!
Some folks just aren't interested in Citizenship...sports and entertainment is far more worth their attention than the Nation...unless of course, it is like their team sports bandwagon...follow the others in cheers and hoopla's of what is popular in their like mindset...not using their minds.
I am first to point at myself when accusing with the finger...I don't always think, vote, serve, and participate as is the priviledge of being an American Citizen...a Citizen of The American Republic. And it is with such apathy on part of citizens that they loose their freedoms...and thus, The Republic falls, and The Empire emerges victorious...and the foulness of Tyranny arises as dark as the ashes of the smoldering Republic...and all is lost for the American Citizen...especially in this age of the power of mankind to use the ever shrinking world of technology.
We must think...act...and participate with the framework of Citizenship if Our American Republic is to survive.
Just as Orthodox Christianity gives us tools to live daily and to exercise the faith...
...so to does the Constitution of Our Government...the government of We The People.
posted by Gary 1:37 AM
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