Saturday, January 31, 2009
Gaza...Turn The Page
A New Page For The Israelis...
...and it is entitled...
...Policies and Actions Diabolical!...
...a page that tells of death and destruction...
...of an never ending humanitarian crisis of epic scale...
...a story that cries aloud with the funerals and lamentations of innocents lossed and their loved ones...
...a tale of a land held captive...a land held hostage...
...and now...
...of land invaded...
...Gaza and its People...
...the sufferers and victims...
...victims of
...the policies of the Political State of Israel has been for some time to lock down the Gaza Strip and block land, air and sea access. Limiting with great descrimination as to what supplies and relief aid enters. Israel has created a literal Open Air Concentration Camp that greatly out mimics the Ghettos created by the diabolical Nazi's during World War II. This has created an unimaginable humanitarian crisis that defies Civilization...
...and now...action...military action upon a civilian community...a Blitzkrieg Invasion of Gaza...first air assaults...and now the land assault with continued air strikes...with both tactics resulting in a nauseating civilian casuality count...and compare the ratio between casualities between each community...
...look at the Innocents!...see the civilians!...
...look into their eyes and know!...but yet...not know!...
...a disease of collective blindness on part of supporters of the Policies and Actions of Israel's...be it within the Government of The Political State of Israel...and the Zionist Movement within other Lands...especially here in America...a Land vowed to the Equality of All Peoples...but with this Movement, be they Jewish or Evangelical Christian or the secular Political Apparatus...their eyes are scaled over with a Hateful Hate towards Palestinians, Lebanese and all Arab Clans...you know!...Children of Abraham...descendents of Ishmael, you know, the guy loved by God...the kinfolk to Jethro and descendents of Zipporah, wife of Moses...YES!...these Arabs are NOTHING in the Diabolical Senses of Zionism...and thus...they are Subhumans, Collateral Damage, Not Worth a Tear...the Diabolical Nazi's proclaimed the same towards the Jewish Peoples of Europe!...and yet...and now...elements within Israel's Government and Society and their Zionist Nurse Maids are exercising the same Brainwashing in some parts of the world's media...just as Joseph Gobbels proclaimed through his propaganda machine...
...and what is MOST disgusting...the SILENCE in The West, especially America, towards the Innocent Palestinians killed and maimed...BUT!...let one Israeli civilian be injured or killed!?...and The West and America cries "Holocaust" and "Genocide"!...
...ANY Innocent killed, be they Arab or Israeli is an evil as the blackest of black...a Holocaust and Genocide in each person killed...
...the Ethnic Cleansing and The Confiscating and Stealing of Deeded Land is Israeli Policy...
...an Ethnic Cleansing within an Open Air Concentration Camp is called Gaza!...
...but the so called Free Media and Press must bow down to the Sacred Cow of Zionism and not upset the Diabolical Beast that dictates as to what is reported...especially here in the U.S.!...shame be upon this fact! This Golden Calf will meet the same fate as the one at the foot of Mount Sinai!...and as it stands in arrogance and the foulness of its breath stinches the air we all breathe...
...The Zionist Policies and Actions of the Political State of Israel towards the Palestinian Peoples is what it is...
...Lord God of Heaven and Earth, Have Mercy Upon Us All...
posted by Gary 1:45 AM