Saturday, January 31, 2009
A Fair Book
I just finished a book by former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and it tells of the real situation on the ground in The Holy Land.
It is called, Palestine...Peace Not Apartheid.
Former President Carter presents the political, social and economic conditions of the Palestinian people. He writes of the current status of The Peace Process and its evolution and where it has stalled and where it could go. He speaks of the achievements of those on both sides who have strove to accomplish peace, and those who have been and are obstacles. Mr Carter also lays out a brief history of the current political, economic and military situation in this ancient land. In this book all the major players, both nations and individuals who have thus far affected the landscape. He tells the reader of his desire for peace in this land and of his work both as president and now as private citizen.
But it is very apparent that there are those in America and Israel that are afraid of a private citizen, and it reflects of their fear of the freedom of speech, which they claim to inspouse. He writes from the heart and without fear of the Extreme Right Wingers here in the America and Israel. Of course, the NeoCons have given him hell for writing this book and considers him blasphemous and treasonous against both God and Country...but I wonder which "country" they associate themselves with as "citizens"?...seems to me they are the ones with a question of loyalty...and as for the blasphemy...their making God in their own image is enough to amount to this accusation. Their attacks on Mr Carter and his book is not reflective of the freedoms they claim to defend. An oppostion to their sacred cow of zionism is apparently not included in our Bill of Rights and thus subject to a book burning. Former President Carters efforts to seek a true and realistic peace between The Children of Abraham echoes the words of Christ..."Blessed Are The Peace Makers"...and he humbly acknowledges all of those on both the Israeli and Palestinian sides who have worked for a foundation to peace. He does not boast in his writings. Mr Carter fondly tells of incounters with leaders and private citizens throughout his travels on the search for peace. He tells of his love for Holy Scriptures and his journey to learn of the Peoples of This Ancient and Holy Land.
Palestine...Peace Not Apartheid is a very educational read. Refreshing in the presentation of facts, figures, and personalities. And most importantly...
...of what is possible in The Holy Land.
posted by Gary 1:43 AM