Saturday, January 31, 2009
Things Dangerous to the USA
Things Dangerous to the USA
Ignorance and lack of education of truths
Those who know not our history...good and bad...and acknowledges it not
Those who know not about The Nation and The American People
The lack of apology to the First Americans
Apathy of The People
The forgetting of The Constitution by We The People
Those who seek to dismantle The Constitution through fear and security
Those who seek to establish Empire...be it Right or Left
The cult of personality with politicians
The putting of party and agenda above the Nation
When Statesmen and Stateswomen act like politicians
Unadulterated Greed of Big Business
Those who disregard the workers and their basic rights
Those who lean toward Socialism and Communism
Those who lean toward Nationalism and Fascism
Those who lean with secret society
Political Correctness from both Left and Right
Racism and ethnocentrism
Secularism and Humanism running amuk
Those who forget to be stewards of Creation and are destroying it
Those who forget the hungry, poor, and widowed, both here and abroad
Politicians who forget their constituents and think of only the money and lobbies
Lobbies with too much access to Our Halls of Congress
The Executive Branch who thinks that they are above The Law of The Land and People
An enempt Legislative Branch weighted down with bueacracy and greed
A Judical branch that listens to party agenda's rather than The Law of The Land
A foreign policy that favors special interest and not that of The Nation like...
The 51st State of The Union...Israel
The 52nd State of The Union...Saudi Arabia
Zionism be it Jewish or Christian
Big Oil
The Military Industrial Congressional Complex
The various forms of The Christian Right
The various forms of the Extremist Anti God Left
Those who love war and not diplomacy
And those who divide Our Land with polarizing politics
Lord Have Mercy Upon Us And All Nations And Peoples
posted by Gary 1:39 AM