Saturday, January 31, 2009
Republic or Empire?
Is America turning into an Empire?
Is America abandoning The Republic?
Is America shredding The Constitution in a sublime and clandestine fashion?
Is America turning its back on True Freedom?
Is America doped up on The Opium of The People...self absorbing mindsets, sports, and entertainment?
Are The American People...We The People...willing to give up Freedoms for Security...a Security based on the Ideology of Liars?
Will The American People...E Pluribis Unum...Out of Many, One...willing to give Our Freedoms, Our Constitution, Our Government, Our Republic...
...over to Empire and The Diabolical Cohorts of Imperialism?
We The People Must Think!
We are a Republic...not an Empire!
The Essence of Our Republic is falling into the slumber a devilish lullaby sung by those who will destroy We The People.
And when We awaken...all that We are will have been stolen and destroyed.
And they will call it peace.
posted by Gary 1:41 AM