Saturday, January 31, 2009
Innocents Suffer In Gaza
The political state of Israel is killing civilians in Gaza, a land sealed into a prison with fences, razor wire, camera points...a land sealed off by land, air and sea...an Open Air Concentration Camp...
...the Israeli's are conducting military operations that are killing innocent civilians...and the World...and UNFORTUNATELY...my own country sits by and does nothing to halt Israel's mass murder against the Palestinians of Gaza...
...the human toll is that of an out right massacre of civilians...
...let one Israeli child die...and one Israeli adult die...and one IDF soldier die...
...and it's called a "The Holocaust All Over Again"!
...let over 300 Palestinian children die...let 400 Palestinian adults die...let 200 Palestinian militant fighters die...
...and it's called "Collateral Damage"...
...and it's called "Israel"s Survival"...
...and it's called part of "The War on Terror"...
...and it's called "Acceptable"...
...when an Arab child dies...
...when a Jewish child dies...
...when an innocent civilain dies...
...and when a warrior dies...
...the death of a human being is a tragedy and loss for all of us...
...but when a People are targeted for Ethnic Cleansing and Genocide...
...when a People are placed literally into an Open Air Concentration Camp...
...when a People are victim to Mass Murder...
...then it is Humanity that suffers Holocaust...
...it is Humanity that loses Civilization...
...it is Civilization that loses Humanity...
...and it is a Holocaust of Humanity and Civilization...
...then let those who support this, take their Jewish and Christian Scriptures and lay them on the Funeral Fire of This Holocaust...
...for their support, blindness, deafness and silence is the flame that burns Their Scriptures and Their Humanity...
...for they did not protect the Innocents Sacrificed to The Golden Calf of Zionism...
...for they did not see the slaughter, hear the cries nor cry aloud against this flame of hateful death...
...and they are left...looking into the Eyes of The Innocent Dead that lay amongst the ashes of This Holocaust of Palestinians...
...God Have Mercy Upon Us All!
posted by Gary 1:46 AM