Saturday, January 31, 2009
America Has No Choice
Republican Rightwing Facsism...Democrat Leftwing Liberalism...
...neither of these parties and their agendas are for the American Republic...
...for the American Constitution...
...for the American People...
And there on stage are politicians...
...not statesmen or stateswomen...
...just mouthpieces and cheerleaders for party agendas and ideologies...
...claiming themselves and and their words for the American Citizenry...
...but the rhetoric is hollow and shallow...digested over and over...
...with only keeping their balance of power...that of their parties...
...in place...so as to maintain their Royalty...
...and not that of We The People...
So-called Republican Conservatives...so-called Democrat Liberals...
...are neither serving America nor Its People...
...but the Iceberg that will sink Our Ship...
...Our Nation is in danger of sinking...and these self-serving politicians...
...have their lifeboats...
...and their arrogance...
...and they will be afloat but for a while...
...but the Innocents sacrificed for their Power...
...will cry aloud...
...that will produce a storm that their bloated lifeboats will not withstand...
...and they too, will drown in the misery their power...
...as did The Republic and The Citizenry.
God Have Mercy Upon All Peoples and All Nations
posted by Gary 1:44 AM