Saturday, January 31, 2009
Citizenship...Not Politics
As a Citizen of Our American Republic, and as an Orthodox Christian, I feel a citizen of any nation is called to Citizenship, not Politics. While this is a common and easy word to use...Citizenship, like being a Christian, is not.
We are called to think as Christians, about who we are, where we were, and where it is we are going in our journey. It is the same with Citizenship, we are called to think for ourselves and to exercise ourselves in being participants in our society, not always following a party or agenda. It is in this republic that there is a Constitution that has been established for those before us, those now, and those to come, to exercise being an American, through the Freedoms guaranteed by this most important document. This participation has many avenues, voting, serving, speaking freely...whether amongst a few or in gathering, keeping abreast to the process of government, protesting, questioning, party activity, contacting those who represent us in all levels of government...and sometime calling them on the rug of their activities, and most important of all...thinking for oneself!
Some folks just aren't interested in Citizenship...sports and entertainment is far more worth their attention than the Nation...unless of course, it is like their team sports bandwagon...follow the others in cheers and hoopla's of what is popular in their like mindset...not using their minds.
I am first to point at myself when accusing with the finger...I don't always think, vote, serve, and participate as is the priviledge of being an American Citizen...a Citizen of The American Republic. And it is with such apathy on part of citizens that they loose their freedoms...and thus, The Republic falls, and The Empire emerges victorious...and the foulness of Tyranny arises as dark as the ashes of the smoldering Republic...and all is lost for the American Citizen...especially in this age of the power of mankind to use the ever shrinking world of technology.
We must think...act...and participate with the framework of Citizenship if Our American Republic is to survive.
Just as Orthodox Christianity gives us tools to live daily and to exercise the faith...
...so to does the Constitution of Our Government...the government of We The People.
posted by Gary 1:37 AM