Saturday, January 31, 2009
It Must End!
It Must End!!!
America's "blank check" and "blind" support for the political state of Israel!
Last night I ate at an Arab restaurant here in Knoxville, Tennessee that is ran by Palestinian Muslims. Their pleasent hospitality and warmth made me think of their beloved homeland. Here in Knoxville there is a substantial Palestinian Community, both Christian and Muslim. Many of the Chrisitans have been here since the early 20th Century...as in my hometown of Middlesborough in Southeastern Kentucky where four Lebanese families settled in the late 1890's and their descendents still live in the area today. And in these Southern Mountains the descendents of Abraham live...and yet are still very much part of their Ancient Land...and I saw this in the eyes of a young Palestinian-American...
...and I thought of The Holy Land...of The Palestinian Peoples...of their situation...and being here...I cannot truly imagine what their experience is...
...and the feelings that do occur are that of saddness for loss of life and homes...
...of a very frustrated anger...
...of helplessness on my part...
...of wanting justice and equality...
...of anger towards the Israelis who jusitify their diabolical policies and actions with a religious-ethno-centric policy that results in ethnic cleansing and a racist hateful mindset...
...of a bewilderment towards my own nations policies in regards to both the Palestinians and Jewish Israelis, the Descendents of Abraham, and just how wrongly imbalanced it is...
...of heated anger towards the Israelis when they disregard innocent Arab lives in their attacks and collective punishiment on both Palestinians and Lebanese...which results in mass casualities and deprivations...
...of a confused aggrevation towards the various resistance and militant Palestinian organizations in their attacks upon Israeli citizens that result in the deaths of innocents...
...and finally the sense of being overwhelmingly dismayed, disgusted and disheartend at the hardened hearts and ignorance of the Zionist, both Christian and Jewish here in America...with their pure, blinded, bigoted hate driven agenda that results in a destruction...and calling it peace.
I must realize that the Jewish Peoples have suffered...throughout history...and in the 20th Century at the hands of the devilish Nazi's, the Jews of Europe suffered horrendously...alongside many of their Gentile neighbors...who seem to be forgotten in the telling of the story about the Holocaust. And there have been numerous innocent Israeli Jews who have suffered and died since the establishment of the political state of Israel in 1948 in the various wars with their Arab neighbors...but to exact the sorts of policies that certain elements in the Israeli government does...is akin to that of the those that have perpertrated genocide against the Jews...and when the Christian and Jewish Zionist here in America give support to this...and influence our government's leaders to create "Blank Check" and "Zionism At All Cost" policies that give logistical, financial and immoral support to Radical Zionism...then the destruction and blood of innocent Palestinian will appear on our hands...
...we change our policies that will show a real balanced support to The Children of Abraham...
...to the Palestinian Arabs...both Christian and Muslims...
...and to the Israeli Jews and non-Israeli Jews...
...then a realistic peace is given root...
...and with a new approach by America...
...and exercising it...America will be able to nurture this realistic seed of peace.
posted by Gary 1:43 AM