Saturday, January 31, 2009
The Views I Hold
On Views I Hold as a Free Citizen of The Republic
This is the stewy mix of views that make up my "politics" and how some have describe me.
An American
Pro Republic
Anti Empire
Anti NeoConservative
Anti Extremist Liberal
Pro First-Native American
A Granola Conservative
Pro Life
A Common Sensed Libertarian
A Believer in Civil Rights
A Realistic Enviromentalist
A Benevolant Capitalist
A Defender of Workers Rights
A Believer in a Strong and Practial Defense
Anti Zionist
Anti Jihadist Islam
Anti WASP Mythologist
A Semi-Isolationist
Anti Globalist
Anti Communist
Anti Facsist
Against Secret Societies
Anti Secular Humanism
Anti Unadulterated Greed of Corporations
These describe The Views I Hold
posted by Gary 1:40 AM