Saturday, January 31, 2009
Prayers For...
The subject is sensitive for many...especially here on this site.
With this subject...the conflict in The Holy Land between The Children of Abraham...well, it brings much emotion and heart to the surface of Our Humanity...of which I am one who puts alot of fervor and vinager into it.
I guess I should pray more...as much as I write thoughts concerning the Peoples of The Holy Land and the tragedy of the useless war that just took place in Gaza.
I should pray for peace, justice and healing in Gaza and The West Bank for the Palestinian Peoples.
I should pray for peace, justice and healing within the borders of the political state of Israel for the various Jewish Peoples, the Palestinian Peoples and the foreign nationals who live there.
I should pray for the healing of all those wounded in war in The Holy Land.
I should pray for all those killed in war in The Holy Land.
I should pray for the little ones forever hurt, wounded and injured in The Holy Land.
I should pray for families and individuals in The Holy Land.
I should pray for religious leaders within The Holy Land...be they Christian, Jewish and Muslim.
I should pray for the various political leaders within The Holy Land.
I should pray for the political leaders outside The Holy Land whose actions affect those that live there.
I should pray for the reconstruction, rebuilding and revitalization of Gaza after this terrible and senseless war.
I should pray for the Peace of The Holy Land.
I should ask for the prayers of the Faithful that I can approach this tragedy with a peaceful and loving heart towards all The Peoples of The Holy Land...and in this express the truth...the need for justice...the need for understanding...the need for knowledge...the need for healing...and the need for a real, true and realistic peace.
Pray for Christians, Muslims and Jews of The Holy Land.
Pray for The Children of Abraham...Hebrews and Arabs...that they who live on each side of Abrahams Tent...will come inside for the cup of peace.
And I an unworthy sinner ask for your prayers.
posted by Gary 1:47 AM