Monday, November 20, 2006
A Few Ogalings
The Palestinians have found a good weapon in defecting an Israeli airstrike...and it must be said that the Israeli approach to call ahead of an airstrike is very humane...and the Palestinians protecting their own is very human...may these cousins throught the Patriarch Abraham find a true peace in each other by the power of The Lord Almighty.
Just maybe, Our Nation will change the course in Iraq...and find a peace with Heavens Help.
And maybe the American People will stay awake for the ongoing political process called a represented democracy...or the essence of the republic will lull away to an endless sleep.
May the NeoConservatives find change in their ideas of true freedom.
May the Extremist Liberals find the truth concerning the American Way.
May the American People find the truths of world history thru a path of discovery...and that America is not the only good nation on our little planet.
May The Creator and Ruler of All protect Our Troops and the innocent Iraqi peoples and all innocents the world over.
And may the American Government...Our Government...find it in their hearts and Our Voices to apologize to the First Americans and BEG for forgiveness.
And may all mankind find a real sense of thanksgiving in their hearts.
posted by Gary 9:18 PM
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Friday, October 20, 2006
Alot of thinking...
...actually too much time thinking...
...and these thoughts fly about in my head...bouncing from wall to wall...
...and sometimes settling for a moments peace...
...then off to flying about...
...only to give birth to new or add to old...
...alot of thinking!
posted by Gary 7:32 PM
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Tuesday, October 17, 2006
...So here's a continuing with my rambled-ridden-mispelled-shoutin's!
...you know America will stand before The Judgement Seat Of God Almighty...and she will tremble...
...absolute truths mean nothing in Our American Society...it's a free for all frenzy of desensitized-information-overload of reaching out for "something"!...
...and finding nothing!...
...under the banner of "FREEDOM" do all shout...
...but only to drown out realities and truths...
...screaming "FREEDOM!"...it ebbs away...stolen...forgotten...apathetically placed on a dusty shelf...
...with one day the Citizenry crying out..."what happened?!"..."not us!"...
...then...with a realization...it will shine to all!
posted by Gary 7:39 PM
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Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Long may the American People...E Pluribus Unum...may they taste True Freedom...
We are a good people...
...may we not loose Our Constitution...
...Our Republic...
...Our Represented Democracy...
...Our sense of who we are...
...Our sense of who "WE THE PEOPLE" are...
...for if We do...then The Essense of Americans will vanish...
...We Must Think...
posted by Gary 6:53 PM
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Saturday, September 16, 2006
I have made additions to the last blog posting concerning the Neo-Conservatives. I hope that all four of those who read the High Horse will appreciate the read...or find the antacid.
posted by Gary 3:42 PM
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Saturday, September 09, 2006
Neo-Conservatives are nothing more than Christian-Zionist who seek to turn America into a Theocratic Fascist Empire.
They are enemies of Our Constitutional Republic and wish to destroy Our Represented Democracy.
According to them, questioning or protesting the Bush Administration and its NeoCon cohorts in "Our" Congress, their political and religious views, policies, and actions amounts to treason, is against their ideas of freedom, unpatriotic, unAmerican, and those who freely express themselves can either love America or leave it!...which is one of the most stupid-assed things that I have ever heard...better yet they would love to place those who dissent on "Our" Governments watch list...and one day maybe even placing these unAmericans is prison. Their ideas are horrific shades of Authoritarianism and Toltalitarianism...guessing they have forgotten Hilter and Stalin.
They believe in giving a U.S. President unlimited powers...thus making Him or Her a Royal Dictator.
They will NEVER apologize to The First Americans for "Our" Governments genocide and ethnic cleansing. They are prideful, puritanical, stiff-lipped-and-necked WASPZ!
Their ideals of America are WASP mythology, and still fosters the ideas of "The White Mans Burden".
They view that America, Great Britian, and the state of Israel are the only nations that are on Gods side.
They feel that their Christian Zionist Eschatology is the only road, religiously, politically, and militarily to Heaven during The End Times.
They cry aloud from their rooftops...usually the roofs of their Churches...Zionism at all costs!
They are very anti-Arab, therefore, ANTI-SEMITE!, forgeting that there are millions of Arab Christians in the Near East, and that Arabs are Children of Abraham, and that Moses' wife Zipporah, Daughter of Jethro, was a Bedouin Arab, and that long before their barbarian ancestors in Northern Europe who were still painting their bodies blue, beheading their enemies with zeal, and worshipping idols...long before their ancestors converted to Christianity...that millions of the Arabs were deeply entrenched in the Christian Faith.
They promote that making big money, unadulterated capitalism through the greed of corporations, and prosperiety theology are good Christian values.
They seem to hate Gods Creation, the enviroment, and poison it without any remorse.
They are anti-life, because they'll bomb and shoot the hell out of anyone who disagrees or stands in their way. Native Americans and Arabs can attest to this.
They feel that American Christianity is more related to the Early Church, than those historical and liturgical Churches that are still in their place of origin.
They enjoy and embrace secret societies that are bent on destroying the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Churches. Of course, secret societies replace liturgy with their own esoterical rituals...in other words...they have "mass" in their secretive dens of satanic worship.
They are still protesting against the Vatican and its influence in the Christian World.
They look at Russia still as this evil anti-God empire that will attempt to destroy America, the U.K., and Israel...forgetting...or not even acknowledging the Holocaust of 30 million Christians by the Communist behind the second "Iron Curtain". Of course most of these Christians were Orthodox and Roman Catholics...nominal Christians in their view, and acceptable collateral damage.
With their contemptious views of the Russians and their Slavic and Byzantine cousins. They convienently and publicly forget the real front line battles between Christendom and Islam in the Balkans and Caucasus Region. Kosovo, Southern Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Cyprus, The Holy Land, Lebanon, Egypt, Serb enclaves in Bosnia, and the Russian/European Christian population pockets throughout the former Soviet Republics in Central Asia. Here, Christians face Islamic Jihadist threats whether directly or indirectly. Here, in these "Christian Frontiers", bounties are placed on the heads of Orthodox Christian Priest, Russian soldiers are Martyred because they refuse to deny Christ The Lord and His Church. Here, Jihadist force normally peaceful Muslim populations to hate and attack their Christian neighbors they once lived peacefully beside. Here ancient Christian sites, Churches and Monastaries, are sacked, desecrated, and razed to the ground. Here, Christian populations are ethnically cleansed from the land. HERE, THE NEO-CONSERVATIVES IGNORE AND FORGET!
They also ignore Christians who are politically and economically on the Left...but are socially, morally, and militarialy on the Right to Center.
But...they certainly let you know what is best to ignore and forget. For their ideology is really politically correct..."We are Right! And you are damned and wrong!".
The Neo-Conservative, Extremist Right Winger, Theo-Political, WASP, Chrisitan/Zionist, will destroy Our Dear American Republic, and dismantle the Constitution and Our Represented Democracy.
May The Lord of Heaven and Earth, The Lord Almighty, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit...Have Mercy Upon the American People and the American Nation.
posted by Gary 4:37 PM
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Saturday, July 29, 2006
I am so SICK AND TIRED of aggression of the 51st State of The Union!
And I am so damn sick of the White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestant-Zionist-Disspensationalist-Evangelical-Christian "blank check support" to the 51st State, and the Bush Administration!
They call and refer to themselves and Israel as "Godly"...but just look at the casualties and destruction!
"Godly" my ass!
Look at the INNOCENTS!!!
Children, women, the elderly, young men!!!
For the Zionist in Israel and the U.S.!!!...and the Evangelical Christian WASPZ!!!
Well both groups are doing Mephestopholeses' work!!!
Just by fullfilling their own diabolical desires, are they dragging the world into perpetual war and madness...
Have the Jewish People suffered throughout history?...YES!...should the Jews protect themselves?...YES!...but has not the entire race of Mankind suffered horrible persecutions, whether based on race, clan, tribe, or religion?...YES!...sometimes certain portions of the Jewish People, their politics, and that of their WASPZ supporters really make for an arrogant and obnoxious concoction of digested onions, with an overbearing on their sufferings, as if no other peoples has felt such histories.
And I get so sick of "you can't criticize or say anything bad about the Jews or the state of Israel, if you do, then you are an anti-Semite!"...horseshit!...it's funny that anyone with pro-Israel feelings can call an Arab (Christian or Muslim) a "sandnigger", a "towelhead", or a "cameljockey" and get away with it!?...don't these ignorant belly-shuffling-bafoons realize that Arabs are children of Abraham?...that Moses' wife Zipporah, daughter of Jethro, was a Bedouin Arab...and that the Arab Peoples are Semite!?...and that ALL mankind is made in the image of He Who Is?!
May The Creator and Ruler of All...Father...Son...Holy Spirit Have Mercy Upon Us All
posted by Gary 5:10 PM
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Monday, July 17, 2006
The Israeli military and government should concentrate only on Hizbollah targets...not the Lebanese people nor its fragile Syrian-free government. Israel is once again making life extremely difficult for the average Arab civilian. The U.S. and the International Community should press harder against both Israel and Hizbollah for an end to these hostilities.
posted by Gary 4:30 PM
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Monday, July 10, 2006
The last statement...mmm...on Jihad...it being a scourge from above...
...think about it...the continious rise of Islam...the decline of Christianity in Western Europe as secularism and materialism rise to replace it...and in North America...Western Christendom slips very slowly away...
...in the Holy Land, the secular Israelis rule the day...with brute force...
...in the former East Bloc...well two things...while the ravages of communism is still being felt in the aftermath of its demise, wherein corruption, organized crime, poverty, and drugs affect those societies...the Holy Christian Faith is Rising as a Phoenix...these ancient Christian Lands are tasting their Christian histories...alive then...and alive now...and alive is the conflict between Christendom and Islam...the frontlines still in the Caucaus Region, Central Asia, and the Balkan Pennisula...the Russians, Serbs, Georgians and others combat daily the spread of Islam...and their fight is a fight for survival, a real war of defense...that is...well, to be expected...and allowed from above...because the Faith is threatened...
...in the West...it too, may be allowed from above...and the expectation is a bit different however...the Faith is not "directly" threatened...it's in danger from the flanks as it were...you see, the West is moving away from the Historical Faith, the Historical Bride of Christ...it embraces secularism and materialism alongside its "new" version and answer to Christianity, and its "Multiple Faced-Liberal-Interpret As You Wish-Zionist-Disspensationalilst-Christianity" that directs and influences the actions of individuals, organizations, and governments on the current road of history...
...with its own Christianity, and worldliness...Western Civilization...the material English Speaking World (WASPZ), and secular Western Europe is finding Islam striking as a "Scourge From Heaven"...just as Genghis Khan told the King of France in the 1200's of himself as he began the Mongol Invasion of Europe...and to the Europeans of the day...the Mongols were the Minions of AntiChrist unleashed upon The Holy Church and all of Christendom...they were The Tartars...The Devilish Horsemen...A Scourge From Above...
...We Must Think...
posted by Gary 7:13 PM
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Saturday, July 08, 2006
Jihad is a scourge from above.
posted by Gary 5:23 PM
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Monday, July 03, 2006
posted by Gary 7:50 PM
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Saturday, July 01, 2006
Again On The Israelis And Palestinians
Both sides have a right to defend themselves!
But Israel is killing and hurting innocent Palestinian civilians.
Remember the young ten year old girl on the beach who lost her familiy to an Israeli shell.
By attacking the main power facility in Gaza, the Israelis are destroying a normal life for the normal Palestinian, be they Muslim or Christian.
The Israeli soldier should be freed.
As INNOCENT Palestinians in Israeli prisons.
The U.S. should pressure BOTH sides, and have a more even-handed approach in it's policy. This is the problem for America, it's to pro-Israeli, it listens to the Evangelical Christians and the various Pro-Zionist Israel Lobbies.
The U.S. should value both Peoples of The Holy Land, and value the security of each.
posted by Gary 5:09 PM
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Tuesday, June 27, 2006
In The Holy Land
The Israelis are once again making life for the average Palestinian civilian a miserable lot...
...they are fanning the flames of Arab hatred against them...
...and the Hamas led government is too adding fuel to these fires...
...YES...the Israelis should defend themselves!...
...AGAINST MILITARY TARGETS!...not INNOCENT civilian populations!...
...the Palestinian Peoples have a RIGHT to defend themselves against the military forces of the state of Israel...and not INNOCENT Israeli civilians!...
...when INNOCENTS are killed...this creates A HATEFUL HATE...
...and both sides loose...
...and the world looses...
posted by Gary 7:39 PM
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Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Last Sunday, the eighteeth of June, A.D. 2006, the Soldiers of Delta Company, 1st Battalion, of the 149th Combat Brigade of the Kentucky Army National Guard returned to their Native Land, their Families, and Friends!
These Citizen Soldiers served their Communities, their States, and their Republic for a year long deployment to Iraq. Stationed throughout the western provience of Al-Anbar, these American Warriors conducted operations with the 2nd Marine Division. Operations that put them in the heart of the infamous "Sunni Triangle". Combat patrols and security were their mission, and this they performed with only three injuries due to combat, one major, the others, minor.
These Men each had the distinguished "Combat Infantry Badge" awarded to them, an honor bestowed upon those who have experinced and know the meaning of war. With these badges of reality upon their chest, the patch of the 2nd Marine Division worn on their right arms, and smiles of happiness and relief, these Soldiers returned to a grateful Citizenry in Middlesboro, Kentucky.
The media from the surrounding area covered the homecoming as the Troops were escorted into town by police and fire department vehicles to await cheering crowds lined along the downtown streets waving the Stars and Stripes and holding up homemade signs. Once arriving at the arts center between the middle and high schools, the Soldiers off boarded the buses and ran to their family, friends, and strangers. With hugs, kisses, tears, slaps on the back, handshakes and laughter, the Guardsmen knew they were home! Then after everyone had gathered in the arts center, military and civilan officials welcomed the Boys home with the playing of Our Countrys' National Anthem and the Song of The Commonwealth, "My Old Kentucky Home" and with speeches that were to the point...gratefullness...gratefullness to their duty, their courage, and their honor to their country, state, community, and mission. A mission that saw combat, a mission that only they truly know of, one that we can not comprehend. But all those who gathered for this returning showed much appreciation with whole and thankful hearts.
Long ago, infantry units were known as "Rifles", and the term "Fightin' Kentuckians" has been applied in historical accounts and descriptions, movies, and the explination of the mindset of the independent, resourceful, rugged, and saavy freedom loving Kentuckian. It can and now should be applied to these Kentucky Citizen Soldiers.
posted by Gary 7:37 PM
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Thursday, May 25, 2006
Over sixty million American Citizens voted for an "American Idol"...
And when exercising Citizenship and concerns for Our Government...
people don't take interest...
...apathy kills The Republic...
posted by Gary 7:43 PM
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Monday, May 15, 2006
As a an Orthodox Christian who does fear The Lord...
...I have a question to the Neo-Conservative Right Wing Disspensationalist Christian Zionist...
...Who would Jesus Christ, The Son Of The Living God, our Lord and Saviour...
...Who would He Bomb?!...
...The Creator And Ruler Of All...
...He IS Love, Mercy, and Compassion...
...He...The Word Incarnate...taught us...ALL MANKIND...
...to be like Him...
...where in your rhetoric do you proclaim this?
posted by Gary 7:36 PM
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Saturday, May 06, 2006
Awhile Since A Posting
And some not so quick thoughts on one particular happening...
...NOW?...it is good that the American public, activist groups, some of Our Statesmen and Stateswomen, international human rights groups here in the U.S., and those in the lime light such as actors and musicians are becoming more aware...but where under GODS Heavenly Realm has the U.S. Goverment...the Government of the American public...where have they been!?...
...the last U.S. Administration, the Clinton Administration sat idley by as Hutus' slaughtered and massacared Tutsis' and DID NOTHING!...and since the "Slaughter of Darfur" began to unfold, the Bush Administration as repeated the same official approach...TO DO NOTHING!...waiting to see what the International Community will do...
...and besides...settling scores, seizing Iraqi oil fields, destablizing the Arab world for Israel, creating a launch pad in Iraq for future strikes against Iran and Syria, and appeasing the "Right Wing Christian Zionist and lets rush into the Apocalypse Bush/Cheney supporters"...these things are much more important than the saving of lives in Dafur Sudan...women, children, the elderly, and men...who just happen to be Muslim...BUT BLACK!...can't offend your buddies in the Royal House of Saud and their Wahabhist theocrats can you King Bush II and Arch-King Cheney?!...after all The House of Saud is the 52st State of The Union, the 51st of course being the State of Israel!...
...in America, Europe, Latin America, Africa, and Asia...when we do nothing...this is Holocaust!...
...America and the International Community has the ability to stop this Holocaust!...
...Where are you America!?...and the rest of the world!?...
...May The Creator And Ruler Of All...Father...Son...Holy Spirit...
...Have Mercy!
posted by Gary 4:12 PM
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
The King has said it...2008...
...2008 a year that will see a continued U.S. Military presense in Iraq...
...and the next U.S. Government and president will have to decide on whether to withdraw and bring Our sons and daughters home, or continue Our Military presence there...and essentially deal with the chaotic situation in Iraq and the Near East...
...I don't think there is enough lye soap in West Virginia to wash the blood of GI's and INNOCENT Iraqis' off the hands of President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Rice, and ALL the others of the current Administration and their supporters in the U.S. Congress, the oil corperations, the Evangelical-Disspensationalist-Christian-Zionist, and the Citizens of Our Republic who place the " W The President" bumper stickers on their SUV's glaring backwards at the world...
...this blood is forever!...
...lives have been lost...
...families have been destroyed...
...and for what?!...
...for profit?...YES!...
...for the security of the 51st State of Israel?...YES!...
...for the security of the 52nd State of The House of Saud?...YES!...
...for the gaining of Iraqi oil fields?...YES!...
...for the destabilization of the Arab World?...YES!...
...for a White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestant(disspensationalist theology adherers)-Zionist Crusade in the Near East to usher in the events leading up to The Parousia, so they can "escape" the Tribulations, the AntiChrist, and the Beast, a "get out of jail free card" if you will?...and again, the answer is...YES!...
...to fullfill the NeoConservatives unadulterated, whore of babylon greed that is filled with hateful hate?...YES!...
...this blood is forever!...
...it is on their hands...and in their cup as they ride that steer!..
...May The God of Heaven and Earth, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Have Mercy Upon Us All!
posted by Gary 5:23 PM
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Saturday, March 18, 2006
In these days of government surrveilance upon the Citizenry of The American Republic...
...I can only say...
...continue the dissent!...
...continue the dissent with the Executive Branch of OUR GOVERNMENT!...
...the American Republic belongs to its Citizens...
...it DOES NOT belong to King George II, Arch-King Cheney, Field-Marshall Rumsfeld and his war-architect General Wolfowitz, or any of the White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestant-Zionist-Corperation Globalist-Secret Society-Theopolitical-AntiLife-Military Industrial Congressional Complex-Televangelist-Taxing-Right Winger-Neo-Conservatives!...
...NOR...DOES IT NOT BELONG to any of the Extremist-Anti Life-Zionist-Anti Chrisitan-Anti Military-Global Government-Taxing-Secret Society-Nature Worshipping-Politically Correct-Anarchy Loving-Arrogant Professorship Intelligenstia-Elitnik-Left Winger-Liberals!...
...it BELONGS to the Citizens, The People of America!...
...and WE have POWER, WE have A VOICE, WE can affect POLICY!...
...and it is through the Legislative Branch on the Federal, State, County, and City/Town government level...
...it is also through the Free Press...WHICH MUST REMAIN FREE!...
...and through Freedom of Assembly...
...and through Freedom of Dissent...
...Dissension is NOT a sign of being un-American!...on the contrary...to BE an American is to Dissent against Tyranny!...it DOES NOT remove ones' patriotism...it only increases it!...for a True Freedom Loving Patriot of Our Dear Republic thinks for him or her self!...not letting the 'Party' or 'Agenda' think for us or our convictions!...The American Government belongs to The American People!...
...and it is kept alive through Citizen participation, thinking for oneself, voting at all levels of government, a real free press that questions all sides of the issues at hand, freedom to assemble to question and change if necessary, questioning OUR governments policies and those officials that work for us and represent us...
...and again...dissension through the means above will keep The Republic alive!...
...so...to those who monitor and conduct surrveilance upon The American Citizenry that are in no way affiliated with any domestic or overseas movements or governments...and are monitored just for their dissension with...in most cases...with the present Executive Branch of OUR GOVERNMENT...
...or shame will be upon your conscience for acting on behalf of Tyranny...
...Long Live Our Free American Republic!
posted by Gary 2:49 PM
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Thursday, March 09, 2006
New additions and corrections have been made to the post; "Some thoughts on things agoin on", originally entered on 2/24/06.
As well as to the last post entered early today.
Thanks to the five individuals who have read the High Horse.
posted by Gary 7:45 PM
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In Our Dear American Republic we need Statesmen and Stateswomen!
The term 'politician' is an insult to Citizenship and Statesmenship.
We need here in Our Beloved Land men and women who love and care for the 'fragile ideal' of 'The Republic'...a land where The Constitution is the 'Rule and Law of The Land and its' People...We The People'.
A land where Freedom is real...protected...cherished...and understood by Its' Citizenry.
And the Citizenry exersises their Civic Responsibilities, Rights, and Privilages...so that The Republic maintains 'A Life, and Breaths the Freedoms of The People'.
We The People...and those Statesmen and Stateswomen who are The Voices of The Citizenry...The Represenatives and Senators in The Congress, Our state legislatures, Our county seats, and Our city halls can 'breath this life of freedom' by being 'alive in participation'...thus keeping The Republic away from Empire, and the death and destruction it brings upon the Land and People.
Long Live OUR Republic...
...and The Essence of it...
posted by Gary 12:40 AM
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Friday, February 24, 2006
Iraq: On the verge of civil war between Shia and Sunni, we here in the U.S. and those around the world await. And in the meantime those NeoCons sons-a-bitches from the Administration down to the rich-SUV driving-living in a MacMansion subdivision-Armeggodonite/Evangelical Christian with "W The President" glaring backwards at the world...these NeoCons continue their push for their American-Zionist-NeoBritish-Corperate-World Empire at the expense of the lives of honarable brave GI's and hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi children, women, the elderly, and men...and for what???!!!...their damndable-filthy-whore-of-babylon-greed, thats what!!!...these sons-a-bitches claim Christianity as their faith...and, as with all humans...especially Christians, we seek after Godly Truth...but their search is blinded with pure and unadulterated greed, and they don't give a damn about those 'subhuman' Arabs, especially the Muslims...and what of their Brothers and Sisters in Christ that are Arab?...collateral damage...they're Arab...and they're not Evangelical Christian Zionist..."they're 'Romish or Orthodox"..."not real Bible believing Christians"...again 'just collateral damage!'..."God loves America and the NeoBritish Empire because they love Jesus and Israel!"...such is the rhetoric of the NeoCon WASPZ...America and Britian are becoming less Christian everyday, and along with their humanist-secularist societies, their governments steeped in the age old secret societies that are openly hostile to the True Christian Faith...the governments of the U.S. and U.K. are very esoteric and again, humanist, secularist, and driven by an unadulterated greed that makes the 'whore of babylon' look to be a girl scout...and these characterist ideals are from the Evil One himself...this whole ideal of American-British-Israelism is from the darkest pits of Hell...it is racism through and through...the ideals of White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestant-Zionist supremacy in the world to 'illumine' the uncivilized other half is a LIE from Mephestopholeses himself...these 'Anglo-Saxons' have forgotten their own barbaric pagan ancestory!...and they have remained just as bloodthirsty today as throughout history...but this is forgotten in the history books, eh!?...for history is written by the victors and liars...our own history for instance about the 'First Thanksgiving' between the First Americans and the late coming Pilgrims is a brandished falsafication by WASPZ historians...they don't tell of the Pilgrim-British-Colonialist campaigns of genocide and ethnic cleansing, do they!?...again, collateral damage!...how convienant for these acclaimed Christians to make such a claim for the 'Big Godly Picture' of their blinded worldview!...these cold-spirited-stiff-lipped-stiff-necked-fearful-of-showing-emotions-Puritanical-coin-counting-secretive-power hungry-whore of babylon-lying WASPZ!!!...both of yesterday and today!!!...and they still conduct the 'parade' here in America and Britian, with their Zionist step-children in the 51st state of Israel...ALL with innocent blood on their hands...do you think for one infinate moment that The Lord God Almighty, The Creator And Ruler Of All, He Who Fashioned Mankind In His Image; Red, Yellow, Black, White, and Brown...will let this go as 'collateral damage'!!!???...if we here in America wish not to face an apocalyptic destruction unlike any seen before that will be of our own reaping...then we should beg forgiveness from The Father, Son, And Holy Spirit...and those whose blood is on OUR hands...LORD HAVE MERCY!
We need to, as mentioned in an earlier blog, create a new U.N. Mandate on Iraq, which would authorize the deployment of a Multi National Observers and Stabilization Force of well over a 100,000 troops that would augment and help the American Forces in securing the Iraqi borders, infrastructure, civilian populations, religious sites (Shia, Sunni, Christian, and Jewish), economy, and the government (national, proviencial, tribal, city, and village)...once these stabilization operations are well established and working...then the U.S. can begin a 'Phased Partial Withdrawl' from Iraq proper...pulling out forces numbering 20,000 in increments every month...starting in June of 2006..to where by November 2006...there will be up to 100,000 U.S. Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, Sailors, Coast Guardsmen, and Army National Guardsmen returned to their homes and their Beloved Land. Then the U.S. will be able to maintain a force of 35,000 in Iraq proper from November 2006 till March 2007...followed by another 'phased withdrawal' 20,000 troops by August 2007...at the same time...The MNOSF can begin a 'Phased Limited Withdrawl' as the Iraqi military, security, and police forces, after intensive training and structuring, can take over full operations of their nations defense. America and the International Community have a responsibilty to the Iraqi people and their government...it is common sensed that America will have to maintain a military presence in Iraq for some time to come...to many GI's have died and been maimed to ignore this fact...and the International Community, especially the Europeans and the former Soviets have a responsibility because they kept up the pre and Hussein governments...and to let Iraq slide into a chaotic bloodbath of a civil war is...well...just plain barbaric as the bloodbath would be.
posted by Gary 5:14 AM
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Tuesday, February 07, 2006
A prayer from The Holy Orthodox Christian Faith.
O Heavenly King, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth who art everywhere and fillest all things. Treasury of Blessings, and Giver of Life: Come and abide in us, and cleanse us from every impurity, and save our souls, O Good One.
Holy God! Holy Mighty! Holy Immortal! Have mercy on us. (Said three times).
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen!
posted by Gary 5:47 PM
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Tuesday, January 31, 2006
May Our Dear American Republic Live On...and Rock On!
posted by Gary 7:46 PM
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Tuesday, January 24, 2006
America Must Begin A Phased Limited Withdrawal...NOW!
We Must create a plan for withdrawing 100,000 troops from Iraq proper by the Autumn of 2006.
The U.S. must work towards securing a NEW U.N. Security Council Mandate that will open the way for a Multi-National Observers and Stabilization Force of 100,000 troops, a similar stuctured force that has been in the Sinai Pennisula since 1982. Such an International Force would be commanded by the Americans, but would include other nations in operational plans and decisions, again similarily to the MFO in the Sinai.
Maintain a force of 50,000 in Iraq proper for a 'determined time frame', till for instance, under favoriable conditions in the summer of 2007, a second withdrawl of 20,000 U.S.troops then followed by a 'near complete' withdrawal of 20,000 U.S.troops by the Winter of 2007-2008. And as time passes and conditions improve, MOSF troops can be drawn down as well. Common sense will tell us that the U.S. and the International Community have to maintain assistance to the Iraqi government, police, and military for some time into the future, and maintain a U.S./Multinational military presense for years to come to stabilize the Tigris-Euphrates Region.
Maintain a U.S. Quick Reaction Force of 7,000 in Kuwait.
Maintain a Multinational Quick Reaction Force of 5,000 in Kuwait.
Maintain a U.S. Operational Support Force of 5,000 in the Persian Gulf.
Maintain a Multinational Operational Support Force of 2,500 in the Persian Gulf.
Maintain a U.S.Rapid Response Force of 5,000 in Australia and the Indian Ocean Region.
Maintain a U.S. Rapid Response Force of 2,500 in Europe.
Maintain a European/Nato Rapid Response Force of 3,000.
Request that the Russians, Ukrainians, Kazakhs, Georgians, Armenians, and Azerbijianis to maintain a Rapid Response Force of 3,000.
Maintain a Large U.S. Naval and Marine Corps presence in the region.
With this Near East Force Structure, the U.S. and the International Community will maintain a balance of power that will counter any 'real' threat to this important region.
posted by Gary 7:38 PM
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Thursday, January 19, 2006
These are words that I believe all American Citizens would like to SCREAM aloud to the Secretary of Homeland Security and OUR Federal Government!
With more coverage on Mexican military and police incursions across this INTERNATIONAL BORDER into OUR Land should be the last straw in a debate that already has a solution...BUILD and ESTABLISH a 'clear and visible' border with the Republic of Mexico.
Mexican troops and law-enforcement personnel 'venturing' into the U.S. is no accident as Mr Chertoff has indicated, ask U.S. Border Patrol personnel, sherrif deputies from counties that border with Mexico, and ranchers and farmers whose properties border Mexico, ask, and they will tell you the truth!...this truth is that these employees of the Mexican government are helping in the trafficing of illegal aliens and illicit drug smuggling...AND THIS IS THE OBVIOUS AND SIMPLE TRUTH!
And the obvious and simple solution to this CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER to the U.S. and Her Citizenry is this...BUILD AND ESTABLISH a 'clear and visible border' with Mexico!...SECURE OUR SOUTHERN BORDER UNCLE SAM!
People may ask the age old question...how will you pay for it?...OUR Federal Government waste OUR TAX DOLLARS annually on useless projects that fill some fat-cats pocket book...whether that fat-cat is a politician or some greedy opportunist...and whether it is a pork-barrel project or not...OUR REPRESENATIVES waste OUR hard earned taxed income!...and it's time they...OUR REPRESENATIVES spend OUR TAXED-MONEY with a little bit of wisdom!...such as SECURING OUR INTERNATIONAL BORDERS AND COASTLINES! And an increase on taxing multi-billion dollar corperations...whom many are responsible for closing up shops here in OUR LAND, and sending them overseas, many to Latin America...seems a reasonable and FAIR thing to do...REAL NATIONAL SECURITY OVER SECURITY FOR UNBRIDALED GREED OF CORPERATE INTEREST!
The U.S. Government...OUR GOVERNMENT...should as mentioned in an early blog, deploy the 101st Airborne (Airmobile) Division to the U.S./Mexican Border to provide a real second step to seal Our Southern Border...
...the first being the courageous and tireless efforts by U.S. Border Patrol personnel in turning back a tide with a government coffee mug.
Once this new effort in Border Security Operations are in affect, the third step is to begin construction of a 'Clear and Visible Border', by erecting two steel walls fifteen and twenty foot in height with a meshed razor wire obstacle atop each and spaced two hundred yard between them, the digging of a series of twenty-five yard wide and ten foot deep stone vehicle birm-ditches, and the constructing of observation towers at three mile intrivals manned by U.S. Border Patrol, U.S. Military, and American and International Red Cross personnel.
Fourth stage is the activation of Army National Guard troops from the border states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Their deployments lasting six months in duration. After the roating deployments of the border states Army National Guard forces, other states would then be requested to call up their Army National Guard personnel for six month deployments, thus creating a permanent revolving-rotating National Guard presence on Our Southern Border.
Fifth step is to increase the personnel and equipment of the U.S. Border Patrol five time its current strength.
Sixth step is to deputize the civilian 'Minutemen' now on the border. This is done by placing and organizing them under the jurisdiction of the sherrif departments of border counties, organizing mandatory training courses conducted by ex-Border Patrol officers, outfitting them with government surplus vehichles and observation equipment. Their patrols would be in cordination with U.S. Border Patrol and U.S. military forces.
Seventh step is to have the Civil Air Patrol, an auxillary of the U.S. Air Force to assist in Joint Border Protection and Security Operations by conducting surveillance flights in cordination with Border Patrol and military forces, and their aircraft of course would be equipped with high tech observation devices.
Eighth step is organize a communications link with Mexican authorities, so as to cordinate the apprehention and detention of individuals in illegal border crossings and illecit drug smuggling, this will set the stage for accountability and responsibility for the Mexican military and police forces on the border.
The ninth step is the placing of American and International Red Cross personnel on the Southern Border. Their presence is to assure EVERYONE that the securing of Our Border with Mexico is not anti-Mexican nor racsist, nor is a step in the abusing of human rights. The presence of the Red Cross is to assure that any Mexican National or Nationals from other countries that are caught in illegal border crossings are treated with human dignity and returned in a humane fashion. Drug traffickers will be detained and placed under U.S. law enforcement jurisdiction and treated as criminals.
And the tenth step is to conduct a census of ALL foreign nationals in the U.S., followed by the creation of a 'Temporay Foreign National Worker Program". This would allow for a reasonable and common sensed number of individuals to work in the U.S. for a nine month period, followed by another group of workers, thus creating a rotating worker program that will be fair to America and those wishing to work, pay taxes, and possibly become U.S. Citizens. After which all illegal foreign citizens will go thru a humane process of documentation and identification, temporary detention, and finally the transportation back to their country of origin. And if individuals meet a certain responsible criteria, they then can enroll in the 'Temporary Foreign National Worker Program' for a future time of working and paying taxes in the U.S.of.A.
With these steps and financing...Our Southern Border...and thus Our Beloved Land will be that much more secure.
posted by Gary 5:09 PM
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Some new additions to 11/08/05's Blog on the prayer request to Saint Michael The Archangel and various Orthodox Christian Prayers.
posted by Gary 6:10 PM
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Thursday, January 05, 2006
The more I understand the situation in the Near East,
the more I am sickened and nauseated by Our Tax-Dollars being used to support the Zionist State of Israel.
This support is a SIN!
Criticism of the Zionist State of Israel is not anti-Semitic.
There is a difference between Judaism and Zionism.
Long ago a famous Rabbi named Joel Teitelbaum calle Zionism "the work of Satan", "a sacrilege", and "a blasphemy", and this was echoed by many Rabbis and "real" Jewish leaders before the Second World War, The Holocaust, and the 1948 establishment of the state of Israel.
To better understand the present day Near East and the conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians, we should all seek out and learn about Zionism, and how it has effected all of us.
If We, as American Citizens were to learn more about Zionism, then we...WE THE PEOPLE can affect Our Governments policies in regard to The Holy Land, and the Jewish and Palestinian Peoples...and with KNOWLEDGE support BOTH Peoples with TRUTH.
I will ask Those that Represent ME...A Free Citizen of Our American Republic...to stop "the blank check support" to the Zionist State of Israel with American Citizen Tax-Dollars. To REDIFINE "a fair and balanced" policy towards the Jewish and Palestinian Peoples of The Holy Land. To issue a Congressional Statement CRITICISING both the Israeli Government and ALL Arab and Muslim Governments in their "fueling of this hateful blood filled war between themselves". And to Declare a Congressional Promise to always protect the Descendents of Abraham...Jews and Palestinians.
With such an approach by the United States, and other nations following suit...THEN...as a Free Citizen of Our American Republic...I will know that OUR Government did that which was RIGHT...advocated the Dignity and Respect of ALL Human Rights in The Holy Land.
posted by Gary 6:34 PM
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