Thursday, January 05, 2006
The more I understand the situation in the Near East,
the more I am sickened and nauseated by Our Tax-Dollars being used to support the Zionist State of Israel.
This support is a SIN!
Criticism of the Zionist State of Israel is not anti-Semitic.
There is a difference between Judaism and Zionism.
Long ago a famous Rabbi named Joel Teitelbaum calle Zionism "the work of Satan", "a sacrilege", and "a blasphemy", and this was echoed by many Rabbis and "real" Jewish leaders before the Second World War, The Holocaust, and the 1948 establishment of the state of Israel.
To better understand the present day Near East and the conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians, we should all seek out and learn about Zionism, and how it has effected all of us.
If We, as American Citizens were to learn more about Zionism, then we...WE THE PEOPLE can affect Our Governments policies in regard to The Holy Land, and the Jewish and Palestinian Peoples...and with KNOWLEDGE support BOTH Peoples with TRUTH.
I will ask Those that Represent ME...A Free Citizen of Our American Republic...to stop "the blank check support" to the Zionist State of Israel with American Citizen Tax-Dollars. To REDIFINE "a fair and balanced" policy towards the Jewish and Palestinian Peoples of The Holy Land. To issue a Congressional Statement CRITICISING both the Israeli Government and ALL Arab and Muslim Governments in their "fueling of this hateful blood filled war between themselves". And to Declare a Congressional Promise to always protect the Descendents of Abraham...Jews and Palestinians.
With such an approach by the United States, and other nations following suit...THEN...as a Free Citizen of Our American Republic...I will know that OUR Government did that which was RIGHT...advocated the Dignity and Respect of ALL Human Rights in The Holy Land.
posted by Gary 6:34 PM