Monday, November 20, 2006
A Few Ogalings
The Palestinians have found a good weapon in defecting an Israeli airstrike...and it must be said that the Israeli approach to call ahead of an airstrike is very humane...and the Palestinians protecting their own is very human...may these cousins throught the Patriarch Abraham find a true peace in each other by the power of The Lord Almighty.
Just maybe, Our Nation will change the course in Iraq...and find a peace with Heavens Help.
And maybe the American People will stay awake for the ongoing political process called a represented democracy...or the essence of the republic will lull away to an endless sleep.
May the NeoConservatives find change in their ideas of true freedom.
May the Extremist Liberals find the truth concerning the American Way.
May the American People find the truths of world history thru a path of discovery...and that America is not the only good nation on our little planet.
May The Creator and Ruler of All protect Our Troops and the innocent Iraqi peoples and all innocents the world over.
And may the American Government...Our Government...find it in their hearts and Our Voices to apologize to the First Americans and BEG for forgiveness.
And may all mankind find a real sense of thanksgiving in their hearts.
posted by Gary 9:18 PM