Friday, February 24, 2006
Iraq: On the verge of civil war between Shia and Sunni, we here in the U.S. and those around the world await. And in the meantime those NeoCons sons-a-bitches from the Administration down to the rich-SUV driving-living in a MacMansion subdivision-Armeggodonite/Evangelical Christian with "W The President" glaring backwards at the world...these NeoCons continue their push for their American-Zionist-NeoBritish-Corperate-World Empire at the expense of the lives of honarable brave GI's and hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi children, women, the elderly, and men...and for what???!!!...their damndable-filthy-whore-of-babylon-greed, thats what!!!...these sons-a-bitches claim Christianity as their faith...and, as with all humans...especially Christians, we seek after Godly Truth...but their search is blinded with pure and unadulterated greed, and they don't give a damn about those 'subhuman' Arabs, especially the Muslims...and what of their Brothers and Sisters in Christ that are Arab?...collateral damage...they're Arab...and they're not Evangelical Christian Zionist..."they're 'Romish or Orthodox"..."not real Bible believing Christians"...again 'just collateral damage!'..."God loves America and the NeoBritish Empire because they love Jesus and Israel!"...such is the rhetoric of the NeoCon WASPZ...America and Britian are becoming less Christian everyday, and along with their humanist-secularist societies, their governments steeped in the age old secret societies that are openly hostile to the True Christian Faith...the governments of the U.S. and U.K. are very esoteric and again, humanist, secularist, and driven by an unadulterated greed that makes the 'whore of babylon' look to be a girl scout...and these characterist ideals are from the Evil One himself...this whole ideal of American-British-Israelism is from the darkest pits of Hell...it is racism through and through...the ideals of White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestant-Zionist supremacy in the world to 'illumine' the uncivilized other half is a LIE from Mephestopholeses himself...these 'Anglo-Saxons' have forgotten their own barbaric pagan ancestory!...and they have remained just as bloodthirsty today as throughout history...but this is forgotten in the history books, eh!?...for history is written by the victors and liars...our own history for instance about the 'First Thanksgiving' between the First Americans and the late coming Pilgrims is a brandished falsafication by WASPZ historians...they don't tell of the Pilgrim-British-Colonialist campaigns of genocide and ethnic cleansing, do they!?...again, collateral damage!...how convienant for these acclaimed Christians to make such a claim for the 'Big Godly Picture' of their blinded worldview!...these cold-spirited-stiff-lipped-stiff-necked-fearful-of-showing-emotions-Puritanical-coin-counting-secretive-power hungry-whore of babylon-lying WASPZ!!!...both of yesterday and today!!!...and they still conduct the 'parade' here in America and Britian, with their Zionist step-children in the 51st state of Israel...ALL with innocent blood on their hands...do you think for one infinate moment that The Lord God Almighty, The Creator And Ruler Of All, He Who Fashioned Mankind In His Image; Red, Yellow, Black, White, and Brown...will let this go as 'collateral damage'!!!???...if we here in America wish not to face an apocalyptic destruction unlike any seen before that will be of our own reaping...then we should beg forgiveness from The Father, Son, And Holy Spirit...and those whose blood is on OUR hands...LORD HAVE MERCY!
We need to, as mentioned in an earlier blog, create a new U.N. Mandate on Iraq, which would authorize the deployment of a Multi National Observers and Stabilization Force of well over a 100,000 troops that would augment and help the American Forces in securing the Iraqi borders, infrastructure, civilian populations, religious sites (Shia, Sunni, Christian, and Jewish), economy, and the government (national, proviencial, tribal, city, and village)...once these stabilization operations are well established and working...then the U.S. can begin a 'Phased Partial Withdrawl' from Iraq proper...pulling out forces numbering 20,000 in increments every month...starting in June of 2006..to where by November 2006...there will be up to 100,000 U.S. Soldiers, Marines, Airmen, Sailors, Coast Guardsmen, and Army National Guardsmen returned to their homes and their Beloved Land. Then the U.S. will be able to maintain a force of 35,000 in Iraq proper from November 2006 till March 2007...followed by another 'phased withdrawal' 20,000 troops by August 2007...at the same time...The MNOSF can begin a 'Phased Limited Withdrawl' as the Iraqi military, security, and police forces, after intensive training and structuring, can take over full operations of their nations defense. America and the International Community have a responsibilty to the Iraqi people and their government...it is common sensed that America will have to maintain a military presence in Iraq for some time to come...to many GI's have died and been maimed to ignore this fact...and the International Community, especially the Europeans and the former Soviets have a responsibility because they kept up the pre and Hussein governments...and to let Iraq slide into a chaotic bloodbath of a civil war is...well...just plain barbaric as the bloodbath would be.
posted by Gary 5:14 AM