Tuesday, January 24, 2006
America Must Begin A Phased Limited Withdrawal...NOW!
We Must create a plan for withdrawing 100,000 troops from Iraq proper by the Autumn of 2006.
The U.S. must work towards securing a NEW U.N. Security Council Mandate that will open the way for a Multi-National Observers and Stabilization Force of 100,000 troops, a similar stuctured force that has been in the Sinai Pennisula since 1982. Such an International Force would be commanded by the Americans, but would include other nations in operational plans and decisions, again similarily to the MFO in the Sinai.
Maintain a force of 50,000 in Iraq proper for a 'determined time frame', till for instance, under favoriable conditions in the summer of 2007, a second withdrawl of 20,000 U.S.troops then followed by a 'near complete' withdrawal of 20,000 U.S.troops by the Winter of 2007-2008. And as time passes and conditions improve, MOSF troops can be drawn down as well. Common sense will tell us that the U.S. and the International Community have to maintain assistance to the Iraqi government, police, and military for some time into the future, and maintain a U.S./Multinational military presense for years to come to stabilize the Tigris-Euphrates Region.
Maintain a U.S. Quick Reaction Force of 7,000 in Kuwait.
Maintain a Multinational Quick Reaction Force of 5,000 in Kuwait.
Maintain a U.S. Operational Support Force of 5,000 in the Persian Gulf.
Maintain a Multinational Operational Support Force of 2,500 in the Persian Gulf.
Maintain a U.S.Rapid Response Force of 5,000 in Australia and the Indian Ocean Region.
Maintain a U.S. Rapid Response Force of 2,500 in Europe.
Maintain a European/Nato Rapid Response Force of 3,000.
Request that the Russians, Ukrainians, Kazakhs, Georgians, Armenians, and Azerbijianis to maintain a Rapid Response Force of 3,000.
Maintain a Large U.S. Naval and Marine Corps presence in the region.
With this Near East Force Structure, the U.S. and the International Community will maintain a balance of power that will counter any 'real' threat to this important region.
posted by Gary 7:38 PM