Thursday, January 19, 2006
These are words that I believe all American Citizens would like to SCREAM aloud to the Secretary of Homeland Security and OUR Federal Government!
With more coverage on Mexican military and police incursions across this INTERNATIONAL BORDER into OUR Land should be the last straw in a debate that already has a solution...BUILD and ESTABLISH a 'clear and visible' border with the Republic of Mexico.
Mexican troops and law-enforcement personnel 'venturing' into the U.S. is no accident as Mr Chertoff has indicated, ask U.S. Border Patrol personnel, sherrif deputies from counties that border with Mexico, and ranchers and farmers whose properties border Mexico, ask, and they will tell you the truth!...this truth is that these employees of the Mexican government are helping in the trafficing of illegal aliens and illicit drug smuggling...AND THIS IS THE OBVIOUS AND SIMPLE TRUTH!
And the obvious and simple solution to this CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER to the U.S. and Her Citizenry is this...BUILD AND ESTABLISH a 'clear and visible border' with Mexico!...SECURE OUR SOUTHERN BORDER UNCLE SAM!
People may ask the age old question...how will you pay for it?...OUR Federal Government waste OUR TAX DOLLARS annually on useless projects that fill some fat-cats pocket book...whether that fat-cat is a politician or some greedy opportunist...and whether it is a pork-barrel project or not...OUR REPRESENATIVES waste OUR hard earned taxed income!...and it's time they...OUR REPRESENATIVES spend OUR TAXED-MONEY with a little bit of wisdom!...such as SECURING OUR INTERNATIONAL BORDERS AND COASTLINES! And an increase on taxing multi-billion dollar corperations...whom many are responsible for closing up shops here in OUR LAND, and sending them overseas, many to Latin America...seems a reasonable and FAIR thing to do...REAL NATIONAL SECURITY OVER SECURITY FOR UNBRIDALED GREED OF CORPERATE INTEREST!
The U.S. Government...OUR GOVERNMENT...should as mentioned in an early blog, deploy the 101st Airborne (Airmobile) Division to the U.S./Mexican Border to provide a real second step to seal Our Southern Border...
...the first being the courageous and tireless efforts by U.S. Border Patrol personnel in turning back a tide with a government coffee mug.
Once this new effort in Border Security Operations are in affect, the third step is to begin construction of a 'Clear and Visible Border', by erecting two steel walls fifteen and twenty foot in height with a meshed razor wire obstacle atop each and spaced two hundred yard between them, the digging of a series of twenty-five yard wide and ten foot deep stone vehicle birm-ditches, and the constructing of observation towers at three mile intrivals manned by U.S. Border Patrol, U.S. Military, and American and International Red Cross personnel.
Fourth stage is the activation of Army National Guard troops from the border states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Their deployments lasting six months in duration. After the roating deployments of the border states Army National Guard forces, other states would then be requested to call up their Army National Guard personnel for six month deployments, thus creating a permanent revolving-rotating National Guard presence on Our Southern Border.
Fifth step is to increase the personnel and equipment of the U.S. Border Patrol five time its current strength.
Sixth step is to deputize the civilian 'Minutemen' now on the border. This is done by placing and organizing them under the jurisdiction of the sherrif departments of border counties, organizing mandatory training courses conducted by ex-Border Patrol officers, outfitting them with government surplus vehichles and observation equipment. Their patrols would be in cordination with U.S. Border Patrol and U.S. military forces.
Seventh step is to have the Civil Air Patrol, an auxillary of the U.S. Air Force to assist in Joint Border Protection and Security Operations by conducting surveillance flights in cordination with Border Patrol and military forces, and their aircraft of course would be equipped with high tech observation devices.
Eighth step is organize a communications link with Mexican authorities, so as to cordinate the apprehention and detention of individuals in illegal border crossings and illecit drug smuggling, this will set the stage for accountability and responsibility for the Mexican military and police forces on the border.
The ninth step is the placing of American and International Red Cross personnel on the Southern Border. Their presence is to assure EVERYONE that the securing of Our Border with Mexico is not anti-Mexican nor racsist, nor is a step in the abusing of human rights. The presence of the Red Cross is to assure that any Mexican National or Nationals from other countries that are caught in illegal border crossings are treated with human dignity and returned in a humane fashion. Drug traffickers will be detained and placed under U.S. law enforcement jurisdiction and treated as criminals.
And the tenth step is to conduct a census of ALL foreign nationals in the U.S., followed by the creation of a 'Temporay Foreign National Worker Program". This would allow for a reasonable and common sensed number of individuals to work in the U.S. for a nine month period, followed by another group of workers, thus creating a rotating worker program that will be fair to America and those wishing to work, pay taxes, and possibly become U.S. Citizens. After which all illegal foreign citizens will go thru a humane process of documentation and identification, temporary detention, and finally the transportation back to their country of origin. And if individuals meet a certain responsible criteria, they then can enroll in the 'Temporary Foreign National Worker Program' for a future time of working and paying taxes in the U.S.of.A.
With these steps and financing...Our Southern Border...and thus Our Beloved Land will be that much more secure.
posted by Gary 5:09 PM