Saturday, September 09, 2006
Neo-Conservatives are nothing more than Christian-Zionist who seek to turn America into a Theocratic Fascist Empire.
They are enemies of Our Constitutional Republic and wish to destroy Our Represented Democracy.
According to them, questioning or protesting the Bush Administration and its NeoCon cohorts in "Our" Congress, their political and religious views, policies, and actions amounts to treason, is against their ideas of freedom, unpatriotic, unAmerican, and those who freely express themselves can either love America or leave it!...which is one of the most stupid-assed things that I have ever heard...better yet they would love to place those who dissent on "Our" Governments watch list...and one day maybe even placing these unAmericans is prison. Their ideas are horrific shades of Authoritarianism and Toltalitarianism...guessing they have forgotten Hilter and Stalin.
They believe in giving a U.S. President unlimited powers...thus making Him or Her a Royal Dictator.
They will NEVER apologize to The First Americans for "Our" Governments genocide and ethnic cleansing. They are prideful, puritanical, stiff-lipped-and-necked WASPZ!
Their ideals of America are WASP mythology, and still fosters the ideas of "The White Mans Burden".
They view that America, Great Britian, and the state of Israel are the only nations that are on Gods side.
They feel that their Christian Zionist Eschatology is the only road, religiously, politically, and militarily to Heaven during The End Times.
They cry aloud from their rooftops...usually the roofs of their Churches...Zionism at all costs!
They are very anti-Arab, therefore, ANTI-SEMITE!, forgeting that there are millions of Arab Christians in the Near East, and that Arabs are Children of Abraham, and that Moses' wife Zipporah, Daughter of Jethro, was a Bedouin Arab, and that long before their barbarian ancestors in Northern Europe who were still painting their bodies blue, beheading their enemies with zeal, and worshipping idols...long before their ancestors converted to Christianity...that millions of the Arabs were deeply entrenched in the Christian Faith.
They promote that making big money, unadulterated capitalism through the greed of corporations, and prosperiety theology are good Christian values.
They seem to hate Gods Creation, the enviroment, and poison it without any remorse.
They are anti-life, because they'll bomb and shoot the hell out of anyone who disagrees or stands in their way. Native Americans and Arabs can attest to this.
They feel that American Christianity is more related to the Early Church, than those historical and liturgical Churches that are still in their place of origin.
They enjoy and embrace secret societies that are bent on destroying the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Churches. Of course, secret societies replace liturgy with their own esoterical rituals...in other words...they have "mass" in their secretive dens of satanic worship.
They are still protesting against the Vatican and its influence in the Christian World.
They look at Russia still as this evil anti-God empire that will attempt to destroy America, the U.K., and Israel...forgetting...or not even acknowledging the Holocaust of 30 million Christians by the Communist behind the second "Iron Curtain". Of course most of these Christians were Orthodox and Roman Catholics...nominal Christians in their view, and acceptable collateral damage.
With their contemptious views of the Russians and their Slavic and Byzantine cousins. They convienently and publicly forget the real front line battles between Christendom and Islam in the Balkans and Caucasus Region. Kosovo, Southern Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Cyprus, The Holy Land, Lebanon, Egypt, Serb enclaves in Bosnia, and the Russian/European Christian population pockets throughout the former Soviet Republics in Central Asia. Here, Christians face Islamic Jihadist threats whether directly or indirectly. Here, in these "Christian Frontiers", bounties are placed on the heads of Orthodox Christian Priest, Russian soldiers are Martyred because they refuse to deny Christ The Lord and His Church. Here, Jihadist force normally peaceful Muslim populations to hate and attack their Christian neighbors they once lived peacefully beside. Here ancient Christian sites, Churches and Monastaries, are sacked, desecrated, and razed to the ground. Here, Christian populations are ethnically cleansed from the land. HERE, THE NEO-CONSERVATIVES IGNORE AND FORGET!
They also ignore Christians who are politically and economically on the Left...but are socially, morally, and militarialy on the Right to Center.
But...they certainly let you know what is best to ignore and forget. For their ideology is really politically correct..."We are Right! And you are damned and wrong!".
The Neo-Conservative, Extremist Right Winger, Theo-Political, WASP, Chrisitan/Zionist, will destroy Our Dear American Republic, and dismantle the Constitution and Our Represented Democracy.
May The Lord of Heaven and Earth, The Lord Almighty, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit...Have Mercy Upon the American People and the American Nation.
posted by Gary 4:37 PM