Thursday, March 09, 2006
In Our Dear American Republic we need Statesmen and Stateswomen!
The term 'politician' is an insult to Citizenship and Statesmenship.
We need here in Our Beloved Land men and women who love and care for the 'fragile ideal' of 'The Republic'...a land where The Constitution is the 'Rule and Law of The Land and its' People...We The People'.
A land where Freedom is real...protected...cherished...and understood by Its' Citizenry.
And the Citizenry exersises their Civic Responsibilities, Rights, and Privilages...so that The Republic maintains 'A Life, and Breaths the Freedoms of The People'.
We The People...and those Statesmen and Stateswomen who are The Voices of The Citizenry...The Represenatives and Senators in The Congress, Our state legislatures, Our county seats, and Our city halls can 'breath this life of freedom' by being 'alive in participation'...thus keeping The Republic away from Empire, and the death and destruction it brings upon the Land and People.
Long Live OUR Republic...
...and The Essence of it...
posted by Gary 12:40 AM