Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Last Sunday, the eighteeth of June, A.D. 2006, the Soldiers of Delta Company, 1st Battalion, of the 149th Combat Brigade of the Kentucky Army National Guard returned to their Native Land, their Families, and Friends!
These Citizen Soldiers served their Communities, their States, and their Republic for a year long deployment to Iraq. Stationed throughout the western provience of Al-Anbar, these American Warriors conducted operations with the 2nd Marine Division. Operations that put them in the heart of the infamous "Sunni Triangle". Combat patrols and security were their mission, and this they performed with only three injuries due to combat, one major, the others, minor.
These Men each had the distinguished "Combat Infantry Badge" awarded to them, an honor bestowed upon those who have experinced and know the meaning of war. With these badges of reality upon their chest, the patch of the 2nd Marine Division worn on their right arms, and smiles of happiness and relief, these Soldiers returned to a grateful Citizenry in Middlesboro, Kentucky.
The media from the surrounding area covered the homecoming as the Troops were escorted into town by police and fire department vehicles to await cheering crowds lined along the downtown streets waving the Stars and Stripes and holding up homemade signs. Once arriving at the arts center between the middle and high schools, the Soldiers off boarded the buses and ran to their family, friends, and strangers. With hugs, kisses, tears, slaps on the back, handshakes and laughter, the Guardsmen knew they were home! Then after everyone had gathered in the arts center, military and civilan officials welcomed the Boys home with the playing of Our Countrys' National Anthem and the Song of The Commonwealth, "My Old Kentucky Home" and with speeches that were to the point...gratefullness...gratefullness to their duty, their courage, and their honor to their country, state, community, and mission. A mission that saw combat, a mission that only they truly know of, one that we can not comprehend. But all those who gathered for this returning showed much appreciation with whole and thankful hearts.
Long ago, infantry units were known as "Rifles", and the term "Fightin' Kentuckians" has been applied in historical accounts and descriptions, movies, and the explination of the mindset of the independent, resourceful, rugged, and saavy freedom loving Kentuckian. It can and now should be applied to these Kentucky Citizen Soldiers.
posted by Gary 7:37 PM