Friday, September 30, 2005
What To Do About Iraq?
The recent media coverage of the Secretary of Defense and the Pentagon Generals upon Capital Hill giving testimony on the current situation in Iraq and what lies ahead for Our Armed Forces and the Iraqi Military, its Government, and its Citizens certainly gives Us a picture of whats happening, and I think the 'Screamer' would be a good painted analogy for this chaos that is evolving every day.
First it must be said that Our Armed Forces are doing the best that can! These Warriors have been placed in a hellish situation that SEEMS as though there is no end. But these Brave Men And Women are doing a fantastic effort of fullfilling their duties! And 'IF' WE THE PEOPLE SPEAK LOUDLY, and Our Represenatives LISTEN, and the Administration LISTENS, and the present and retired Military Leadership LISTENS AND ADVISES the CIVILIAN LEADERSHIP...THEN...there could be light on the horizen.
And it be said of the Iraqis who want peace and stability, theirs is a hellish lot not created by their hands, but that of their previous governments and the mingling of The West..Ottoman Turk Imperialism, European Imperial Colonialism after World War I with the dividing up of the Arab Peoples, Tribes, Clans, Families, and Lands, The Cold War between The U.S.S.R. and The Western Alliance, and Zionism in The Holy Land and the continued imbalanced U.S. support to the state of Israel and the ignoring of the Palestinian Inhabitants.
In order to save the day in Iraq, America and the International Community should use the gift that God put on our shoulders and seek out a solution.
First, the U.S. Government should partake of HUMILITY and admit that the approach which we took was a mistake. This is not sacrificing National Pride, but having the testicular fortitude to salvage HONOR. By the Administration and the Congress (Our Voice) publicaly announcing that THEY (the Administrations Policy Makers and their Supporters on Capital Hill) went about this all wrong, THEY might regain OUR trust and that of the Worlds, and this can be accomplished without relinquishing Our Sovereignty and submitting to any nation or international organization. With such an admission of wrong doing, then we can begin to end this bloodletting and pure chaos.
After such a proclamation, the U.S. then can draw up new plans and approach the International Community and create a common ground where a true peace can be planted. U.S. Forces cannot immediately withdraw from Iraq, Common Sense dictates this!, but Our Military Leadership can step up, advise the Civilian Leadership of Our Military of what is REALLY going on...on the ground in Iraq...offer a real solution an put aside the grandios visions of spreading so-called freedom around the world...the Manifest Destiny of the Neo-Con Policy Makers...and again offer a real strategy not only in Iraq, but the entire Near East. A strategy that Our Citizens can digest and accept, because it is Our Sons and Daughters that are fighting for a failed policy, not the children of the Elitniks on both the Right and Left. Once this new strategy is implemented, then Our Republic cand apprach the International Community, without wavering Our Strength as America, and the Dignity and Honor of Our Armed Forces, and request a new international effort to bring a real peace to Iraq and the region.
It is unfortunate that Our Nation charged into this War on the stallion of lies and desception with its eyes blinded by greed and power, (a Steed of The Apocylpse?), and the results was the grass which the Pale Riders' Horse feeds upon, the deaths of hundreds of thousands...AND FOR WHAT?!...the population of the entire world is still asking, but there is no real answer, only man lying to man. Only the TRUTH will bring about an end to this gathering of death.
Our Government ignored the TRUTH! And presented to the International Community a host of ABSOLUTE LIES, which not only WE THE PEOPLE could see, but all peoples! Aside from the politics of the United Nations, the wheelings and dealings, the corruptions and failings that take place within the walls of that experiment of human governments, the Policy Makers of Our Government purposefully lead us into this War ignoring all other avenues of approach to solve the problem of the Hussein Regime by telling the American People and the International Community that all solutions had been exhausted, and America will invade Iraq...and now...we are in an endless chaos of blood.
Those avenues of approach that were ignored cannot be regained, but must be mentioned here. These were continued inspections, diplomacy, military pressure (including multi-national clandestine operations), economic and monetary pressure, and the gathering of nations, a True Alliance if you will, against the Hussein Regime. If these steps had been taken, and applied properly, then the outcome would have been much different than what we have today, even if all efforts failed, and the International Community lead by the U.S. took military action.
Continued Inspections. With a constant pressure of unlimited access to facilities, Multi-National Inspection Teams, a heavily armed Multi-Force Observers and Escorts (similar to the International Forces operating sucessfully in the Sinai since 1982) backed by a serious threat of an Allied Military Force, freedom of movement Iraq-wide, and a No-Fly-Zone Iraq-wide. Then as the Hussein Regime capitulated, the inspections would have revealed their findings and Truth!
Diplomacy. Whether on the international stage or behind closed door (only when applicable) the U.S. Government has the ways and means to convince all nations, friend and foe alike along with neutrals of Our ideas and suggestions to solutions world problems. The Power of America lies not only with Our Military Forces, but through Our Power of Persuasion, be it through economics, politacal, technological, and even cultural means, and We must not forget Our ability to twist arms and remind foreign leaderships and governments of WHO it was that HELPED, SAVED, and GAVE in their times of need. With Our abilities, We could have lead the International Community and built a True Alliance that would have achieved inspection results, even if military force had to have been used, the outcome would have been different.
Another Diplomatic Effort, For Todays Situation. After proclaiming Our Mistakes in Iraq, reapproach the International Community, discuss and persuade, offer suggestions to solve the chaos, and build a concenses which will lead to an alliance, and the U.S. will lead a new international effort to bring about a peace. Once We include the International Community in the decision making process,(without compromising Our Security), a True Alliance can be built, and a new request for international forces to help bring a stability and peace to Iraq can be sent out worldwide, and once this force is assembeled and operational, the U.S. will begin to reduce Our troop levels, and bring a large number of Our Sons and Daughters Home.
Building An Allied Military Force. With the U.S. leading the way, a true and viable force can be molded from Our Militarys' experience thus far. A Multi-National Observers and Stability Force (similar to the Multi-Force Observers in the Sinai) can be created, made operational, and deployable by the Summer of 2006. Currently the U.S. has nearly 140,000 troops in the Iraq, and a number more in the theater of operations there in Southwest Asia. There are a number of countries that have contributed troops in the present Coalition, from small to large contributions. With the creation of the Multi-National Observers and Stability Force, this new Alliance will be able to build a force with large numbers of troops assigned from other countries, military, and political organizations. Nations such as India, Russia, New Zealand, Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia, Canada, and Kazakhstan would be excellent examples of individual countries. While Nato, the European Union, the African Union, The Commonwealth of Independent States (former Soviet Republics), ANZUS (Australia-New Zealand-U.S.), SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization), and The OAS (Organization of American States) would be organiztional sources to contribute to the cause.
Here is an example of what troop contributions could look like.
The U.S. - 50,000 in Iraq, with 10,000 in Theater. The Commonwealth of Independent States; Russia - 10,000 Ukraine - 10,000 Kazakhstan - 7,000 Azeribajian - 1,000 Armenia - 1,000 Georgia - 1,000 Belarus - 1,000 Turkmenistan - 1,000 The African Union; Nigeria - 1,000 South Africa - 1,000 Ethiopia - 500 Mali - 500 Madagascar - 500 Zambia - 500 Kenya - 500 Senegal - 500 NATO/European Union The U.K. - 10,000 Ireland - 300 Germany - 7,000 Hungary - 500 Sweden - 500 France - 7,000 Italy - 3,000 Spain - 3,000 Serbia - 500 (a prerequisite for EU membership) Bosnia - 500 (a prerequisite for EU membership) Austria - 500 Turkey - 500 Greece - 500 Ruomania - 500 Bulgaria - 500 Portugal - 300 Estonia - 300 Latvia - 300 Lithuania - 300 Luxembourg - 25 Liechtenstein - 25 Malta - 100 Cyprus - 100 (pending EU membership) Andorra - 25 San Marino - 25 Slovakia - 300 Czech Republic - 300 Slovenia - 300 Croatia - 300 Macedonia - 250 Montenegro - 250 Organization of American States Brazil - 1,000 Mexico - 500 Argentina - 1,000 Cuba - 1,000 Jamica - 500 Chile - 500 Ecuador - 300 Bolivia - 300 Paraguay - 300 Trinidad and Tobago - 100 Bardados - 100 Nicaugua - 300 Columbia - 500 THE ASIAN-PACIFIC-INDIAN OCEAN REGIONS; Indonesia - 5,000 India - 5,000 Australia - 3,000 Singapore - 100 Mongolia - 300 Japan - 3,000 Thailand - 500 The Philippines - 500 Malyasia - 500 Sri Lanka - 300 The Maldives - 100 Vietnam - 500 New Zealand - 1,000 The Seychelles - 100 Samoa/Fiji/Tonga/Kiribati - 200 A Combined Korean Force Under Swiss Command - 1,000 China - 3,000 Pakistan - 1,000 Afghanistan - 500 Nepal - 100 THE ARAB LEAGUE; Morocco - 500 Lebanon - 500 Egypt - 1,000 Palestinian Authority - 250 (a good opportunity for presenting themselves as a responsible nation in the international community) Tunisia - 500 Oman - 500 Syria - 1,000 Algeria - 1,000 United Arab Emirates - 500 Libya - 500 Jordan - 500 Saudi Arabia - 500 Bahrain - 100 Qatar - 100 Kuwait - 100 These contributions are what could be if America and the International Community put their heads together to seek a solution to the chaos in Iraq, a U.S. Force of 60,000 troops and an Intenational Force of 123,100, plus the Iraq Military and Security Forces as they continue to grow. With this Possibility, there could be a peaceful outcome in Iraq.
To Be Continued...
posted by Gary 4:57 PM
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Out To Left Field!
I wonder if the Secularist-Humanist-Political-Left-Wingers in the Legeslative, Executive, and Judical Branches of Government at all levels; Local, State, and Federal...
The Liberal-Politicaly Correct-Inclusive-On The Verge Of Becoming More Herectical Church Leadership...
the CEO's of the Corperations...
the Elitist-Left-Wing-"You're Not Allowed To Think That Way"-Arrogant Intelligenstia-University/College Professors...
the Rich-Elitist-Urban-Pioneers who drive their Mercedes/Volkswagon SUV's, their Volvo's, their Jeeps and Honda's out of their recently renovated three story 'energy effecient...HA!' 1883 Victorian Homes, cottages, and bungalows where the orginial neighborhood folks had to leave because 'they don't fit in'(reason being, they were working class whites and blacks who didn't meet 'up to standards'), and whereas these Elitniks have visually improved the old neighborhoods, their 'political correct snobbery' makes way for their kind of rich folks to follow on in and cultivate their 'snootery' and continue a form of class division!...
...Anyways...and last but not least, those Know It All-Nature Worshipping-Save The Amoeba-Sloppy Dressed-Anarchy Loving-War Kills, But Lets Make Sure That I Can Abort My Unborn and Euthenize My Elderly Great Uncle In The Rest Home-Arrogant College Students...
I wonder...if any of these Individuals or groups...have Served, would Serve, are Serving, or have a Son or Daughter, a Father or Mother, or Brother or Sister that is Serving in Our Armed Forces in Iraq?
posted by Gary 1:32 PM
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Thursday, September 29, 2005
Here's Another!
I wonder if the Theo-Political Right Wingers in the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches of Our Government...the Religious Evangelical Leadership...the CEO's of the major corperations...and the rich suburbanites that drive their Hummers, their Cadilacs, and their SUV's out of their 'Mac-Mansion' subdivisions with their 'W-The President' and 'The Power Of Pride' bumper stickers glaring backwards at the world...have a Son or Daughter, a Husband or Father in Our Armed Forces serving in Iraq?
posted by Gary 12:28 PM
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The American Service Man And Woman...serving with Honor, Dignity, Trust, Distinction, Loyality, and Love Of Nation.
To which We The Citizenry owe so much.
We do this through keeping Them in Our hearts and minds.
And through Our Citizenship of questioning the actions of Our Government.
posted by Gary 12:12 PM
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A Question For The Day...How is that We The People can allow the present Administration continue this Illegal Iraq War? The answer...The Opium Of The People...entertainment and sports...this keeps us 'doped up' to where 'Citizenship' is on the back burner of our lives...and the corperations sell the Opium to us in overdoses...this so they can profit more...and their buddies in the Administration and the The Congress (The Voice Of We The People) can further their varied agendas...of course to their GAIN and PROFIT as well...the REASON they have sold out the Citizens and the Republic.
There is an answer and antidote to todays question...Citizenship By The People...whether you are Right, Center, or Left...whether you are Libertarian, Republican, Socialist, Jeffersonian, Democrat, Reform, Nationalist, or Green...YOUR RESPONSIBLITY AND DUTY TO THE NATION IS CITIZENSHIP!...and this is the answer and the sobering of Our Land.
posted by Gary 11:45 AM
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Friday, September 23, 2005
New thoughts and ideas have been added to the previous post concerning the Holy Land and the revival of the State and Territorial Guard. Please review these additions.
posted by Gary 12:22 PM
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Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Thinking Again About The Holy Land.
Yesterdays' Blog Thought was about Our Foreign Policy in the Holy Land, and the need for religious groups to begin talks then invite nations and international organizations into the discussions to hopefully find a solution to conflict between the Jewish and Palestinian Peoples'.
Today, the first thought should be simple and proclaimed aloud by everyone involved...and that is about PEOPLE...children, women, men, the elderly, and families...PEOPLE who just want to live life as The Good Lord intended...Loving You Neighbor.
Although people have always been in conflict, I have learned thru conversations with an Arab-Christian Lady and thru several books that prior to the 1948 declaration of the state of Israel, Jews, Arab-Muslims, and Arab-Christians generally got along well, living in a neighborly way, knowing and caring about their neighbors, and as a good example, when for instance the end of the Muslim Holy Fast of Ramadan ended, the Arab-Muslims would invite their Jewish and Arab-Christian neighbors over to celebrate and feast TOGETHER! AS NEIGHBORS! As friends, and as Brothers and Sisters of the Human Family...who if I remember correctly...were made in The Image Of God...and Jews and Arabs are COUSINS...they are of Abraham.
About the Palestinian People of the Holy Land. They have a right to this Land. They have lived there for many centuries and many generations, living off the Land by herding livestock, farming vegatables and fruit groves and living in towns and villages. While most Palestinians are Muslim, there is a considerable sized Christian community made up of Orthodox Christian, Roman Catholic Chirstian and various Protestant Christian groups. We must remember that The Christian Faith has been there since The Year Of Our Lord Thirty Three...and Christians have been there since. Whether They are Muslim or Christian, the Palestinians are a People of accomplishment, not only in the Arab World where They are known for Their educacation and professionalism, but to all the world.
About the Jewish People of the Holy Land. They have a right to this Land. It is through Them that God has given Salvation to All the World! It was the Prophets who would 'Tell The Story'. It was The Law given to Moses. It was The Ark Of The Covenant. It was God In His Temple. It is the stories of Adam and Eve, Noah, Abraham and His Sons, of Joseph, Joshua, Jonah, David, and the many others. It is the story of the falling down of the Jews, and Gods' Love helping Them up again, and how that would apply to Everyone. And it is this 'application of loving help' that would bring in, and graft the Gentiles into this Salvation Of All...Jews and Gentiles...All Made In The Image Of God. The Hebrew People have given the world a Holy Legacy and an Accomplishment Of Humanity.
This Image is Bloodied every day...Palestinians Fighters bombing non-military targets inside the state of Israel...Israeli aircraft bombing targets in Palestinian neighborhoods...and it is the Innocents' that perish...the civilians that suffer. Human Dignity is that which is lost. And Human Rights are ignored in the streets, on the battlefield, and in the political fields, and this is where the dark side of Our Human Nature is sowed and harvested.
Those Israelis in the Likud Party and other organizations promoting 'the destruction of the Palestinian People and Their hope for a State' by continuing the policies of Settlements in the Occupied Territories, the construction of the 'security wall and fence system', the destruction of Palestinian homes and properties whether as 'retaliatory strikes' or 'land grabs', the continued ignoring of land deeds which Palestinians hold and have for generations, the obstructions of individual travel throughout the Holy Land, the continued harassment of North American and European Christians who try to assist Palestinians in Their daily life, and the continued impoverishment of the Palestinians and their economy, shouldn't both fair well in this 'land of plenty'.
Then, there are those in the Palestinian Community who advocate for the 'destruction of the Jews and the state of Israel', the commiting of an ethnic cleansing and genocide, which, could be said is being waged against them as well. There are those Palestinian who see themselves as 'freedom fighters' and 'liberators'(as there are some who are), but when genocidal rhetoric is screamed and acts of terrorism is used against particular civilian targets, then they loose the cause, loosing sympathy and support from those who could give legitimate help in the form of diplomactic, security, and economic, assistance, and their dream of a Independent State will not be acheived. Palestinian feelings are understandable, the death of family members and friends would bring out vengence in any of us, not matter your race or faith, we would strike out and seek justice...as is true for Israeli citizens who suffer the same. While there are justified grievences with the Israeli government, the ideology, rhetoric, and actions of militant Palestinian groups and their continued use of terror as a preferred weapon of choice is only destructive to Their Dreams of a Palestinian State.
A dangerous volatile poisonous weed that is thrown into this 'dark harvest of hate' is the Christian Zionist Movement. Now it must be said that their individual 'Love For The Lord' is apparently clear and is not in question here. And their study of Holy Scripture is admirable and must be commended. And it is true to say that most are real and true Christians. But their theology, ideology, and religious-political thinking on eschatology is just what it is, and must be named, it is Heresy! And this heresy will lead individuals, churches, organizations(religious and political) and nations down a destructive diabolical path. This Movement is not only made up of religious leaders and their congregations, but also political leaders and figures whose influence on policy decisions is monumental and has a tremedous impact on Our Nation and Its Course. Church and organization leaders like Pat Roberston, Gary Bauer, Jerry Falwell, and Robert Upton encourage Our foreign Policy to support the state of Israel 'no matter what'...even when the Jewish Government commits 'ethnic cleansing' and 'acts of terror' against the Palestinian People. The religious and political ideology of the 'Theo-political Right' fails to recognize the Palestinian and all Arabs as 'People'. It is my observation that they ignore the Arab Christian...I think this is because 'they' are not Evangelical, Penecostal, Baptist, Presbyterian, or any other Protestant group. Most Arab Christians are Orthodox Christian and Roman Catholic Christian, and the others being of the Coptic, Nestorian, and Assyrian Churches. This failing to 'recognize' is very un-Christ Like, Racist, and hurtful to their Arab Brothers and Sisters in Christ. The Policy Makers in Our Republic that are listening to the Christian Zionist Movement are making decisions that is setting America on 'path of perpetual war' with the Arab and Muslim World. This 'path' could be avoided if Our Nations Policy Makers had a 'Fair-Handed' and 'Even-Approach' to the situation in the Holy Land. And if we applied this, then America would be truly respected.
To Be Continued...
posted by Gary 11:29 AM
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Tuesday, September 13, 2005
U.S. Policy in the Holy Land should be fair and even-handed, a policy that would express concern for the welfare, safety, and security for the Jewish People and THE Palestinian People, both of whom are inhabitants and have a right to live in this Land. If we were to press for the RIGHTS for both Peoples, then Our presence in the Middle East would be more accepted and viewed then by everyone as a 'true broker' for a peaceful outcome of the Palestinian/Jewish Conflict. The religious leadership of the various Christian Churches, the various Judiac groups, and the Muslim community should come together to sponser talks, then invite the U.S., the Russian Federation, the EU, the Arab League, the African Union, and the UN into the discussions to seek an answer for this Land.
posted by Gary 12:55 PM
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Saturday, September 10, 2005
In Our United States, We Should Consider Reviving The State And Territorial Guard For A True Common Defense.
Each State and Territory should have a Defense Force structured similarly to the U.S. Marine Corps, having ground, air, and maritime assets.
The size of each force would be similar to that of the U.S. Armys' Armored Cavalry Regiment. With high mobility, heavily armed, and a self-contained logistics and supply system.
A Command-Control-Communication System would fall strictly under the jurisdiction and the command of the Governer and State(or Territorial)General. With Coordinating Generals on the National Security Council, Joint-Chiefs-Of-Staff, Pentagon, Norad,and on the National Airborne Command Post. This to coordinate defense and security operations.
Training of State and Territorial Guard Troops would take place in Western Nebraska at a newly created Joint Guard Training Center which would include basic and skill training operations.
When a State or Territory is unable to fill the ranks with its' own Residents, then recruiting request are sent out nationwide, with relocation and residency benifits.
The number of troops for each State Guard Force would number around 7,500 personnel total. With 6,000 Active Duty Members and 1,500 Reserve Members. Guard Forces in the Territories would number small due to populations and would vary for each. State Guard personnel nationwide would number around 300,000 Active Duty and 75,000 Reserve Component, and Territorial Guard personnel would number 1,400 Active Duty and 850 Reserve Componet.
The National Guard Buereau would be deactived. Which means that the U.S. Army Naitonal Guard and U.S. Air National Guard would be reorganized into a seperate branch of the Armed Forces, The U.S. National Guard, birthed if you will from the U.S. Army as the Air Force was in 1946. The personnel, material, and equipment of the Air National Guard would be redistrubited and reorganized back into the Air Force and Air Force Reserve. The number of personnel in the newly organized U.S. National Guard would number around 160,000 members with both an Active Duty and Reserve Component.
The Mission of the State and Territorial Guard. It is to provide for the Common Defense of Our Communities, States, and Our Beloved Native Land-Our Nation. Providing security for Our Citizenry that We may govern Ourselves FREELY! Providing security for Our infrastructure, nuclear power facilities, pipelines, communication systems, food, water, and medical supplies and facilities, railway, roadway, and air transportation systems, power grids and facilities, dams, critical industrial sites, and port facilities. After the Federal Government establishes 'a clear and visible border' with security fences, steel walls, vehicle birms, wide stone ditches, and 'Controlled-Entry-Points' for commerical and individual traffic, then the U.S. Border Patrol, U.S. National Guard Forces, and State Guard Forces from Border States would conduct Joint-Border-Protection-Operations to secure Our Borders.
And after establishing a Fair Taxing System, Citizens, Small and Medium Sized Buisnesses, Corperations, the States and the Federal Government will be able to finance the State and Territorial Guard, and we would have another Force in Our Common Defense.
While the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard are currently 'The All Volunteer Force' The ideal of a 'newly created' State and Territorial Guard and the U.S. National Guard should fall under a 'mandatory conscription' so that ALL eligable young men and women can fulfill their Duty and State, Territory, and National Service. And then Our Land will have a Citizenry that is knowledgabe about Our National Security.
The Forces of the State and Territorial Guard fall strictly under the jurisdiction, leadership and operational command of the State/Territorial Governor and State/Territorial General. Again there being 'Coordinating Generals' on the National Level so as to coordinate 'Defense and Security Operations' during wartime and natural disaster relief efforts. Under no circumstance will the State and Territorial Guard be deployed overseas, their tasks and duties is to their Communities, States, and Territories.
posted by Gary 1:46 PM
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A Beautiful Saturday Here In East Tennessee! Summer is giving way to Autumn ever so gently, as a soft breeze from the West. Skies blue and the air dry, reminds me of days past under The Big Skies Of Montana. Such days and rememberences are those soft breezes, returning in my heart and mind to not only the past, but the present moment, feeling the breeze and winds of the Prairies', the aroma of the pines, sagebrush, and sweetgrasses, the unending skies that harken your gaze, be it in the 'heart of the sunrise', the slow summer sunsets, the moon shining upon a blanket of snow on the rolling prairies', the colours of many shades at the setting and the rising of Our Star...I am there now...
posted by Gary 1:33 PM
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Friday, September 09, 2005
Friday's Thought. Just recently checked out the book "God's Politics-A New Vision for Faith and Politics in America" by Jim Wallis. Looks to be an eye opener, in fact started reading it last night and couldn't put it down to sleep! It definetly will make one think. And if you're a Christian, then this is a must. And if you're a Citizen, then this is a must. I wonder if Herr Pat Robertson or any of the other 'Evangelical Bombadiers' would pick up this book? Bombs' Away to thinking and feeling!
posted by Gary 3:07 PM
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Thursday, September 08, 2005
Here is another thought. The present politicians of the Executive Branch, their cohorts in the Legislative branch, and their extremely wealthy supporters, whether individuals, organizations, or corperations are ALL FOR THIS ILLEGAL BLOODBATH OF A WAR!...and one question SHOULD BE ASKED ALOUD!...would these supporters, who cheerlead and preach this profit-gaining-religious war... send their children into the field of battle?!....with the exception of a few families whose members do serve in the Military....I think the answer would be...no!
posted by Gary 6:52 PM
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A Return To Fair Taxation. It's simple...all should pay Their Fair Share, individuals of the working class and the wealthy, small and medium sized buisnesses, and the corperations. Here are some thoughts and ideals: A) A Flat Rate Tax of 10% on individual incomes...poor, middle, and wealthy class.
B) State Sales Tax of 2.5% on purchases other than food and drinking water.
C) Federal Sales Tax of 2.5% on purchases other than food and drinking water.
D) No Loop Holes for the wealthy and corperations.
E) Small and Medium buisnesses should pay local, state, and federal taxes, but not to the extent that they are strangled and must close shop. And an end to breaks for foreigners open- ing buisnesses.
F) Corperations should pay their share of taxes, with again, no loop holes, just pay as all do.
G) An end to current property tax practices, such as when local property accessors drive by and increase a home-owners taxes just because they planted a dwarf holly, placed a swing on the front porch, painted their gutters, added a window air conditioning unit, or planted a new flower bed. New accessment procedures that are simple and fair to both the homeowner and community should be implemented.
H) Vehicle Taxation should be small, simple, and universal on a state level. All vehicle 'inspection-stickers', a form of taxing should end nation wide.
I) Fuel Taxes on gasonline purchases for the consumer should end. Seems that record profits for the oil companies should be taxed.
J) All Foreign Individuals and Corperations should pay taxes.
K) Members of the U.S. Armed Forces should never pay income taxes. Their sacrifice to the Nation is in of itself a tax.
L) Personal Property Taxes on such items as furniture, appliances, electronics, tools, and farm machinery SHOULD END IMMEDIATLY! After all, taxes were paid at the time of purchase were they not?! M) Options on School Taxes should made avaliable to parents choosing either a public shool system, parochial schools, or home-schooling. The School Taxes paid by the parents would go to the Option on School Taxes they choose, and the education of Our Young People will be funded by the People.
And these are thoughts and ideals that all Citizens should think about, discuss, debate, and as Constituents, ask OUR Elected Representives to implement for the Betterment of The Citizenery and The Republic!
posted by Gary 5:09 PM
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Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Once again, from somewhere in a Citizens Mind. The War in Iraq is wrong! It's based on the LIES of the Neo-Conservatives who want a world-wide American-Anglo-Zionist-Coperate Empire! LIES that they may profit from this illegal war...Eisenhower warned us of the military-industrial-and-now-congressional complex! This war is not part of the so-called 'war on terror'! This war is for the gaining of control of the Iraqi oilfields and to profit in private from them...and for the destablization of the Arab world so that Zionist-State-of Israel can further ethnically cleanse the Holy Land of the Palestinian People(do the Jewish People deserve to live in the Holy Land...you betcha'!...as do the Palestinian People).
Isn't 'ethnic cleansing' morally wrong anywhere and everywhere?! Where is the American and international community when it comes to Africa? A Holocaust is being implemented in the Dafur Region of Sudan as well as against the Black Christians and Animist of Southern Sudan! In Europe, A Holocaust is being played out against the Serbs and The Orthodox Church in Kosovo! Again in Africa, a Holocaust took place in Rwanda in the late 90's against the Tutsi Christians. In Latin America, what of the condition of the Native Indian Population? And the world hem-hawed around when Muslim militants backed by Indonesian military forces butchered East Timorese Christians!
And the world is deaf-dumb-and mute to the Forgotten People Of The Holy Land And Middle East...The Christians...Palestinian, Assyrian, Greek, the Coptic Christians of Egypt, the Ancient Ethiopian Christians, the Melkite and Maronites of Lebenon, the Greeks and Armenians in Turkey, the continued desecration of Christian sites in Northern Cyprus, the continued denial by the ruthless Turkish government of their Genocide against Armenian and Greek Christians from the late 1800's till the early 1920's (and Our Government does not press the Turks because of geo-political-military-economics)...what is to be said of these Forgotten?!...what of Their Right To Exsistence and Justice!?
It seems to me that the 'Dirt of Greed' governs the actions of those that could make a difference. Why didn't Bill Clinton send a battalion of Marines into Rwanda to lead the way in the halting of a slaughter? Why doesn't the present administration push justice in Kosovo? Why has the UN's response been so damn slow in Dafur? Why is Our Government not playing fairly in the Holy Land? and why doen't the OAS fight harder for the Natives of Latin America? Why didn't the UN/Nato/EU recognize and move against the terrorism of the KLA in Kosovo?
Again, it is the 'Dirt of Greed' and to some degree a form of prejudice and racism against the those 'south of the equator' and against the poor 'brown skins' north of it, and the possibility of the building of a 'New Iron Curtain' against the Slavs and their Orthodox Church(a plucking of the wings of the Double-Headed-Byzatine-Rus Eagle if you will) ...their demise, hurt, and destruction doesn't effect the rich-mans' pocket book, and these People don't have anything that the 'Whore of Babylon', a.k.a the Western-Secularist-Humanist-post Christian-Corperate world wants to take with little or no compensation. WE MUST THINK!
posted by Gary 12:01 PM
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Another Day In The U.S. And again some thoughts on Our Condition. The Citizens pay their taxes...and the rich and powerful do not pay their fair share, you might say that the 'sheep' pays for the 'lions velvelted walls'(a thought from a song from 'Blind Mans Zoo' from 10,000 maniacs) and we the 'sheep do pay dearly'.
As Taxpayers, we have a responsibility to help in the funding of Our Government, so that it may function, and that it provide the Citizenery services such as the maintaining of Our road, railway, and air-transportation systems, the Common-Sense-Defense of Our Land and Our 'real' interest overseas, of regulating Our communications, financial, energy, enviromental, natural resources, national and international commerce, and the list goes on.
But to be the Ones, who again, bares' the burden...a beasts' burden...is ethicly and moraly WRONG! Why not, should those whose wealth is built on the Working-Class here and abroad, not pay their...the lions share?! Why not, the individuals and corperations whose richness is beyond imagination, pay their portion to fund the Country?! A fair share indeed should be placed on the 'lions' shoulders so the Republic may work on a daily basis. Do they not enjoy the benifits of the living in the Land?! But yet, it's the Working Poor and Middle Classes that pays the taxes and are NOT FULLY REPRESENTED IN OUR CONGRESS?! The corperations and their vile lobbyist (the 'third house of congress') are represented FULLY! And the laws are passed so their interest and not that of the People are represented! This is a National Travisty that, if not checked and reversed, will kill Our Republic...and an Empire will replace it...and we the Working-Class will be the wealthy's serfs, indentured-servents, and ultimately, their slaves.
posted by Gary 11:52 AM
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