Thursday, September 08, 2005
A Return To Fair Taxation. It's simple...all should pay Their Fair Share, individuals of the working class and the wealthy, small and medium sized buisnesses, and the corperations. Here are some thoughts and ideals: A) A Flat Rate Tax of 10% on individual incomes...poor, middle, and wealthy class.
B) State Sales Tax of 2.5% on purchases other than food and drinking water.
C) Federal Sales Tax of 2.5% on purchases other than food and drinking water.
D) No Loop Holes for the wealthy and corperations.
E) Small and Medium buisnesses should pay local, state, and federal taxes, but not to the extent that they are strangled and must close shop. And an end to breaks for foreigners open- ing buisnesses.
F) Corperations should pay their share of taxes, with again, no loop holes, just pay as all do.
G) An end to current property tax practices, such as when local property accessors drive by and increase a home-owners taxes just because they planted a dwarf holly, placed a swing on the front porch, painted their gutters, added a window air conditioning unit, or planted a new flower bed. New accessment procedures that are simple and fair to both the homeowner and community should be implemented.
H) Vehicle Taxation should be small, simple, and universal on a state level. All vehicle 'inspection-stickers', a form of taxing should end nation wide.
I) Fuel Taxes on gasonline purchases for the consumer should end. Seems that record profits for the oil companies should be taxed.
J) All Foreign Individuals and Corperations should pay taxes.
K) Members of the U.S. Armed Forces should never pay income taxes. Their sacrifice to the Nation is in of itself a tax.
L) Personal Property Taxes on such items as furniture, appliances, electronics, tools, and farm machinery SHOULD END IMMEDIATLY! After all, taxes were paid at the time of purchase were they not?! M) Options on School Taxes should made avaliable to parents choosing either a public shool system, parochial schools, or home-schooling. The School Taxes paid by the parents would go to the Option on School Taxes they choose, and the education of Our Young People will be funded by the People.
And these are thoughts and ideals that all Citizens should think about, discuss, debate, and as Constituents, ask OUR Elected Representives to implement for the Betterment of The Citizenery and The Republic!
posted by Gary 5:09 PM