Saturday, September 10, 2005
In Our United States, We Should Consider Reviving The State And Territorial Guard For A True Common Defense.
Each State and Territory should have a Defense Force structured similarly to the U.S. Marine Corps, having ground, air, and maritime assets.
The size of each force would be similar to that of the U.S. Armys' Armored Cavalry Regiment. With high mobility, heavily armed, and a self-contained logistics and supply system.
A Command-Control-Communication System would fall strictly under the jurisdiction and the command of the Governer and State(or Territorial)General. With Coordinating Generals on the National Security Council, Joint-Chiefs-Of-Staff, Pentagon, Norad,and on the National Airborne Command Post. This to coordinate defense and security operations.
Training of State and Territorial Guard Troops would take place in Western Nebraska at a newly created Joint Guard Training Center which would include basic and skill training operations.
When a State or Territory is unable to fill the ranks with its' own Residents, then recruiting request are sent out nationwide, with relocation and residency benifits.
The number of troops for each State Guard Force would number around 7,500 personnel total. With 6,000 Active Duty Members and 1,500 Reserve Members. Guard Forces in the Territories would number small due to populations and would vary for each. State Guard personnel nationwide would number around 300,000 Active Duty and 75,000 Reserve Component, and Territorial Guard personnel would number 1,400 Active Duty and 850 Reserve Componet.
The National Guard Buereau would be deactived. Which means that the U.S. Army Naitonal Guard and U.S. Air National Guard would be reorganized into a seperate branch of the Armed Forces, The U.S. National Guard, birthed if you will from the U.S. Army as the Air Force was in 1946. The personnel, material, and equipment of the Air National Guard would be redistrubited and reorganized back into the Air Force and Air Force Reserve. The number of personnel in the newly organized U.S. National Guard would number around 160,000 members with both an Active Duty and Reserve Component.
The Mission of the State and Territorial Guard. It is to provide for the Common Defense of Our Communities, States, and Our Beloved Native Land-Our Nation. Providing security for Our Citizenry that We may govern Ourselves FREELY! Providing security for Our infrastructure, nuclear power facilities, pipelines, communication systems, food, water, and medical supplies and facilities, railway, roadway, and air transportation systems, power grids and facilities, dams, critical industrial sites, and port facilities. After the Federal Government establishes 'a clear and visible border' with security fences, steel walls, vehicle birms, wide stone ditches, and 'Controlled-Entry-Points' for commerical and individual traffic, then the U.S. Border Patrol, U.S. National Guard Forces, and State Guard Forces from Border States would conduct Joint-Border-Protection-Operations to secure Our Borders.
And after establishing a Fair Taxing System, Citizens, Small and Medium Sized Buisnesses, Corperations, the States and the Federal Government will be able to finance the State and Territorial Guard, and we would have another Force in Our Common Defense.
While the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard are currently 'The All Volunteer Force' The ideal of a 'newly created' State and Territorial Guard and the U.S. National Guard should fall under a 'mandatory conscription' so that ALL eligable young men and women can fulfill their Duty and State, Territory, and National Service. And then Our Land will have a Citizenry that is knowledgabe about Our National Security.
The Forces of the State and Territorial Guard fall strictly under the jurisdiction, leadership and operational command of the State/Territorial Governor and State/Territorial General. Again there being 'Coordinating Generals' on the National Level so as to coordinate 'Defense and Security Operations' during wartime and natural disaster relief efforts. Under no circumstance will the State and Territorial Guard be deployed overseas, their tasks and duties is to their Communities, States, and Territories.
posted by Gary 1:46 PM