Friday, September 30, 2005
Out To Left Field!
I wonder if the Secularist-Humanist-Political-Left-Wingers in the Legeslative, Executive, and Judical Branches of Government at all levels; Local, State, and Federal...
The Liberal-Politicaly Correct-Inclusive-On The Verge Of Becoming More Herectical Church Leadership...
the CEO's of the Corperations...
the Elitist-Left-Wing-"You're Not Allowed To Think That Way"-Arrogant Intelligenstia-University/College Professors...
the Rich-Elitist-Urban-Pioneers who drive their Mercedes/Volkswagon SUV's, their Volvo's, their Jeeps and Honda's out of their recently renovated three story 'energy effecient...HA!' 1883 Victorian Homes, cottages, and bungalows where the orginial neighborhood folks had to leave because 'they don't fit in'(reason being, they were working class whites and blacks who didn't meet 'up to standards'), and whereas these Elitniks have visually improved the old neighborhoods, their 'political correct snobbery' makes way for their kind of rich folks to follow on in and cultivate their 'snootery' and continue a form of class division!...
...Anyways...and last but not least, those Know It All-Nature Worshipping-Save The Amoeba-Sloppy Dressed-Anarchy Loving-War Kills, But Lets Make Sure That I Can Abort My Unborn and Euthenize My Elderly Great Uncle In The Rest Home-Arrogant College Students...
I wonder...if any of these Individuals or groups...have Served, would Serve, are Serving, or have a Son or Daughter, a Father or Mother, or Brother or Sister that is Serving in Our Armed Forces in Iraq?
posted by Gary 1:32 PM