Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Once again, from somewhere in a Citizens Mind. The War in Iraq is wrong! It's based on the LIES of the Neo-Conservatives who want a world-wide American-Anglo-Zionist-Coperate Empire! LIES that they may profit from this illegal war...Eisenhower warned us of the military-industrial-and-now-congressional complex! This war is not part of the so-called 'war on terror'! This war is for the gaining of control of the Iraqi oilfields and to profit in private from them...and for the destablization of the Arab world so that Zionist-State-of Israel can further ethnically cleanse the Holy Land of the Palestinian People(do the Jewish People deserve to live in the Holy Land...you betcha'!...as do the Palestinian People).
Isn't 'ethnic cleansing' morally wrong anywhere and everywhere?! Where is the American and international community when it comes to Africa? A Holocaust is being implemented in the Dafur Region of Sudan as well as against the Black Christians and Animist of Southern Sudan! In Europe, A Holocaust is being played out against the Serbs and The Orthodox Church in Kosovo! Again in Africa, a Holocaust took place in Rwanda in the late 90's against the Tutsi Christians. In Latin America, what of the condition of the Native Indian Population? And the world hem-hawed around when Muslim militants backed by Indonesian military forces butchered East Timorese Christians!
And the world is deaf-dumb-and mute to the Forgotten People Of The Holy Land And Middle East...The Christians...Palestinian, Assyrian, Greek, the Coptic Christians of Egypt, the Ancient Ethiopian Christians, the Melkite and Maronites of Lebenon, the Greeks and Armenians in Turkey, the continued desecration of Christian sites in Northern Cyprus, the continued denial by the ruthless Turkish government of their Genocide against Armenian and Greek Christians from the late 1800's till the early 1920's (and Our Government does not press the Turks because of geo-political-military-economics)...what is to be said of these Forgotten?!...what of Their Right To Exsistence and Justice!?
It seems to me that the 'Dirt of Greed' governs the actions of those that could make a difference. Why didn't Bill Clinton send a battalion of Marines into Rwanda to lead the way in the halting of a slaughter? Why doesn't the present administration push justice in Kosovo? Why has the UN's response been so damn slow in Dafur? Why is Our Government not playing fairly in the Holy Land? and why doen't the OAS fight harder for the Natives of Latin America? Why didn't the UN/Nato/EU recognize and move against the terrorism of the KLA in Kosovo?
Again, it is the 'Dirt of Greed' and to some degree a form of prejudice and racism against the those 'south of the equator' and against the poor 'brown skins' north of it, and the possibility of the building of a 'New Iron Curtain' against the Slavs and their Orthodox Church(a plucking of the wings of the Double-Headed-Byzatine-Rus Eagle if you will) ...their demise, hurt, and destruction doesn't effect the rich-mans' pocket book, and these People don't have anything that the 'Whore of Babylon', a.k.a the Western-Secularist-Humanist-post Christian-Corperate world wants to take with little or no compensation. WE MUST THINK!
posted by Gary 12:01 PM