Friday, September 30, 2005
What To Do About Iraq?
The recent media coverage of the Secretary of Defense and the Pentagon Generals upon Capital Hill giving testimony on the current situation in Iraq and what lies ahead for Our Armed Forces and the Iraqi Military, its Government, and its Citizens certainly gives Us a picture of whats happening, and I think the 'Screamer' would be a good painted analogy for this chaos that is evolving every day.
First it must be said that Our Armed Forces are doing the best that can! These Warriors have been placed in a hellish situation that SEEMS as though there is no end. But these Brave Men And Women are doing a fantastic effort of fullfilling their duties! And 'IF' WE THE PEOPLE SPEAK LOUDLY, and Our Represenatives LISTEN, and the Administration LISTENS, and the present and retired Military Leadership LISTENS AND ADVISES the CIVILIAN LEADERSHIP...THEN...there could be light on the horizen.
And it be said of the Iraqis who want peace and stability, theirs is a hellish lot not created by their hands, but that of their previous governments and the mingling of The West..Ottoman Turk Imperialism, European Imperial Colonialism after World War I with the dividing up of the Arab Peoples, Tribes, Clans, Families, and Lands, The Cold War between The U.S.S.R. and The Western Alliance, and Zionism in The Holy Land and the continued imbalanced U.S. support to the state of Israel and the ignoring of the Palestinian Inhabitants.
In order to save the day in Iraq, America and the International Community should use the gift that God put on our shoulders and seek out a solution.
First, the U.S. Government should partake of HUMILITY and admit that the approach which we took was a mistake. This is not sacrificing National Pride, but having the testicular fortitude to salvage HONOR. By the Administration and the Congress (Our Voice) publicaly announcing that THEY (the Administrations Policy Makers and their Supporters on Capital Hill) went about this all wrong, THEY might regain OUR trust and that of the Worlds, and this can be accomplished without relinquishing Our Sovereignty and submitting to any nation or international organization. With such an admission of wrong doing, then we can begin to end this bloodletting and pure chaos.
After such a proclamation, the U.S. then can draw up new plans and approach the International Community and create a common ground where a true peace can be planted. U.S. Forces cannot immediately withdraw from Iraq, Common Sense dictates this!, but Our Military Leadership can step up, advise the Civilian Leadership of Our Military of what is REALLY going on...on the ground in Iraq...offer a real solution an put aside the grandios visions of spreading so-called freedom around the world...the Manifest Destiny of the Neo-Con Policy Makers...and again offer a real strategy not only in Iraq, but the entire Near East. A strategy that Our Citizens can digest and accept, because it is Our Sons and Daughters that are fighting for a failed policy, not the children of the Elitniks on both the Right and Left. Once this new strategy is implemented, then Our Republic cand apprach the International Community, without wavering Our Strength as America, and the Dignity and Honor of Our Armed Forces, and request a new international effort to bring a real peace to Iraq and the region.
It is unfortunate that Our Nation charged into this War on the stallion of lies and desception with its eyes blinded by greed and power, (a Steed of The Apocylpse?), and the results was the grass which the Pale Riders' Horse feeds upon, the deaths of hundreds of thousands...AND FOR WHAT?!...the population of the entire world is still asking, but there is no real answer, only man lying to man. Only the TRUTH will bring about an end to this gathering of death.
Our Government ignored the TRUTH! And presented to the International Community a host of ABSOLUTE LIES, which not only WE THE PEOPLE could see, but all peoples! Aside from the politics of the United Nations, the wheelings and dealings, the corruptions and failings that take place within the walls of that experiment of human governments, the Policy Makers of Our Government purposefully lead us into this War ignoring all other avenues of approach to solve the problem of the Hussein Regime by telling the American People and the International Community that all solutions had been exhausted, and America will invade Iraq...and now...we are in an endless chaos of blood.
Those avenues of approach that were ignored cannot be regained, but must be mentioned here. These were continued inspections, diplomacy, military pressure (including multi-national clandestine operations), economic and monetary pressure, and the gathering of nations, a True Alliance if you will, against the Hussein Regime. If these steps had been taken, and applied properly, then the outcome would have been much different than what we have today, even if all efforts failed, and the International Community lead by the U.S. took military action.
Continued Inspections. With a constant pressure of unlimited access to facilities, Multi-National Inspection Teams, a heavily armed Multi-Force Observers and Escorts (similar to the International Forces operating sucessfully in the Sinai since 1982) backed by a serious threat of an Allied Military Force, freedom of movement Iraq-wide, and a No-Fly-Zone Iraq-wide. Then as the Hussein Regime capitulated, the inspections would have revealed their findings and Truth!
Diplomacy. Whether on the international stage or behind closed door (only when applicable) the U.S. Government has the ways and means to convince all nations, friend and foe alike along with neutrals of Our ideas and suggestions to solutions world problems. The Power of America lies not only with Our Military Forces, but through Our Power of Persuasion, be it through economics, politacal, technological, and even cultural means, and We must not forget Our ability to twist arms and remind foreign leaderships and governments of WHO it was that HELPED, SAVED, and GAVE in their times of need. With Our abilities, We could have lead the International Community and built a True Alliance that would have achieved inspection results, even if military force had to have been used, the outcome would have been different.
Another Diplomatic Effort, For Todays Situation. After proclaiming Our Mistakes in Iraq, reapproach the International Community, discuss and persuade, offer suggestions to solve the chaos, and build a concenses which will lead to an alliance, and the U.S. will lead a new international effort to bring about a peace. Once We include the International Community in the decision making process,(without compromising Our Security), a True Alliance can be built, and a new request for international forces to help bring a stability and peace to Iraq can be sent out worldwide, and once this force is assembeled and operational, the U.S. will begin to reduce Our troop levels, and bring a large number of Our Sons and Daughters Home.
Building An Allied Military Force. With the U.S. leading the way, a true and viable force can be molded from Our Militarys' experience thus far. A Multi-National Observers and Stability Force (similar to the Multi-Force Observers in the Sinai) can be created, made operational, and deployable by the Summer of 2006. Currently the U.S. has nearly 140,000 troops in the Iraq, and a number more in the theater of operations there in Southwest Asia. There are a number of countries that have contributed troops in the present Coalition, from small to large contributions. With the creation of the Multi-National Observers and Stability Force, this new Alliance will be able to build a force with large numbers of troops assigned from other countries, military, and political organizations. Nations such as India, Russia, New Zealand, Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia, Canada, and Kazakhstan would be excellent examples of individual countries. While Nato, the European Union, the African Union, The Commonwealth of Independent States (former Soviet Republics), ANZUS (Australia-New Zealand-U.S.), SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization), and The OAS (Organization of American States) would be organiztional sources to contribute to the cause.
Here is an example of what troop contributions could look like.
The U.S. - 50,000 in Iraq, with 10,000 in Theater. The Commonwealth of Independent States; Russia - 10,000 Ukraine - 10,000 Kazakhstan - 7,000 Azeribajian - 1,000 Armenia - 1,000 Georgia - 1,000 Belarus - 1,000 Turkmenistan - 1,000 The African Union; Nigeria - 1,000 South Africa - 1,000 Ethiopia - 500 Mali - 500 Madagascar - 500 Zambia - 500 Kenya - 500 Senegal - 500 NATO/European Union The U.K. - 10,000 Ireland - 300 Germany - 7,000 Hungary - 500 Sweden - 500 France - 7,000 Italy - 3,000 Spain - 3,000 Serbia - 500 (a prerequisite for EU membership) Bosnia - 500 (a prerequisite for EU membership) Austria - 500 Turkey - 500 Greece - 500 Ruomania - 500 Bulgaria - 500 Portugal - 300 Estonia - 300 Latvia - 300 Lithuania - 300 Luxembourg - 25 Liechtenstein - 25 Malta - 100 Cyprus - 100 (pending EU membership) Andorra - 25 San Marino - 25 Slovakia - 300 Czech Republic - 300 Slovenia - 300 Croatia - 300 Macedonia - 250 Montenegro - 250 Organization of American States Brazil - 1,000 Mexico - 500 Argentina - 1,000 Cuba - 1,000 Jamica - 500 Chile - 500 Ecuador - 300 Bolivia - 300 Paraguay - 300 Trinidad and Tobago - 100 Bardados - 100 Nicaugua - 300 Columbia - 500 THE ASIAN-PACIFIC-INDIAN OCEAN REGIONS; Indonesia - 5,000 India - 5,000 Australia - 3,000 Singapore - 100 Mongolia - 300 Japan - 3,000 Thailand - 500 The Philippines - 500 Malyasia - 500 Sri Lanka - 300 The Maldives - 100 Vietnam - 500 New Zealand - 1,000 The Seychelles - 100 Samoa/Fiji/Tonga/Kiribati - 200 A Combined Korean Force Under Swiss Command - 1,000 China - 3,000 Pakistan - 1,000 Afghanistan - 500 Nepal - 100 THE ARAB LEAGUE; Morocco - 500 Lebanon - 500 Egypt - 1,000 Palestinian Authority - 250 (a good opportunity for presenting themselves as a responsible nation in the international community) Tunisia - 500 Oman - 500 Syria - 1,000 Algeria - 1,000 United Arab Emirates - 500 Libya - 500 Jordan - 500 Saudi Arabia - 500 Bahrain - 100 Qatar - 100 Kuwait - 100 These contributions are what could be if America and the International Community put their heads together to seek a solution to the chaos in Iraq, a U.S. Force of 60,000 troops and an Intenational Force of 123,100, plus the Iraq Military and Security Forces as they continue to grow. With this Possibility, there could be a peaceful outcome in Iraq.
To Be Continued...
posted by Gary 4:57 PM