Thursday, September 29, 2005
A Question For The Day...How is that We The People can allow the present Administration continue this Illegal Iraq War? The answer...The Opium Of The People...entertainment and sports...this keeps us 'doped up' to where 'Citizenship' is on the back burner of our lives...and the corperations sell the Opium to us in overdoses...this so they can profit more...and their buddies in the Administration and the The Congress (The Voice Of We The People) can further their varied agendas...of course to their GAIN and PROFIT as well...the REASON they have sold out the Citizens and the Republic.
There is an answer and antidote to todays question...Citizenship By The People...whether you are Right, Center, or Left...whether you are Libertarian, Republican, Socialist, Jeffersonian, Democrat, Reform, Nationalist, or Green...YOUR RESPONSIBLITY AND DUTY TO THE NATION IS CITIZENSHIP!...and this is the answer and the sobering of Our Land.
posted by Gary 11:45 AM