Wednesday, August 31, 2005
And From My Heart. It's sometimes difficult to write down my thoughts without sounding like some sort of 'broken-record-of-rhetoric'...repeating the same thing, and same themes...using the same words and expressions. I do apologize for this and wish that I had a better command of 'presentation' and Our English tongue.
In conversations I sometimes will experience a satisfaction of getting my ideals across. And when thinking about the state that America is in...the thoughts will be there in my head...sometimes organized, and sometimes not. And I just get so frustrated with what the Nation is going thru...economically, militarily, politically, and socially. And I am no expert nor qualified to solve them. But I am a Free Citizen, a voice to be expressed...thru the Voice Of The People...Our Local Forums,Our State Legislature and Our Congress...a voice in conversations with other Citizens...a voice thru this Blog...a voice thru Civic Activism, again whether on the Local or National level.
And WE ALL should make Our Voices heard! For if we don't...then the Republic DIES...if we don't...Our Freedom(true freedoms)DIE...if we don't...then who will speak for us?...for once They are lost...then to regain, may be impossible...and what for Our Descendents?...most likely either a totalitarian or authoritarian form of government, with technology and wealth on their side...no one may regain what will be lost...and this time the 'powers-at-be' could very well be the corperations and their 'henchmen', those politicians who sold out the Republic so that a stealthy, camoflauged, thirst-for-wealth, blood-thirsty, and evil form of tyranny would come into existance, a government based on unadulterated-capitalism, a greed so unchecked that ALL will suffer...people the world over and the world itself, the enviroment, all life...and for what...power and money. A form of 'corperate-communism' within a nation-state or worldwide...imagine a worldwide corperation with it's worldwide banking system, incahoots with an authoritarian international government or a confederation of governments...this could be the results of Our Republics' death and the trampling upon the peoples of our world. And this Empire may be built on the selling out of Our Dear Republic. There are those in Our Land, both Right and Left who will grasp at such an opportunity. So that they may become RICH! These elected officials are selling out to the big corperations...oil, automotive, and pharmacuticals to name a few...all at the expense of precious human life...in this War...G.I. and Innocent Iraqi...so that the present administration and their Congressional supporters can further their idea of a worldwide American-Anglo-Zionist-Corperate Empire.
posted by Gary 1:15 PM
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One of todays thoughts....apathy kills the Republic...and our true enemies will win the day.
posted by Gary 1:15 PM
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Monday, August 29, 2005
And Once Again! You know there are those who will accuse me of being "un-American", "against Our Troops", "un-patriotic", "un-Christian", "on the side of our enemies", "against the Holy Bible", "a Flag burner", "a liberal", "one who...if you don't love America then you can leave it", and "one who hates Our Freedoms"....well these accusations are usually levied by those whose Ideal Of Being American is waving the Flag(a good thing to do in the right frame of mind), plastering their vehicles with red,white and blue magnets and bumper-stickers, chanting U.S.A. at those who question the governments' actions, and listening to certain Christian ministers hailing on a world wide holy war against the the non-believers, thinking that the only Godly nations in the world are the U.S., the U.K., and the state of Israel...and that the rest of the folks in the world are second class and owe everything to their White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestant-Zionist Overlords for showing them the Illumined Path To Being First Class...and these are my Fellow Citizens who will hurl such painted stones at me...claiming that thinking for myself, and not by a political agenda...and not following a single individual in the the form of our current president(isn't this a form of "king worship"?)...They will claim me as a threat to Our Beloved America...with these claims thrown at me...I can only say..."Isn't this a Free Republic?"..."to question the politicians and their actions...isn't this a pillar of government established by the Founders Of Our Constitutional Republic...to ask, to question, and to debate against, as Free Citizens, so that the Essence of the Republic may not give way to Empire. We must, as it is Our Duty, keep asking, aloud from our rooftops, these questions to each other,and to Our Elected Represenatives in the Branch of Government that is the Voice Of We The People".
posted by Gary 12:32 PM
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Another Day In A Free Land...And Thankful!...Along with concerned...concerned that Our Republic is being sold out by the Imperialist...thats correct...those who wish Empire...both here and abroad...an Empire that benifits the selfish rich and powerful...at the expense of the lives of G.I.'s and innocent civilians...let us not forget the lives of the infants (numbering nearly 100,000) that DIED as a result of the UN(U.S. and U.K. sponsered) embargo against Iraq after the Gulf War of '91...and the LIVES of American G.I.'s...brave men and women serving Our Republic with great honour and distinction!...courageous souls who believe in America...who carry out their task with all their being...and who are SENT into harms way...into the field of death...by those who LIED...by those would not send THEIR CHILDREN into the theater of operations...by those who send poor and working class Blacks, Whites and Latinos to fight for their economic gains in the name of "national security interest" when it's actually "corperate interest"...by those who seek the wealth of oil...by those who put the state of Israels' interest in front of that of Our Republic...by those whose religious beliefs dictate a rush into the Apocalypse...by those who just wish to fill their cauldrons full of the horseshit that is their political and religious beliefs! Another thought from a Free Citizen!
posted by Gary 11:52 AM
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Friday, August 26, 2005
Another Day In Our Fair Republic! And a thought...it is not only privilage, but a duty of All Citizens to question the actions of Our Government...because it is Ours'!...the politicians are our servents, as are the employees of the Government work for the Taxpaying Citizen...we must question their actions...so as to safe-guard the Constitution and preserve Our Freedoms and Our Republic...Remember that we are..."We The People"...so therefore..."We Are The Government". My thoughts and feelings for today.
posted by Gary 8:00 PM
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Thursday, August 25, 2005
Another Day In Our Beloved Land...and here are some thoughts. As I begin to exercise an example of "The Freedom of Speech". And before expressing what I think and feel, allow me to give a list of topics, and later, my observations of their effect upon Our Republic.
A) The current war that Our Armed Forces in Iraq is engaged in. B) The individuals and organizations that are promoting, encoura- ging, and cheering on this war. C) The continued support that Our Nation gives to the state of Israel, which includes economic, political, military, particular social and psychological support. D) The New Royalty in America and in fact the World...the corpera- tions and finacial institutions, both on a national and inter- national level. C) The uneven and unfair balance of Our Nations Foreign Policy in the Near East concerning the Palestinian people and the Jewish people. D) The questions of whether "National Securtity Interest" are actually "Corperate Interest". And this at the expense of precious human life and the life of the enviroment and ultimately, our lives.
And these are some of the topics which I an unworthy Orthodox Christian and peasent, yet a Free Citizen of the Republic, will attempt to express feelings and thoughts on.
posted by Gary 7:16 PM
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Hello once again to the wide, wide world of everything! Mr Gary here after a very long silence...several years in fact...but now making an attempt so this may become habitual...was told in the begining by Mr Chris (the Chap who introduced me to the Realm of Blogging) that this was a theraputic way of expressing ones self, to get things off and out of your system...and this will be my effort...poor I'm sure it will be!
The way in which I hope to express myself is "Blogging My Thoughts On The Face Of Our Nation And Republic". And this I hope to achieve as a Free Citizen. In recent times, as conversations and debates about our Dear Land would take place...whether peaceful or heated...I found it sometimes difficult to express my true heartfelt feelings and ideals...alot of this being that my knowledge of our English tongue is rather poor and needs quite abit of work...another reason, to really express your "true ideology" on such a highly important subject, it requires searching oneself, figuring on what one really believes, organizing these beliefs, and with much prayer and effort...place it...to my fellow Country Men and Women, the World, and to myself.
posted by Gary 3:39 PM
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