Monday, August 29, 2005
And Once Again! You know there are those who will accuse me of being "un-American", "against Our Troops", "un-patriotic", "un-Christian", "on the side of our enemies", "against the Holy Bible", "a Flag burner", "a liberal", "one who...if you don't love America then you can leave it", and "one who hates Our Freedoms"....well these accusations are usually levied by those whose Ideal Of Being American is waving the Flag(a good thing to do in the right frame of mind), plastering their vehicles with red,white and blue magnets and bumper-stickers, chanting U.S.A. at those who question the governments' actions, and listening to certain Christian ministers hailing on a world wide holy war against the the non-believers, thinking that the only Godly nations in the world are the U.S., the U.K., and the state of Israel...and that the rest of the folks in the world are second class and owe everything to their White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestant-Zionist Overlords for showing them the Illumined Path To Being First Class...and these are my Fellow Citizens who will hurl such painted stones at me...claiming that thinking for myself, and not by a political agenda...and not following a single individual in the the form of our current president(isn't this a form of "king worship"?)...They will claim me as a threat to Our Beloved America...with these claims thrown at me...I can only say..."Isn't this a Free Republic?"..."to question the politicians and their actions...isn't this a pillar of government established by the Founders Of Our Constitutional Republic...to ask, to question, and to debate against, as Free Citizens, so that the Essence of the Republic may not give way to Empire. We must, as it is Our Duty, keep asking, aloud from our rooftops, these questions to each other,and to Our Elected Represenatives in the Branch of Government that is the Voice Of We The People".
posted by Gary 12:32 PM