Wednesday, August 31, 2005
And From My Heart. It's sometimes difficult to write down my thoughts without sounding like some sort of 'broken-record-of-rhetoric'...repeating the same thing, and same themes...using the same words and expressions. I do apologize for this and wish that I had a better command of 'presentation' and Our English tongue.
In conversations I sometimes will experience a satisfaction of getting my ideals across. And when thinking about the state that America is in...the thoughts will be there in my head...sometimes organized, and sometimes not. And I just get so frustrated with what the Nation is going thru...economically, militarily, politically, and socially. And I am no expert nor qualified to solve them. But I am a Free Citizen, a voice to be expressed...thru the Voice Of The People...Our Local Forums,Our State Legislature and Our Congress...a voice in conversations with other Citizens...a voice thru this Blog...a voice thru Civic Activism, again whether on the Local or National level.
And WE ALL should make Our Voices heard! For if we don't...then the Republic DIES...if we don't...Our Freedom(true freedoms)DIE...if we don't...then who will speak for us?...for once They are lost...then to regain, may be impossible...and what for Our Descendents?...most likely either a totalitarian or authoritarian form of government, with technology and wealth on their side...no one may regain what will be lost...and this time the 'powers-at-be' could very well be the corperations and their 'henchmen', those politicians who sold out the Republic so that a stealthy, camoflauged, thirst-for-wealth, blood-thirsty, and evil form of tyranny would come into existance, a government based on unadulterated-capitalism, a greed so unchecked that ALL will suffer...people the world over and the world itself, the enviroment, all life...and for what...power and money. A form of 'corperate-communism' within a nation-state or worldwide...imagine a worldwide corperation with it's worldwide banking system, incahoots with an authoritarian international government or a confederation of governments...this could be the results of Our Republics' death and the trampling upon the peoples of our world. And this Empire may be built on the selling out of Our Dear Republic. There are those in Our Land, both Right and Left who will grasp at such an opportunity. So that they may become RICH! These elected officials are selling out to the big corperations...oil, automotive, and pharmacuticals to name a few...all at the expense of precious human life...in this War...G.I. and Innocent Iraqi...so that the present administration and their Congressional supporters can further their idea of a worldwide American-Anglo-Zionist-Corperate Empire.
posted by Gary 1:15 PM