Saturday, January 31, 2009
Kosovo and America's Position
My country has made me ashamed due to its official stance over the Kosovo Region of Serbia. Just as the Clinton Administration had no knowledge of The Balkans, nor does the Bush Administration. In its typical superpower mentality, America has abandoned priniciple for a gain to benifit its own selfish interest, and thus sacrificing a nation that helped our pilots and those of other allied nations during World War II and would have proven an ally in the event of a Soviet invasion of Western Europe...and worst of all in the sacrifice...that of a Christian Nation to appease the Wahabist of Saudi Arabia. America...Repent!
The current policies of the U.S. is a throw back to The Cold War, as there are very powerful individuals in Our Republic's Government who still view Russia and its traditional allies as this "Great Boogey Man of The North" that "threatens" the political state of Israel and Western Europe. These individuals hold such sway and are swayed by the Evangelical Christian Zionist and their Jewish Zionist partners that if given the freehand of chance...they would launch an open war against Russia and to be honest with you...all of Eastern Christendom...just because it doesen't agree with the Enlightend Masonic Humanist West...so instead...these "masters" wage a sublime war against Orthodox Russia and those of Orthodox Christendom that challenge The Wests' Encroachment upon these Orthodox Lands.
Some may say this is not the case, not all in The West are bad, but look at some of the Children of Western Thinking...Humanism...Masonry...Zionism...WASP Mythology and American-British-Israelism...and see their goals for what they are...AntiChrist and Its Reign...this when the water boils away and the truth be seen.
These...my words are not against my country...they are against the mindsets and the powers at be who wish to accompany The Enemy on this road to the gate that they think will grant them supremacy over the world...be they are failing to see The Truth...and The Outcome!
Lord Jesus Christ, Have Mercy Upon All Peoples And All Nations.
posted by Gary 1:42 AM