Friday, May 25, 2007
In The Land Of Cedars
The Peoples of Lebanon are facing another tumultous crisis...
...this time...certain militant Palestinians in the Palestinian Refugee Camp near Tripoli are lashing out at their neighbors, cousins, and hosts...the Lebanese...
...and the armed forces of Lebanon are having to fight when it has more pressing concerns...to maintain peace and stability amongst the recent political upheavels between rival political/religious factions...and to reestablish security and control of their land and air space along the UNIFIL troops after last autumns devestating and diabolical attacks by the political state of Israel...
...and what is really disturbing...is that the "Outsiders of Lebanons Problems"...Shia-Iran...the state of Israel...Al-Quieda...the Syrian Military-Intelligence Apparatus...and certain mindsets that adhere to the Christian-Zionist-Eschatology Movement here in...(yes!)...in Our American Government...these...are a disturbing factor in the stew that is Lebanons difficulties...
...and the only way is that prayer to the God of Abraham...The Creator and Ruler of All...can bring a true and lasting peace to this ancient land...
...and we here on Earth...whether inside or outside Lebanon...should work toward a real and common-sensed peace for Lebanon...and the only way The Outsiders can contribute to this achiavable goal...is by looking to that which will benifit ALL the Lebanese Peoples...Sunni Muslims...Orthodox Christians...Druze...Roman Catholic Christians (both Melkite and Maronite)...Shia Muslims...and the various Protestant minorities (leftover from colonial missionary efforts and current relief-missionary-organizations)...
...by this endevour by The Outsiders...and a cooperative movement amongst Lebanons factions...then the pathway can start and what is not can...can be...
posted by Gary 10:18 PM