Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Greetings From A World Of Silence...
It has been quite a long time since posting anything here on the High Horse...
The High Horse has been out in the prairies of thought and contemplation...
And Just wondering...
Wondering about all that is happening on our blue-green-brown-and-white sphere that we call home...
Thoughts of why?...
Why all this is happening...
Neurons firing in all sorts of directions concerning the state of our species...
And the miss-firings of this grey matter when the truths hit as a rainstorm in my own night of finding my way...
With voices in the rain dancing on my window seal...
And I stand there...
Soaking in the truths of raindrops...
Falling upon me and making there way to the pavement...
Reflecting the street lights in all directions...
In front of timeless structures...
Being built but not long ago...
The rain reflecting their past and future...
And standing there I can see only this reflection...
Of my thoughts in this sustenance of life...
And the timelessness of it...
The answers, to find in them...
As being one with this echo of it...
Eyes raised to The Heavens...
Piercing the clouds through which...
Reflections of me standing there...
This time in The Heavens...
Looking back at this moment...
And there...
The Answers...
Being Of The Cosmos
posted by Gary 7:35 PM