Saturday, May 26, 2007
America and Russia
It may behoove those in Washington to seek a REAL friendship and alliance with Moscow...
...we face a rising China...as the Russians have for centuries and still today, they are natural enemies...
...we face the Harabist of Extremist Islam...as the Russians have for centuries and still do today...ask those in Southern Russia...
...we have been looked upon with contempt by the Western Europeans since we became a nation...and they have always looked upon the Russians as uncouthed and barbarians...
...we are nation founded upon basic Christian principles by Christian people...and the Russians have undergone an anti-Christ persecution by the militant-atheistic-communist that resulted in over thirty million martyrs (a holocaust)...and Russia became a Christian Land in the 8th Century A.D....and Russia's Christians are facing persecution and attacks in Southern Russia...
...we both are space fareing peoples...
...we are both nuclear super powers...
...we both have the potent militaries...
...we have both been expansive empires...we went west...and they went east...
...we both are pioneers in science and technology...
...we are both Freedom loving peoples...tho, we express this in different ways...you just try to corral a Cowboy or a Cossack!!!...
...We Must Unite!
posted by Gary 2:48 AM