Tuesday, March 21, 2006
The King has said it...2008...
...2008 a year that will see a continued U.S. Military presense in Iraq...
...and the next U.S. Government and president will have to decide on whether to withdraw and bring Our sons and daughters home, or continue Our Military presence there...and essentially deal with the chaotic situation in Iraq and the Near East...
...I don't think there is enough lye soap in West Virginia to wash the blood of GI's and INNOCENT Iraqis' off the hands of President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld, Secretary of State Rice, and ALL the others of the current Administration and their supporters in the U.S. Congress, the oil corperations, the Evangelical-Disspensationalist-Christian-Zionist, and the Citizens of Our Republic who place the " W The President" bumper stickers on their SUV's glaring backwards at the world...
...this blood is forever!...
...lives have been lost...
...families have been destroyed...
...and for what?!...
...for profit?...YES!...
...for the security of the 51st State of Israel?...YES!...
...for the security of the 52nd State of The House of Saud?...YES!...
...for the gaining of Iraqi oil fields?...YES!...
...for the destabilization of the Arab World?...YES!...
...for a White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestant(disspensationalist theology adherers)-Zionist Crusade in the Near East to usher in the events leading up to The Parousia, so they can "escape" the Tribulations, the AntiChrist, and the Beast, a "get out of jail free card" if you will?...and again, the answer is...YES!...
...to fullfill the NeoConservatives unadulterated, whore of babylon greed that is filled with hateful hate?...YES!...
...this blood is forever!...
...it is on their hands...and in their cup as they ride that steer!..
...May The God of Heaven and Earth, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Have Mercy Upon Us All!
posted by Gary 5:23 PM
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Saturday, March 18, 2006
In these days of government surrveilance upon the Citizenry of The American Republic...
...I can only say...
...continue the dissent!...
...continue the dissent with the Executive Branch of OUR GOVERNMENT!...
...the American Republic belongs to its Citizens...
...it DOES NOT belong to King George II, Arch-King Cheney, Field-Marshall Rumsfeld and his war-architect General Wolfowitz, or any of the White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestant-Zionist-Corperation Globalist-Secret Society-Theopolitical-AntiLife-Military Industrial Congressional Complex-Televangelist-Taxing-Right Winger-Neo-Conservatives!...
...NOR...DOES IT NOT BELONG to any of the Extremist-Anti Life-Zionist-Anti Chrisitan-Anti Military-Global Government-Taxing-Secret Society-Nature Worshipping-Politically Correct-Anarchy Loving-Arrogant Professorship Intelligenstia-Elitnik-Left Winger-Liberals!...
...it BELONGS to the Citizens, The People of America!...
...and WE have POWER, WE have A VOICE, WE can affect POLICY!...
...and it is through the Legislative Branch on the Federal, State, County, and City/Town government level...
...it is also through the Free Press...WHICH MUST REMAIN FREE!...
...and through Freedom of Assembly...
...and through Freedom of Dissent...
...Dissension is NOT a sign of being un-American!...on the contrary...to BE an American is to Dissent against Tyranny!...it DOES NOT remove ones' patriotism...it only increases it!...for a True Freedom Loving Patriot of Our Dear Republic thinks for him or her self!...not letting the 'Party' or 'Agenda' think for us or our convictions!...The American Government belongs to The American People!...
...and it is kept alive through Citizen participation, thinking for oneself, voting at all levels of government, a real free press that questions all sides of the issues at hand, freedom to assemble to question and change if necessary, questioning OUR governments policies and those officials that work for us and represent us...
...and again...dissension through the means above will keep The Republic alive!...
...so...to those who monitor and conduct surrveilance upon The American Citizenry that are in no way affiliated with any domestic or overseas movements or governments...and are monitored just for their dissension with...in most cases...with the present Executive Branch of OUR GOVERNMENT...
...or shame will be upon your conscience for acting on behalf of Tyranny...
...Long Live Our Free American Republic!
posted by Gary 2:49 PM
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Thursday, March 09, 2006
New additions and corrections have been made to the post; "Some thoughts on things agoin on", originally entered on 2/24/06.
As well as to the last post entered early today.
Thanks to the five individuals who have read the High Horse.
posted by Gary 7:45 PM
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In Our Dear American Republic we need Statesmen and Stateswomen!
The term 'politician' is an insult to Citizenship and Statesmenship.
We need here in Our Beloved Land men and women who love and care for the 'fragile ideal' of 'The Republic'...a land where The Constitution is the 'Rule and Law of The Land and its' People...We The People'.
A land where Freedom is real...protected...cherished...and understood by Its' Citizenry.
And the Citizenry exersises their Civic Responsibilities, Rights, and Privilages...so that The Republic maintains 'A Life, and Breaths the Freedoms of The People'.
We The People...and those Statesmen and Stateswomen who are The Voices of The Citizenry...The Represenatives and Senators in The Congress, Our state legislatures, Our county seats, and Our city halls can 'breath this life of freedom' by being 'alive in participation'...thus keeping The Republic away from Empire, and the death and destruction it brings upon the Land and People.
Long Live OUR Republic...
...and The Essence of it...
posted by Gary 12:40 AM
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