Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Why doesn't George W. Bush, Dick Cheny, Joe Libberman, Bill Frist, Tom DeLay, Paul Wolfawitz, Donald Rumsfeld, Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Gloria Feinstein and all the other assorted flavors of America's Right and Left Wing Candy Box send THEIR children to WAR?
How come THEIR kids aren't fighting in Iraq?
Wasn't this ILLEGAL WAR worth sending their offspring into HARMS WAY?!
They sure can send SOMEONE ELSES CHILDREN OFF TO BE MAIMED AND KILLED! And speak lightly of it later!
They sure can speak LIGHTLY of Iraqi civilian loses. Our President giving a pep-rally speach at the Council of Foreign Relations dinner this weekend, spoke so feathery of "...around 30,000..." Iraqi civilian deaths since the spring of 2003. Around 30,000?! My GOD! Does he and his cohorts not realize that this includes babies, youngsters, teenagers, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, grandparents?! Or to these Corperate-NeoCon-Zionist-Monarchs just looks at these PEOPLE as "just a bunch of damned Arabs"? Their claim, which I'm sure is sincere with some individuals, as Believers in The Lord, does it not make them FEAR THE LORD?!
And what about the 100,000 casualities, mostly infants and youngsters, from the BASTARDLY U.N. sanctions after the Gulf War of '91 which was pressed by the U.S. and the U.K.? The so called claim of "it will cause the Iraqi people to rise up and overthrow the Hussein regime" was plate of horseshit served up to the citizens of America, Britian, and the world! Didn't we let the Shia Rebellion just after the Gulf War die to Hussein's army.
We should fear Heavens Wrath to Right Wrongs...especially against INNOCENTS!
I am so tired of fellow Christians who say..."we should just nuke 'em all!"...or..."America and Israel should waste every last one of them!" How could anyone say that!?, knowing that innocent children, women, and men would DIE!?...and in Iraq alone 800,000 Christians, their brothers and sisters in Christ! Do they not think?!
posted by Gary 6:52 PM