Friday, December 30, 2005
May the Season of Christmastide be a joyful Celebration of The Birth of The Messiah, Our Lord, God, and Saviour Jesus Christ, Born of The Most Holy Theotokos And Ever Virgin Mary, by the Power of The Holy Spirit, fullfilling the Prophecies of Old of The Coming Of Our Lord to bring His Creation to Salvation...Christ Is Born!...Glorify Him!
posted by Gary 5:05 PM
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Thursday, December 29, 2005
posted by Gary 7:39 PM
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Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Wishing a MERRY CHRISTMAS and the celebrating of The Twelve Days of Christmas to the "Politically-Correct-Snootering-Extremist-antiChristian-ACLUite-Secular Zionist-Secret Society Socialite-Liberals" here in the American Republic and around the World!
In Our Land Freedom!
And this includes the FREE EXERCISE OF RELIGION!
Where under Our Blue Skies did these dim-witted moronic empty-thinking idiots come up the such bellyshufflingtomfoolery?!
posted by Gary 7:11 PM
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Thursday, December 22, 2005
Here is the REASON for the U.S. invasion and hopefully temporary occupation of Iraq...
...So the U.S. and the U.K. could control the Iraqi oilfields...
...To help the state of Israel in the dividing and destabilization of the Arab world, and furthering Sharons and the Likudites building of the Evil Wall throughout the Holy Land...
...And so greedy sons-of-bitches and their corperations can make huge profits in rebuilding Iraqs infrastructures...
...To create a "platform for invasions and preemptive strikes" against Syria and Iran by U.S. and U.K. Forces for the state of Israel...
...All this for those NeoCon-Zionist-Coperate-Monarchs-WASP's in Washington, London, and Tel Aviv!
posted by Gary 7:38 PM
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Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Why doesn't George W. Bush, Dick Cheny, Joe Libberman, Bill Frist, Tom DeLay, Paul Wolfawitz, Donald Rumsfeld, Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Gloria Feinstein and all the other assorted flavors of America's Right and Left Wing Candy Box send THEIR children to WAR?
How come THEIR kids aren't fighting in Iraq?
Wasn't this ILLEGAL WAR worth sending their offspring into HARMS WAY?!
They sure can send SOMEONE ELSES CHILDREN OFF TO BE MAIMED AND KILLED! And speak lightly of it later!
They sure can speak LIGHTLY of Iraqi civilian loses. Our President giving a pep-rally speach at the Council of Foreign Relations dinner this weekend, spoke so feathery of "...around 30,000..." Iraqi civilian deaths since the spring of 2003. Around 30,000?! My GOD! Does he and his cohorts not realize that this includes babies, youngsters, teenagers, mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, grandparents?! Or to these Corperate-NeoCon-Zionist-Monarchs just looks at these PEOPLE as "just a bunch of damned Arabs"? Their claim, which I'm sure is sincere with some individuals, as Believers in The Lord, does it not make them FEAR THE LORD?!
And what about the 100,000 casualities, mostly infants and youngsters, from the BASTARDLY U.N. sanctions after the Gulf War of '91 which was pressed by the U.S. and the U.K.? The so called claim of "it will cause the Iraqi people to rise up and overthrow the Hussein regime" was plate of horseshit served up to the citizens of America, Britian, and the world! Didn't we let the Shia Rebellion just after the Gulf War die to Hussein's army.
We should fear Heavens Wrath to Right Wrongs...especially against INNOCENTS!
I am so tired of fellow Christians who say..."we should just nuke 'em all!"...or..."America and Israel should waste every last one of them!" How could anyone say that!?, knowing that innocent children, women, and men would DIE!?...and in Iraq alone 800,000 Christians, their brothers and sisters in Christ! Do they not think?!
posted by Gary 6:52 PM
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Thursday, December 08, 2005
posted by Gary 7:45 PM
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Thursday, December 01, 2005
Well...as a Free Citizen of The Republic...I will attempt to answer this, as IT IS guaranteed in Our Constitution...
Complete withdrawl immediately...we can't...common sense dictates this.
A Phased Partial Withdrawl...now this is very much realistic, phasing U.S. Forces down is acheivable, with an understanding that Our Military will maintain a presence in Iraq and the Persian Gulf for well into the future to preserve a balance of power and peace.
Working and talking with Our Allies, Friends, and the International Community on what can accomplished to stabilize the current situation in Iraq. Keeping in mind the realities of interest, ideals, and agendas that all participants will have...and renewing interest could bring about a revitalization that will benifit the Iraqi people and their government.
With a smaller U.S military presence in Iraq, and renewed interest in bringing about a stabilized peace there, the U.S. could persuaded individual nations to deploy forces thru a new United Nations Mandate, that will maintain U.S. leadership over all military operations, but will include a greater role for other nations in decision making processes. In non-military matters the U.S. will work with the Iraqis and other countries on how best to solve critical needs such as water, electric power, fuel distribution, and medical needs.
Then as this renewed U.S./International effort takes shape and is made real with an organized deployment of International troops and their equipment, America will begin at first a slow, but as time passes a steady partial withdrawl of Our Forces from Iraq. At the same time, increased efforts to train and field Iraqi forces can be achieved thru U.S. and allied training efforts.
The United States should withdraw nearly 100,000 troops from Iraq by the summer or autumn of 2006, while maintaining a presence of 50,000 troops in Iraq, 10,000 in the Persian Gulf, a Quick Reaction Force of 2,500 in Europe, and a Quick Reaction Force of 2,500 in the Indian Ocean and Australia.
The International Community thru the new U.N. Mandate could deploy the following:
Iraqs Borders; A combined Iraqi/British/Indian/Pakistani Force of 10,000 on the border with Syria. A combined Iraqi/Russian/Ukrainian/Belarussian Force of 10,000 on the Iranian border. A combined Iraqi/Indonesian/Malaysian/Bangleshi Force of 2,500 troops on the Western Saudi border. A combined Iraqi/Georgian/Azeribajian/Armenian Force of 2,500 on the Eastern Saudi border. A combined Iraqi/Australian/New Zealander Force of 2,500 on the Kuwaiti border. A combined Iraqi/U.S./Jordanian/Moroccan Force of 2,500 on the Jordanian border. And a combined Iraqi/German/French/Canadian Force of 5,000 on the Turkish border.
Iraqs Road Systems; A combined Iraqi/French/German Force of 2,000. A combined Arab League Force (Iraqi,Moroccan, Egyptian, Syrian, and Algerian) of 2,000. A combined American/Canadian Force of 2,000. A combined Iraqi/OAS Force (Brazillian, Mexican, Argentine, Columbian, Peruvian, and Venezualen) of 2,000. And a combined Iraqi/Commonwealth of Independent States Force (Turkmen,Tajik,Kazakh,Uzbek,Kyrzyg) of 2,000.
Iraqs Airports, Airfields, and Aerodromes; A Combined Iraqi/Icelandic/Norwegian/Danish/Swedish/Finnish Force of 2,000. A combined Iraqi/U.S./Canadian/Jamaican/Belizian Force of 2,000. A combined Iraqi/Latvian/Estonian/Lithuianian Force of 1,000.
Iraqs River and Water Systems; A combined Iraqi/Slovene/Croatian/Bosnian/Serbian/Montenegran/Macedonian/Ruomanian/ Bulgarian/Moldovan/Albanian Force of 3,000.
Iraqs Oil Infrastructure; A combined Iraqi/African Union Force (South African,Nigerian,Kenyan,Madagascaran,Tanzanian,Tunisian,Senegalese, Zambian,Botswanan,Camerounian,Malian) of 2,000. A combined Iraqi/Central European Force from Poland/Slovakia/The Czech Republic/Hungary/Austria of 2,000. A combined Iraqi/Indonesian/Singaporean/Vietnamese/Thai/Laotian/Cambodian/Malaysian/Bruneian/Sri Lankan Force of 2,000.
Iraqs Electric Power Grid; A combined Iraqi/Spanish/Portuguese/Brazillian/Argentine Force of 2,000. A combined Iraqi/U.S./German/French/Canadian Force of 2,000. A combined Iraqi/British/Greek/Cypriot/Maltese/Italian Force of 1,000. A combined Iraqi/Afgan/Kazakh/Mongolian Force of 1,000.
Iraqs Communications Systems; A combined Iraqi/Japanese/Timorese/New Zealander/French/Irish/Palestinian Force of 2,000. A combined Iraqi/U.S./Mexican/Jamaican/Peruvian/Ecuadoran/Bolivian Force of 1,000.
Iraqs Drinking Water System and Supplies; A combined Iraqi/South Korean/Filipino/Thai/Samoan/Fijian/Naurian/Vanatuan Force of 3,000.
Iraqs Food Supply and Distribution System; A combined Iraqi/South Korean/Filipino/Thai/Fijian/Soloman Islander/Tongan/Samoan/Kiribatian Force of 3,000.
Iraqs Farms; A combined Iraqi/French/German/Vietnamese/Laotian/Cambodian/Filipino/South Korean/Malaysian Force of 3,000.
Iraqs Religious Sites; Both Sunni and Shia sites: Iraqi, Palestinan Authority, Turkish, Afghan, and Mongolian, totaling 1,200 soldiers. Christian sites: Iraqi, Greek, Egyptian, Maltese, and Mongolian totaling 1,200 soldiers. Jewish sites: Iraqi, Ethiopian, Moroccan, German, and Mongolian totaling 1,200 soldiers.
Iraqs Airspace Defense; A combined Iraqi/U.S./Canadian/Ukrainian/Indonesian/Tunisian/South African Force of 3,000.
Iraqs Army and Police Facilities; A combined Iraqi/U.S./French/German/Russian/British/Algerian/Syrian/Jordanian/Indonesian/Australian Force of 20,000.
Iraqs Reconstruction Process and Engineering; A Combined Iraqi/U.S./Japanese/Australian/Chinese/Omani/Yemeni/United Arab Emirates/Bahrainian/Qatari/Saudi/Kuwaiti Force of 20,000.
Civil Affairs For the International Observers and Stabilization Force in Iraqs Reconstruction; A combined Iraqi/U.S./Irish/Tunisian/Palestinian Authority/Argentine Force of 2,000.
Medical Units For the International Observers and Stabilization Force and the Iraqi population; A combined Iraqi/U.S./Japanese/German/French/Syrian/Lebanese/Singaporean/San Marinian/Luxembourgian/Liechtensteinian/Andorran/Monacoan/Palestinian Authority/Bosnian-Serbian-Croatian-Albanian Force of 10,000.
Chemical and Biological Units for the International Observers and Stabilization Force; A combined Iraqi/U.S./French/German/Dutch/Belgian/Czech/Russian/Syrian Force of 3,000.
The total number of Iraqi, U.S., and International Troops from nearly every nation, and remembering, this being under a new United Nations Mandate passed by the U.N. Security Council, would number 153,000 Allied Troops working for a stabilized and peaceful Iraq.
And these are my peasent thoughts on withdrawing from Iraq.
This could happen...
posted by Gary 6:25 PM
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Much debate on the bringing home of Our Sons and Daughters is now taking place...and thank God!
In Our Land, Freedom!
We Americans have a Gift, and that is the Freedom to speak on matters concernig Our Government, and the Freedom to gather as groups, discuss and debate, and then make the groups voice heard...and this is good!
The Voice of the Citizenry is getting louder...GOOD!
Our represenatives on Capitol Hill are more rambunquious...GOOD!
Retired military leadership are feeling more free...GOOD!
Present military leadership, both in Iraq and here are finding ways to let their thoughts be known...GOOD!
The Boots on the ground in Iraq speak their opinions thru various means, and what ever side of the debate they are on, Our Citizens will learn from them...GOOD!
Various activist groups are gaining momenteum in the debate, and it appears the public is noticing more...GOOD!
The media is reporting a little more at a time, (I hope they remember their responsibilty to the American Citizenry), and the more they report and discuss thru editorial outlets, the more Citizens will take notice...GOOD!
In Our Land, this is exersise of Freedom...and it is good!
May Our American Republic Continue To Taste This Freedom!
posted by Gary 5:38 PM
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