Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Saint Michael, Commander of The Heavenly Armies.
The Roman Catholic Christian Church has a most beautiful prayer-request to Saint Michael.
Saint Michael The Archangel,
Defend us in battle,
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil,
May God Rebuke Him, we humbly pray,
And do Thou, O Prince of The Heavenly Host,
By The Divine Power of God,
Cast into Hell, Satan, and all his evil spirits, that roam now throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls, AMEN!
A most powerful Prayer written in the late 19th Century by The Patriarch of The West, The Bishop of Rome, Pope Leo XIII.
And here are some Prayers that Orthodox Christians say daily;
Lord Jesus Christ, Son Of The Living God, Have Mercy Upon Me A Sinner, AMEN!
Our Lords Prayer,
The various Prayers giving Glory, Honor, Worship, Thanksgiving, and Praise to The Most Holy Trinity,
The Prayer of Saint Ephriam, a Syrian Father of the Third Century A.D., a Prayer of Humility,
The Prayer Requests to The Myriad of The Saints and Angels of Our Lord,
The Reciting of The Holy Psalms (they are Prayers) of The Saint and Prophet David,
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, Have Mercy Upon Us!...this said three times,
And the list goes on and on...because The Church is as deep as the sea in the realm of Prayers,
And finally...
In The Name Of The Father, In The Name Of The Son, And In The Name Of Holy Spirit, Both Now And Ever, And Into The Ages Of Ages, AMEN!
posted by Gary 3:37 PM