Tuesday, November 29, 2005
The Administration is finally talking and offering little in way of securing Our southern border with the Republic of Mexico.
The American People have been shouting, some politicians have yelled, some have slept, Conservatives and Liberals have whispered somewhat, activist groups on both sides of the issue have sustained the conversation, the Border Patrol has labored endlessly on turning back a flood with a dixie cup, but little has been done to answer the question..."how can we secure Our Borders?"...
First Answer. Security for Our Nation and safely returning and preventing Mexicans from crossing Our Borders.
Second Answer. It must be stressed and remembered by the American People...Mexicans are PEOPLE and not any less...GOD LOVES THEM AS MUCH AS HE LOVE US! And WE should look at them as Our Lord Jesus would...WITH LOVE!
Third Answer. A long range goal...help Mexico help themselves by working with them in improving their economy and finances, the securing and protection of finances loaned by the U.S., other nations, and international organizations, and by creating an organization from within the Organization of American States that will provide a check and balance system to assure the improving of Mexico's economy and prevent corruption that would destroy any efforts.
Fourth Answer. Conduct a Census of all illegal immigrants. Create a "Foreign National Immigrant Work Program" and enroll a limited common-sensed number for nine months then rotate another group for another nine month period...a revolving legal worker progam that will assure documentation, location, and status of foreign workers in the U.S. Then with all other illigal aliens in the Our Country, in a HUMANE, legal, and orderly fashion...locate, humanely detain, and transport them back to their country of origin.
Fifth Answer. In a staged and phased operation, deploy elements of the U.S. Armed Forces, primarily the Army and Army National Guard to secure and protect Our Southern Border.
Phase One: Deploy the Armys' 101st Airborne Division to the border with Mexico. Activate the Army National Guard units of California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas to secure their sectors of the Southern Border. Legitimize Citizens who have created the "Minutemen" civilian border watch group by placing them under the command and control of local sherrif departments by deputizing them, conduct mandatory training courses which are paid for by personal and private organizational funds, and equiping them with government surplus vehicles. Continue to increase the funds, personnel, and equipment for the U.S. Border Patrol.
Phase Two: Implement the building of a "clear and visible border" with the construction of steel walls fifteen foot high with forty-five degree angled barbed wire meshed fencing atop these structures. The placing of razor wire barriers four rows wide behind the steel wall. Then the construction of another steel wall ten feet high with barbed wire meshing on top. The erecting of watch towers/observation posts at two mile intravels that are manned by Border Patrol Officers, National Guard members, Army personnel from the 101st Airborne, Civilian Minutemen, and members of the American Red Cross to act as a saftey organization for Mexican nationals who are detained at the border. The construction of wide stone ditches and vehicle birms should also be placed between the steel wall barriers. And the equiping of boder personnel with the necessary high tech systems for detecting illegal border crossing activities.
Phase Three: Include the Mexican border police and military in joint operations with U.S. border personnel. The continued increasing of the size and abilities of the U.S. Border Patrol. The activating of Army National Guard units from other states and territories to relieve those units of border states, and thus creating a continous rotation of National Guard deployments to Our Southern Border. The deployment of company sized Marine Corps units to conduct real world training operations with border personnel. Decreasing the size of the Armys' 101st Airborne presence as Border Patrol increases its operations and size, and National Guard units increases its role along the U.S./Mexican Border.
Phase Four: After the preceding phases are implemented and operational for a two year period, the state, territorial, and federal governments can begin to field a State and Territorial Guard System as mentioned in an earlier blog on The High Horse. Also at this time the deactivation and reorganization of the National Guard Bueareu into a new seperate branch of the U.S. Armed Forces, the U.S. National Guard, mentioned too in the same previous earlier blog would go into effect.
With these two new forces in Our Common Defense, the deployment of Our Armed Forces, the rebuilding of Our Border Patrol, the Joint Operations with Mexican Authorities, and the construction of "a clear and visible border"...Our Southern Border will be secure, and the American Citizenry can rest knowing so, and sigh a relief.
posted by Gary 6:44 PM
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Saturday, November 26, 2005
posted by Gary 5:19 PM
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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Where is there a political party that represents 'True America'?
A party that represents 'The Middle Americans', those that are neither Neo-Con Rightist nor Extremist-Liberal Leftist.
A party that represents the Back Bone of America, the working class citizenry.
A party that supports and appreciates free enterprise and achieving the American Dream.
A party that understands capitalism and a free market society, but advocates a benovenlent-capitalistic system where unadulterated greed is not the driving force in the nations economics.
A party that is willing to protect the rights of workers, protecting from corperate abuse and is pro-union when unions act responsibly in the interest of the workers, and encourages a watchdog group for a checked and balanced representation of workers in unions.
A party that advocates a "Living Wage" concept in the payment of workers in ALL jobs.
A party that will promote the "returning of jobs back to U.S. workers", a program that will encourage the corperate world to relocate industries once here on Our Soil back to the American Worker. A program with incentives for those companies that do, and penalization for those that don't...fair is fair...and is owed to the workers.
A party that is dedicated to PROTECTING THE LIFE OF THE UNBORN.
A party that believes in affordable health care of all Citizens of Our Republic. Maybe a blend of a capitalistic/socialistic brand of medical care is the answer.
A party that believes in the taking care of the elderly, especially the World War Two Generation, after all they protected us from being destroyed then. It is a SIN AND TRAVISTY to force the Senoirs of Our Republic to choose between food, heat, medicine, and shelter! Unless WE change this, then Our Nation is doomed.
A party that understands the role of religious faith in Our Land. That will protect Godly exersise of ones faith, but understands the balance in the Life of Our Government.
A party that advocates the common sense protection of the enviroment, here in North America and around our beautiful blue-green-white-and-brown planet. Protecting life on Earth in all forms is an undeniable duty of all peoples, especially Americans, being that WE have so much in materialism.
A party that advocates a responsible use of natural resources, the obtaining of these, and the PUSHING of industry and technology to develop effecient means of using natural fuels for both the Citizenry and the Nation.
A party that encourages common sense bio-ethics, and preventing the abuse of science in humankind and the natural world.
A party that promotes a rethinking of Our foreign policy, both in Our relationships with individual nations and international organizations. Of a reapproach in foreign policy in the areas of geo-politics, U.S. defense, economic trade, enviromental issues, human rights, natural resources, and religious issues. A rethinking that involves fair and balanced policies, the protection of America, and the common sense approach of "...is this really in Our Nations interest?...".
A party that can redefine Our Role in the Near East, and especially the promoting of a "fair and balanced" relationship with those in The Holy Land, the Israeli and Palestinian Peoples. Promoting fairness, security, and prosperity for both of Abrahams' Decendents.
A party that recognizes that America can feed the HUNGRY here in the States and the HUNGRY overseas...and still have pleanty to eat.
A party that realizes that the American Farmer is the backbone of Our Nations Stomach, and that perpetual protection of the farmer is essential to Our Society. Protection from economic destruction and gigantic agri-corperations which is killing the Family Farm.
A party that is bent on destroying the wasting of taxpayers money by irresponsible politicians and the bureaucy or Our Governent.
A party that advocates a Fair Tax System, that will protect the taxpayers, encourages fairness to all Citizens, the Poor, the Working Class Blue-Collars, the Pedigree White-Collars, small and medium sized buisnesses, and the corperations.
A party that knows of the need to create many more small and medium sized buisnesses, the understanding of the role of corperations and their need to act and conduct themselves responisibly, the need to undo monopolies and corperate-monarchies, and the regulating of foreign owned corperations here in Our Country.
A party that will cry aloud from the rooftops of the right to bear arms, and the need for a responsibility from Citizens on obtaining and bearing arms, a system that protects the privacy of gun owners while enforcing rules that prevents the criminal elements from obtaining them and enforcable laws that punishes criminal use of firearms.
A party that will promote a rethinking of Our National Defense. Understanding the strategic, tactical and unconventional needs of Our Security and making sure that "A True Defense" is implemented and maintained with flexiblity for generations to come.
A party that promotes the creation in "Our Common Defense" of a State and Territorial Guard system.
A party that promotes a restructering of the National Guard Bueareu, redistrubting personnel and assests of the Air National Guard into Air Force Reserve and Active Air Force, and reshuffling personnel and resources of the Army National Guard into a new branch of the Armed Forces, The U.S. National Guard, that will have both active and reserve components.
A party that would advocate an entire reorganization of the U.S. Coast Guard by increasing it three times its current size with both personnel and equipment. The primary mission of the USCG will be rescue, defense against attacks, the interdiction of drug smuggling, and the interception of illegal immigrants.
A party that will promote the modernzation of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps. That will result in a large, mobile, and flexible force.
A party that will maintain the need of sensible strategic nuclear force. That will encourage a world wide reduction of warheads and missles for major nuclear powers, limiting of systems of minor nuclear powers, the security of all systems worldwide to prevent theft of resources, and promoting of a continued relationship with the Russians on a "Joint Nuclear Deterrence Operations System".
A party that realizes that we all have an obligation to care for the elderly, widowed, orphaned, hungry, naked, and the sick. Because a society that forgets these will face destruction from within.
A party that recognizes the truth of Our Nations history, and promotes a telling and teaching of it, both the wonderful and the terrible parts of Americas' Story.
A party that realizes the need for Our Government, that of We The People, to apologize to the First Americans for Our Governments Policies of the past, Policies that lied, cheated, coveted, that promised false hope, stole, murdered, killed, massacered, and set fourth a genocidal wave against the Native Americans.
A party that understands Our Constitution and the Laws that Govern Our Republic.
A party that cherishes the spirit of The Declaration of Independence, and the ABSOLUTE need to keep the U.S. sovereign, free, and independent, from all tryanny, both from on the outside and from within.
A party that advocates the Citizenry and all political parties, major and minor, to partake of Citizenship, to get excited about being a Free Citizen, of the fact that we are WE THE PEOPLE, and that we have a voice...a very loud voice...and that it is Our Duty to be heard by all branches of Our Government and at all levels. And this Duty and Privilage will keep the Republic ALIVE...and away from the DEATH of Empire.
posted by Gary 1:31 PM
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Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Saint Michael, Commander of The Heavenly Armies.
The Roman Catholic Christian Church has a most beautiful prayer-request to Saint Michael.
Saint Michael The Archangel,
Defend us in battle,
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil,
May God Rebuke Him, we humbly pray,
And do Thou, O Prince of The Heavenly Host,
By The Divine Power of God,
Cast into Hell, Satan, and all his evil spirits, that roam now throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls, AMEN!
A most powerful Prayer written in the late 19th Century by The Patriarch of The West, The Bishop of Rome, Pope Leo XIII.
And here are some Prayers that Orthodox Christians say daily;
Lord Jesus Christ, Son Of The Living God, Have Mercy Upon Me A Sinner, AMEN!
Our Lords Prayer,
The various Prayers giving Glory, Honor, Worship, Thanksgiving, and Praise to The Most Holy Trinity,
The Prayer of Saint Ephriam, a Syrian Father of the Third Century A.D., a Prayer of Humility,
The Prayer Requests to The Myriad of The Saints and Angels of Our Lord,
The Reciting of The Holy Psalms (they are Prayers) of The Saint and Prophet David,
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, Have Mercy Upon Us!...this said three times,
And the list goes on and on...because The Church is as deep as the sea in the realm of Prayers,
And finally...
In The Name Of The Father, In The Name Of The Son, And In The Name Of Holy Spirit, Both Now And Ever, And Into The Ages Of Ages, AMEN!
posted by Gary 3:37 PM
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Today the Holy Orthodox Christian Church celebrated the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangel and All the Bodiless Powers of Heaven-Archangels Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selaphiel, Jegudiel and Barachiel.
Let us all ask for the Prayers of these Angels of The Lord God Almighty. These Archangels and our Guardian Angels are ministers of the Will of The Ruler of All, The Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, The Three-In-One and The-One-In-Three, now and into the Ages of Ages, AMEN.
posted by Gary 3:17 PM
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Monday, November 07, 2005
The essence of Our Republic is fading as the Neo-Cons and the Extremist-Liberals continue to rule stealthfully under the Constitution, undermining that Document of Freedom and Its Citizens.
The laws and government regulations they pass and implement benifits only themselves and their corperate and special interest supporters, many of them not even U.S. Nationals. These special supporters make up the Third House of Congress...the Lobbys. And WE, the apparent willing Citizenry allow the politicians who are supposed to represent US, hollow out the Constitution and leave an empty shell.
This death can only be stopped if WE THE PEOPLE take an interest in Our Government...to GET EXCITED about what's going on in Washington, Our state capitals, Our county seats, and Our city halls. But Our EXCITEMENT is directed by the opium dished out by the corperations behind the sports and entertainment industries...and mind you sports and entertainment is fine ways to enjoy life...but WE allow them to EXCITE us and forget what really matters in Our Land...
posted by Gary 7:22 PM
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Thursday, November 03, 2005
For A Group Of Soldiers...
Please keep in your prayers the Soldiers of Delta Company, 1st Battalion, 149th Infantry Brigade, Kentucky Army National Guard who are currently serving Iraq.
These Soldiers are pulling a one year plus tour of duty attached to a Marine Expeditionary Unit in Western Iraqs' Al-Anbar Proveince.
These Soldiers are pulling combat patrols, security operations, and clearing the way for the Marines.
These Men are good as gold, coming from all walks of life, and now, they are together as One Family.
I've served with these Men...the cool ones and the knuckleheaded morons...but they are family!
Please Pray Daily For Them!
posted by Gary 5:09 PM
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Just A Note...
...Several additions and corrections were made to the previous blog on the observations on The Holy Orthodox Christian Faith.
The additions were made to the paragraphs concerning the 'onslaught of Islam'...'the invasion of the Mongol Hordes'...'the continued battles with Islam, especially the Turks'...and 'the coming of the Bolsheviks'.
The corrections pertained to a comment about Protestant Missionaries. It was pointed out by a Sister-in-Christ that my statement about their 'poor education' and 'lack of historical knowledge', was a bit harsh...and I had to agree with her...and I hope that no hurt or offense was taken by any Protestant Brother or Sister in Christ...if so...I sorely apologize.
posted by Gary 12:37 PM
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