Friday, October 14, 2005
Some Additional Thoughts On What To Do About Iraq.
From the previous Blog it was mentioned that the International Community should create a Multi-National Observers and Stability Force to help secure a real peace in Iraq.
This Force of 123,100 troops would be lead by a U.S. Force of 60,000 (50,000 in Iraq and 10,000 in Theater) with an additional 2,500 service members is the European Theater as a quick reaction force, an additional 2,500 in the Indian Ocean and Pacific Regions, and 10,000 troops avaliable in the Continental U.S.
The U.S. would provide the overall security and stabilization force, along with certion specialized operational duties such as command-and-control, communications, and regional intelligence coordinations. 2) Responsibities such as engineering and public works and reconstruction could fall to the Germans, Japanese, Chinese, Yemeni, Qatari, Bahrainian, and United Arab Emirate troops. 3) Medical duties could fall to the Japanese, the Singaporans, the Luxembourgians, San Marinian, Andorran, Barbadosian, Bahamian, Cubans, and forces from Liechtenstein. 4) Transportation systems could be assigned to the Banglideshi, Mongolian, Malian, New Zealander, and Pakistani, Czech, and Slovak forces 5) Civil Affairs and Public Affairs would be under the Canadians, Tunisians, Bruneian, Irish and Swedes. 6) Water Resources would be under the command of the Jordanians, Spainards, Mexicans, Chileans, Trinidadian & Tobagoans, and Kenyans...the U.S. should persuade and pressure the Israelis, with their abilities to irrigate the desert, to build desalinization plants...funded by the oil-rich Persian Gulf states...to help at first to "green" the deserts of Iraq, then followed by the "greening" of the rest of the sands of the Near East...sounds better to "green" the Earths deserts and feed ourselves than to spend trillions and trillions to "green" Mars for creating and feeding microbes. 7) Securing the Iraqi border is paramount and should fall to the Iraqis themselves, then to the Americans, Russians, Ukrainians, Moroccons, Azeribijanis, Kazakh, British, South Africans, Nigerians, The Combined Korean Command (under Swiss Control), Austrian, French, Egytian, Italian, Indonesians, Argentine, Indian, and Australian forces. 8) The majority of the African Union forces could secure the oil industry infrastructure along with Vietnamese, Thai, Belarussian, Australian, Algerian, Maylasian, Filipino, Portuguese, Brazillian, Armenian, Georgian, American, Omani, Pacific Island Nations, Jamaican, Lebanese, and Polish troops. 9) The Securing of the airports and military aerodrommes would fall to the Danish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Finnish, Jordanian, Turkish, Palestinain Authority, Latvian, Estonian, and Lithuanian soldiers. 10) Chemical/Biological Decontamination Units would fall to the Dutch, Belgians, Saudi, and Kuwaiti troops. 11) Security of Iraqs waterways and port facilities would be in the hands of the British, Ruomanian, Serbian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, Moldovian, Montenegrian, Macedonian, Albanian, Croation, Slovenian, Egyptian, Syrian, and Italian forces. 12) Protection of religious sites throughout Iraq would go to the following; Muslim Holy Sites, both Shia and Sunni would be under the security of the Turkish, Palestinian Authority, and Turkmen of Central Asia. The Christian Churches would be under the Greeks, Egyptian, and Maltese. The remaining Jewish Synagogues would be placed under the Ethiopians, Germans (think now!?...)and Moroccans (think of history!?...) Securing Iraqs holy sites is fundemental for a true Godly peace. 13) Farms, food warehouses and distribution centers (both government and commerical), livestock facilities and fields could be under the security of the French, Djiboutian, South African, Syrian, Canadian, Argentine, and Spanish troops. 14) The ground air defense units would be under the Iraqi, American, French, Spanish, Indian, Algerian, and Canadian forces. 15) The defense of Iraqi airspace would fall to air force units from Iraqi themselves, the Americans, French, Algerian, Canadian, Spanish, Argentine, British and the Indians. 16) The security of Iraqs roadway system would fall under mostly to soldiers from the Organization of American States along with American, French, Syrian, Turkmen and Pakistani. 17) The Securing of Iraqs rail system would fall to the British, Indian, Pakistani, Bangledeshi, Chinese, Egyptian, Libyan and Italian troops.
It will be asked..."how will this be paid for?"...by the International Community through the United Nations, the oil rich nations of the Middle East (in particular the Saudis and Kuwaitis), and extra finacial help from the industrialized nations. This must be done if there is to be an end to this gathering of death and destruction.
With the securing of a peace, a true peace in Iraq, we must first pray, pray the world over, then through a true coordinated effort by the International Community and the U.S., Iraq may experience a lasting peace and prove a stable keystone in the Near East.
posted by Gary 4:24 PM